Good Cardio Workouts for Apartment Living:

I live in a two bedroom apartment with my fiance. Its a fairly spacious apartment but I was wondering if anyone had any good workouts for apartment living. I'm not a huge fan of work-out DVDs (they just kind of get on my nerves) so I'm just looking for advice on good apartment friendly Cardio workouts! Any tips and advice would be really helpful!!!


  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    If you have an Xbox they have a ton of workout games for the Kinect - they even have a zumba one! :)
  • ShiraDarling
    ShiraDarling Posts: 232 Member
    Grab your ipod and run up and down the stairs. Great for endurance and you'll work up a sweat in no time. Also, jump rope.
  • I've got a gazelle aka cross trainer and a treadmill. Obv you might not want a treadmill as the noise can be very loud but the gazelle is brilliant, just takes up a bit of room. It's a bit like skiing and really good for your joints (I have knee probs) doesn't make a noise either. Hope this helps
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Put on your running shoes and go running for people in small apartments and houses too!:laugh:
  • Thanks for the responses: The Xbox has helped some. I just get tired of doing the same things over and over. Running isn't an option for me because extremely bad knee problems (stairs are a really big no-no for me) {Basically my knees could blow out at any moment because of where they sit on their tracks, *Drs Words/Advice, not mine*} But I really appreciate all the advice!!! I love gazelles my aunt has one, but I really have no where to put it in my apartment!! I wish I did....that would be awesome! :D
  • I know you say you don't like DVDs but I have some great Pilates ones. They aren't cheesy cos I'd hate that too. Shout if you want me to list them!