Painful knee while running.

My exercise regime consists of 30 mins running, 10 mins of aerobics, 10 mins of sit ups and then 10 mins of yoga. It's been 2 weeks since i started and i'm struggling with running and aerobics now because whenever i start running i get a very painful left knee but i just carry on, however, the pain has stayed for longer and i'm struggling to walk on it today. Does anyone else experience this? Any other suggestions for cardio i could do while i'm waiting for my knee to get better?


  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    I would try something low impact like cycling, or rowing, keep the effort/resistance level lower than you would normally for a while. Pain is a warning that something isnt right so i wouldnt ignore it out of hand even more so when you mention knees and running in the same sentence. aching muscles can be worked through but joint pain should really be taken a little more seriously IMO. It shouldnt take too long for you to come back though and if you're used to running on tarmac you could try running cross country once the pain has stopped this helped me a lot :0)
  • lise_webb
    lise_webb Posts: 2 Member
    My boyfriend has a sharp pain in his knee when he runs - he has a physio at work who told him to reduce the amount he's running and slowly increase it. keep your route and footwear consistent, and run 10 minutes, slowly building up by a minute each time you go out. he's been fine since, except for one occasion when he tried to go too fast too quickly and had to start over. you should go and see someone to make sure there's no underlying injury though i think, you don't want to make things worse.
  • redbat
    redbat Posts: 9
    Thanks, cycling is a really good suggestion.. Not something i had thought about before since i used to hate it but this could be a good opportunity to start again. Cross country is definitley a possibility since i love in the middle of nowhere.
    Also,thanks for the great advice lise_webb i'll try that out. I'm regretting pushing through the pain, i haven't been blessed with the best joints in the world so i should've been a bit smarter about this! No pain, no gain though right? :)
  • Sarah219
    Sarah219 Posts: 46
    Hi , i would suggest the cross trainer as a good cardio exercise , it supports you more than running so therefore could be more beneficial to you ! x
  • DogsRule666
    It could be the shoes, but if the pain is that severe, I would recommend see your doctor.
    Their are many type of running shoe on the market, and it really makes a difference which shoe you choose. Depending on your foot, you may require more support or more cushioning. There are some stores around that specialize with running, and con recommend the correct type of shoe for you.

    Also, you could try starting of slowly. Try Couch to 5 k, you can google C25K for more information.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    If it hurts, back off a little. I always consider pain as a warning from my body. I agree that you can stretch out sore muscles and make them feel better, but joints may require medication and rest. You could try going slower or not going as long and see if that helps. If it doesn't resolve, you should see your doctor.
  • scotty_81
    scotty_81 Posts: 59
    It might help to build your running up slowly instead of going from nothing to the full 30 mins run. The muscles around your knee will need time to build up and support your knee joint. Try something like the Couch to 5k plan.

    You should also look at the way you run. There's loads of stuff on the internet about 'heel striking' (landing on your heel when you run) causing joint problems. I've bought some minimalist shoes and run barefoot on the beach and my knee pain has all but disappeared especially when I run.

    Here's some info to get you started:

    I agree with kwardklinck though listen to your body. Don't carry on if you're in that much pain.
  • redbat
    redbat Posts: 9
    Wow, thanks alot guys. I'm definitley going to look at these things. Couch to 5k seems to come reccomended alot here. I'm also going to buy some decent running shoes, the thought hand't even crossed my mind that could be the problem. Thanks everyone :)
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    If it stops when you stop running (or it did before you pushed to far), it could be your IT band. Google IT band pain and see if that sounds like what you have. If it is, find some good stretches for it. I've heard the foam rollers are great for it. I have one and it seems to have helped.
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    A frequent cause of knee pain while running, particularly in females is a tight iliotibial band. (Pain would be at the lateral part of the knee almost at the joint of the femur/tibia). The best way to improve this is stretching (most runners sites you can find IT band stretches) and strengthening the quads. I had a lot of trouble with this when I ran a marathon several years ago, but with doing a lot more strength training haven't had any problems recently. But, if your pain persists, see your doctor!