New to this site

I am new to this site. I have tryed other sites.. and I hope this one can be more productive for me then the others. Plus I can use this on my Ipad free. The other one I had to pay.

I would like to know what helps others with their battle with weight loss. I am staring to track my foods I hope that will show me what I am eating. At this point I have no clue how much I eat.

I would also like to know if anyone would like to friend me. As I stated I am new to this site and could use some support.

Thank you,


  • fitmaster1982
    Hi Welcome :)

    Basicly for me cutting out tea, coffee, sugary drinks and alcohol sort of prompted me to eat healthy. Also food wise, cutting out bread and changing to wholemeal wraps has helped me loads and cutting out choccy bars and deserts. Ive gone from 280lb to 204 lb in less than 5 months without excersize.

    The MFP app is amazing and you will find that you will be looking at the cals, and fat content on everything you eat which is what the secret of it all is.

    Good luck

  • Rockwoodcommalindsey
    MFP is a fantastic tool. I have found it so usefull. Good luck, and welcome aboard!
  • HananYako30
    HananYako30 Posts: 83 Member
  • IbiH
    IbiH Posts: 250 Member
    Feel free to add me..... I've been on here since January '12, I'm almost at my goal weight. It's been a great journey and I think I've finally achieved the right balance in life...
  • rageddemon
    Welcome :)
  • Brboatwright
    I love MFP. Im not new to the app but new to the message boards. Good luck on your weight loss journay. Cutting our soda and sweets has helped me. I also reduce the amount of processed foods (still working on this one but huge progress). Good luck....

    O yeah...Move move move!