What's for breakfast?



  • psychomeep
    Savory oatmeal.
    1/2 cup of quick oats and 1 cup water.
    Stir in 1 (or 2) wedge laughing cow cheese of your choice.
    Top with a fried egg (or two).
    255 calories.(one cheese one egg)
    add 35 for another cheese and 70 or so for another egg
  • annas3911
    I made a fresh fruit smoothie with almond milk, half a banana, frozen berries and a sprinkling of porridge oats! Yum :)
  • zevonfangrrrl
    I eat a 700 calorie breakfast because I run in the morning before I eat.

    30g rolled oats (whizzed up in a food processor to make cooking quicker)
    25g wheat germ
    25g wheat bran
    30g peanut butter
    1/2 tsp cinnamon
    100ml semi skim milk
    1 small apple, diced

    I microwave the rolled oats with the milk, then stir in the peanut butter and bran/germ, add some hot water from the kettle to make it a bit smoother, then top with the apple and cinnamon.

    Drink 3-4 cups of water with my medication before it.

    Wash it down with a pot of ceylon tea served with 200ml semi skim milk, and splenda.

    Every day! And I'm still starving by 10am.
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    I actually tried something new today and it was really good! I made a grilled cheese/scrambled egg sandwich. I used one of the "thin rounds" that I find at the grocery store and toasted it in the toaster instead of the skillet to save calories on not using butter. Then melted the cheese on it and added in 2 scrambled eggs made with some salt and pepper. So good and only about 300 calories! Washed it down with a big cup of coffee. Yum!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    nothing I skip breakfast...
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    yesterday was Kashi cereal and mcdonalds hashbrowns, today is Kashi cereal and Dole Smoothie