Help...How did you lose weight after quiting Depo shot????

inuta Posts: 12 Member
Its been 3months since i quit depo shot-birth control in the hopes of losing all the weight i had gained. Sadly, i have gained 10 more pounds....has anyone lost weight after did you do long did it take? And yes... i have been watching my diet n also excercising...mostly running and some weights. I am so frustrated everytime i step on the scale...i want my body clothes dont fit anymore....Help please


  • kmkgurl
    kmkgurl Posts: 321 Member
    maybe ur just retaining alot of water.. it could also be ur hormones adjusting just give it some time and im sure you will start seeing results. Just keep eating right and working out. good luck! XD
  • Taratruex
    Taratruex Posts: 215 Member
    I am still on the Depo shot and I have lost almost 70 pounds. I have been on the shot for about 10 years (looking into switching to IUD to control migraines) I have not seen a problem with weight loss. I have been actively counting calories for 14 months.
  • Little_Laura_K
    Little_Laura_K Posts: 57 Member
    I am not sure about the depo but I had the implant taken as I wasn't losing weight what ever I did and since having it taken I lost 5 pounds of water within a week. My body is always changing just eating my daily calories and I start ripped in 30 tonight.

    I've just had my second period and I've noticed more water dropping from my tummy. I think the hormones take a long time to adjust so just keep up with what your doing now and don't give up. Maybe drink more water or maybe you need to eat more?

  • Nataliemiller__xx
    I'm in the same boat as you although I gained a lot of weight, including the stretch marks! I'm currently training for the army so it's not as though I'm not eating/exercising 'right'. After not having a period since August and finishing the shot in October I've just finally started bleeding again! Although the weight isn't exactly a problem (I just don't feel sexy haha) I'd say just keep on what you're doing and hopefully the depo will be completely wiped out of your system making it soooo much easier to control weight gain, good luck anyway!!!
  • BekaP89
    BekaP89 Posts: 28 Member
    I was in the same situation you are in, I gained 30 pounds from that crap, I was on it for 6 months after the second shot I decided to quit it but I still gained weight from it, after 6 month from my last shot I decided to go to the doctor and this is what she told me, the shot messes with your hormones and causes other symptoms, for me it was depression, anger and so on. she put me on Zoloft but I only was on it for 1 month and I quit having all my symptoms and quit gaining weight and now I am here trying to lose it all, but I highly suggest you go to your doctor and tell them what going on and they will be able to help you.
  • ReadyForWeightLoss
    Bump. I gained like 50 pounds on depo and bad habits. I stopped using it like 3 weeks ago and i can totaly tell my body thanks me for no longer using it.
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