Any Backpackers/Hikers out there?

Nlongenecker Posts: 765
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
DH has been wanting me to go backpacking for a long time. It's not the roughing it that bothers me. I love to camp. The picture on my ticker is from his family's cabin in Canada. There is no running water or electricity. We pump water out of the lake, use an outhouse, and solar camp shower. And we run lights, refrigerator and stove on propane.

Anyways, back on subject...DH is in very good shape. He completed his 1st triathlon last year. So when we do anything, I am always the slow one. Even though he doesn't say it, I feel like I am slowing him down and holding him back. Last night at dinner with friends him and our friends basically planned a backpacking trip (beginner level for me). The other wife is probably the same shape as me, but conditioned for it. They go every year.

I guess my main question is, what do I do to get ready for such a trip? I have a treadmill that I have to manually put on an incline, other than that, I live in northern Indiana where there are no hills, just miles of road between corn fields. So I know I can go walking. Maybe do the incline on my treadmill occasionally. Then should I start putting weights in a backpack to get used to that? And probably strength training for my legs?

I will take any suggestions. My biggest fear is being the one everyone is waiting on and ruining the fun.


  • krisolso
    krisolso Posts: 29 Member
    I think it sounds like a lot of fun. Plus I'm guessing your husband doesn't care if they have to go a little slower to keep pace with you if it's your first time, he probably just enjoys spending time with you doing something he loves. As far as the training goes, have you thought about climbing stairs with a backpack on? I think that would be great conditioning for hills. Also doing squats with weights should help. Good luck and have fun!
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    I think your ideas about how to prepare are spot on. Start at a reasonable pace/with reasonable goals. I wouldn't add weights to the back pack. Instead, I would use the back pack you'll be hiking with and add in the gear you will take. This may be what you meant, but in my experience plain old weights can really throw off the balance of the pack. If your knees are in good shape, consider squats and lunges in addition to the walking. If your treadmill has the ability to set random inclines, use that. If it doesn't and you have the patience to push the buttons at random intervals, try to create your own random incline pattern - remember hiking generally includes, inclines, declines, and some flat stretches. :) Sounds fun! Have a blast!
  • mlv333
    mlv333 Posts: 86 Member
    Truly, just continue to do your cardio and add some strength training to legs, back, and arms. There is no one workout to prepare you for backpacking through mountains. I don't believe anyone will be upset with you even if you are the slow one. It's so much fun out there just being there. I often hike a teeny tiny piece of the Appalachian trail, and I don't care how slow anyone in the group I'm with is. Slowness won't bog my mood out there.
  • springgrl
    springgrl Posts: 168 Member
    If you have an exercise step, doing aerobic exercises with it will help. Also squats and lunges as others have mentioned. If you want to practice with the backpack and don't want to load up the gear you are taking, textbooks and big hardcover books make good balanced weights you can use to load up the bag.
  • vjh431
    vjh431 Posts: 38
    I live in Las Vegas so when we hike we cry with joy if the trail is flat but it most cases our hikes are very steep. It sounds like you need to focus on stamina more than anything so long walks (60-90min) would be a good challenge to strengthen your body (treadmill is great if the weather is inhospitable) or for quicker results 30 minute jogs. If your looking to increase speed then I would look into sprinting.
  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    Have you shared your concerns with your hubby? Why not ask him what type of training you would need to get in a little better shape for the trip? Sounds like a great time. Enjoy!
  • sbrouillet
    sbrouillet Posts: 64 Member
    You have the right idea. I wanted to tell you I have felt/feel the same way at times. My husband and I used to hike 12yrs ago(4,000 footers) before our lovely daughter. :o) I had never hiked before in my life. I too always felt like I was holding him up by stopping frequently because I needed to give my lungs and ticker a break. Now that I'm more out of shape than I was then, I have been doing stairs and jacking the treadmill up to a pretty good incline(at least a 5, though mine is auto)
    I would definately put the treadmill at an incline that you can withstand maybe half way up? I put 10lbs in my pack on my back and walk at an incline for at least 20 minutes. Not a fast pace, but steady. I have also put the backpack on and done the stairs a couple of times. Down to the cellar back to the main floor upstairs and back down again. You can slowly increase the weight as you become more comfortable.

    You can do it. You will have a great time. Just do not worry about holding anyone up, just think about how good it will feel to be outside enjoying nature. That is the only thing that got me through feeling the way I did/do occasionally.
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