280lb to 204lb and counting.

Hi all

I am a 30 year old 6ft4 stocky build bloke. Alwyas carried a bit of weight on me untill about 5 months ago i for some reason piled on the weight. So I went on a health kick and the weight has fallen off me. Having been on and off healthy eating for a few years i pretty much know all there is to know about what to eat and what not to. But this time i have really got into it and looked at how the body works when you eat food and the science behind what foods we eat. So this is what i did.
My first port of call was to clense the body and so cutting everything thing apart from water was a must. I used to drink on average 10 to 15 cups of tea or coffee with 2 sugars in a day and cutting that out was hard but after a headache the day after i started due to the caffine crash i have to say it's the best thing i ever did.
The next was Sugar and understanding why sugar is bad (in most cases) to a serious diet, so i cut out everything, not one choc bar or desert no matter how tempted. I think in the 5 months (and counting) ive done this healthy eating plan i have had about 3 deserts for specail occasions and i didn't feel guilty because i knew by cutting out the other quick release sugars i could afford to have these but again only 3 in 5 months isn't too bad.
The next biggy for me was Bread and how to cut it out. I have to say this was hard because iam a huge fan of bread and would eat tons of the stuff. So after doing some research i fount wholemeal wraps to be half the cals and you can fit more in them and only a little bit more expensive to buy. Now i don't have anything else and now when having bread i find it bloats me up big time so i stay away at all costs.
The next thing i have almost become addicted to is the my fit ness pal app. I was searching for a smart phone app to keep me in touch with my cal intake and i have found this has helped me lots in keeping me on the right track even though i started using it about a month into my health kick.

The biggest part though which i would recommend to anyone is drinking nothing else but water. I have found it has kept me on the straight and narrow and that iam not getting a caffine rush or crash which promts me to eat sugar food. Also keeps me away from buscuits. Every time i have hit the scales (weigh in once a week) ive lost weight and iam not to the point where i have massively gone past what i ever thought was possible. I havn't weighed the weight i am now since school. A bonus of this is how many people can't believe how much i have lost and how good i look. Deffo a confidence booster which i was lacking 5 months ago. Another big change is clothes. I can now go to any shop and buy clothes that fit which only adds to the confidence.

I wil never change how i see food and when the new year comes in it's weight training and cardio and who knows maybe ill enter a few fun runs for charity:

Happy health


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