Anyone tried Isagenix?

Mama2HnC Posts: 77
edited January 5 in Food and Nutrition
Hi everyone!
Recently some of my family/friends has come across Isagenix. They've had amazing success... with energy as well as weight loss and loss of stress.
I'd be doing it for the energy factor. I don't need help losing weight.... but I feel having two toddlers and having moved across Canada twice in the last 6 months my body is just lagging energy so much!

Have you tried it? Has it boosted your energy?

I'll be doing the 30 day cleanse Jan 1st. But right now I just bought one container of the vanilla shake, and 1 container of the ionic powder.
I'm just having one shake at lunch every day. At breakfast I have my regular ( non isa shake ) of spinach, strawberries, greek yogurt, avocado, orange and banana shake with ice and water...

Let me know if there ARE any energy benefits from this product.. as that's the ONLY reason I'd be dropping over 300 on it to do the 30 day cleanse.

Thank you!


  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member

    I just... uh... hmph.

    These things will not help you. Cleanses and detox formulas are snake oil. Spend your money on a well balanced diet. If something sounds too good to be true, it is. Track your food with MFP. Eat as much whole, nutritious food as possible. Exercise regularly. Those are the things that will help you. Don't waste your time and energy on hogwash and mumbo-jumbo. Any success your relatives have had are due to the temporary lifestyle change and have nothing to do with some cleanse. Almost everyone else on MFP will give you the same advice.
  • I already eat INCREDIBLY WELL and exercise 3-5 times a week... I've two busy toddlers, so depending on the day, sometimes I feel like I already got worked enough! ;)
    I eat 80% clean and 20% whatever... whatever meaning, homemade treats.

    We don't eat dairy, wheat and try to stay really low on the refined sugars.. I'm just really exhausted all the time, I've tried boosting my protein, boosting my calories, sleeping longer, sleeping less, working out at different times etc..
    I'm tired of depending on my morning coffee to give me a temporary high.

    I understand where you're coming from. But I already eat really well... so I don't see how I can improve in that regard. AGAIN: Not doing this for weight loss in the slightest... I'm only a few pounds from my "perfect weight" and I can easily obtain that with my current diet... I just want to feel ALIVE AGAIN... as I did before kids!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Cocaine is one hell of a drug.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    5 hour energy or some coffee would likely run you less than $300 for the month and my money is on it being more effective.

    If you're already drinking coffee and you've already looked at sleep and you're STILL having energy issues I'd consider increasing calories or increasing CHO intake before I'd dump $300 into some MLM type of shake.

    Just being blunt here.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Again, don't waste your money on nonsense. You know it's not going to help. I know you're frustrated but that stuff is not the answer.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I tried it and didn't find any benefit, weight loss or increased energy.

    Since I've been coming here and reading articles, the thing that increased my energy was increasing my protein-up to 100g per day and working out 6 days a week. High intensity workouts.

    The best cleanse for me was eating one whole large acorn squash.

    I won't tell you to not buy it. Personally, I would rather gamble $300 on lottery tickets, or the blackjack table.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My son is in the healthcare industry and he says cleanses are nonsense. He says drinking water is the best cleanse. Save your money.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    The quickest thing it will cleanse is your bank account.
  • jesswait
    jesswait Posts: 218 Member
    Accountability works pretty well, and it's free.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I only looked at 3 days of your diary, but I've venture to say you are tired because you aren't eating enough.

    Food is fuel. You say you don't need to lose weight, so why on earth are you eating so little? Up your calories to 1,800-2,000 per day of real food. I guarantee you'll feel better without wasting your money on magic shakes.
  • Um you have two young children of course you're going to be tired?
  • Do people read my posts prior to commenting?
    I'm not some dumb chick who eats crap and does diets so I can lose weight, while running on low amounts of sleep and artificial sweeteners and crap diets

    I eat really well... I just want a answer. I already take iron pills, and I'm taking a B-12 supplement. I'm just feeling so burnt out. I've tried adding more fats to my diet as well.

    I eat clean through my morning/afternoon meals and at dinner I normally make a homemade meals for my family. Such as chillis, stews, chicken dishes, soups, pastas etc.
  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    If you're low in energy, see a doctor. I was super low in energy and found that supplementing with Vitamin D was pretty much all that was needed. You can always start by taking more Vit. D...almost everybody is low.
  • For energy, have you tried taking Vitamin B12? You can also get injections. If you have a healthy diet and lifestyle, you might want to consider a check up with the doctor to see if something is off. Good luck. And if Isagenix works for you and is part of a healthy plan, then good for you.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Do people read my posts prior to commenting?
    I'm not some dumb chick who eats crap and does diets so I can lose weight, while running on low amounts of sleep and artificial sweeteners and crap diets

    I eat really well... I just want a answer. I already take iron pills, and I'm taking a B-12 supplement. I'm just feeling so burnt out. I've tried adding more fats to my diet as well.

    I eat clean through my morning/afternoon meals and at dinner I normally make a homemade meals for my family. Such as chillis, stews, chicken dishes, soups, pastas etc.

    Oh I see we did not realize you were looking for a specific answer

    Yes Isagenix is great!
  • My goal is set to 1400 calories a day. I'd like to lose a few more pounds. A FEW as in 4-6. I said in my above post that my motive for doing the Isagenix was to gain energy, not lose weight.
    Once I'm at my desired goal, I'll be up at 1800 calories again.

    I feel bad for posting, yikes!
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    If your diet and exercise are where they should be and it's not a straight up lack of sleep sort of issue, I'd check with your doctor. I ended up getting some simple bloodwork done for just that reason and found out I'm borderline anemic so anytime I'm not getting enough iron to fix my iron deficiency, I drag big time.
  • Do people read my posts prior to commenting?
    I just want a answer.
    Plenty have been given, all indicating that given your current regimen, this stuff is not necessary. Some have even provided alternatives. I guess no one has given you the answer you want. Am i right?
  • jesswait
    jesswait Posts: 218 Member
    You are close to your goal weight, you will have a lot more energy if you just eat. You do not need any outside substances, especially because you are eating clean. Just eat more, lose weight slower and see if that helps.

    I'm sorry if my earlier comment came off as rude, I hate 'diet' products and I generally am very supportive of people's efforts. It was only the title that set me off, I've seen so many 'Has anyone tried X' posts where the people are convinced a purchase is required to live a healthy lifestyle.
  • Thanks for the info! That was the only helpful post here...
    I'm too very iffy on isagenix, I was just asking for some advice.. I couldn't find some really substantial articles on the internet. People on here can be so rude, I feel so embarrassed for even posting. Isn't this site about support?
    I too love acorn squash, we love all squashes in our house. I'll try added more to my diet.
  • domgirl85
    domgirl85 Posts: 295 Member
    Have you been to the doctor? Maybe you're anemic. I have two conditions that cause me to be anemic but for the most part neither affects me. That could be what's going on here in which you just need to eat more ____-rich food. For me, it's iron for one of the conditions. As long as I get enough iron, I'm great.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Do people read my posts prior to commenting?
    I'm not some dumb chick who eats crap and does diets so I can lose weight, while running on low amounts of sleep and artificial sweeteners and crap diets

    I eat really well... I just want a answer. I already take iron pills, and I'm taking a B-12 supplement. I'm just feeling so burnt out. I've tried adding more fats to my diet as well.

    I eat clean through my morning/afternoon meals and at dinner I normally make a homemade meals for my family. Such as chillis, stews, chicken dishes, soups, pastas etc.

    I read your original post. You should consider taking a week at maintenance intake, save your money and buy your family something nice, and enjoy the energy you get from the extra food.
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    I love the shakes. But I turn to shakes as quick meals now and then anyway. So it's not like I'm turning to the Isagenix shake formula as some sort of magic drug.

    I also like the sleep works spray.

    I will say that I didn't really notice much from the cleanse. Aside from having to pee every 15 minutes. I wasn't expecting magic weight loss here either. But I didn't feel more alive. I definitely didn't feel more energized.

    I'm currently in the process of trying to delete my account b/c they want you to have autoship, and I just don't need that much protein powder that regularly.
  • People on here can be so rude, I feel so embarrassed for even posting. Isn't this site about support?
    You might notice that folks were criticizing the idea of using the product, not you personally. I would encourage you to keep this in mind, and not make yourself out to be some kind of MyFitnessVictim.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Thanks for the info! That was the only helpful post here...
    I'm too very iffy on isagenix, I was just asking for some advice.. I couldn't find some really substantial articles on the internet. People on here can be so rude, I feel so embarrassed for even posting. Isn't this site about support?
    I too love acorn squash, we love all squashes in our house. I'll try added more to my diet.

    I think you're being overly sensitive and this could be a function of diet as well. I haven't seen anyone personally attack you in this thread and I'm not personally attacking you when I'm suggesting that you're being overly sensitive.

    Save your money, increase calories to maintenance intake for a week. Re-evaluate your position at the end of the week and if things aren't better, repost in this thread.
  • Thank you for all the feedback, I would encourage some of you to be a bit more kind in your responses... on another note, I agree on isagenix, I don't want a quick fix for my energy.. and i was afraid that this is all it would be... and hearing some of you who have gone on the system, it seems it's all it was. I'll keep on to find a more natural help in giving me a kick!
    I'll just try kicking my calories up a notch and eating more protein currently. I usually eat more around 14-1500 calories.. just the last few days have been hectic!
  • I'm overly sensitive ;) I'm a mom of a 1 & 2 year old.. Can't wait until that's gone!
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Um you have two young children of course you're going to be tired?

  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    My goal is set to 1400 calories a day. I'd like to lose a few more pounds. A FEW as in 4-6. I said in my above post that my motive for doing the Isagenix was to gain energy, not lose weight.
    Once I'm at my desired goal, I'll be up at 1800 calories again.

    I feel bad for posting, yikes!

    If you have to active kids and you are chasing them around and running around as much as you say, you need to eat more! Jesus, it isn't that hard. Your body has just popped out 2 kids in less than 3 years and you are trying to keep up with 2 energy wonder you are tired. Eat more. Drink coffee/tea. done
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