i feel like just breaking down and crying



  • kiraleilani
    kiraleilani Posts: 124 Member
    Please don't allow people who are jealous of your success to bring you down!!!!! You look amazing, and you are being healthy. That's all that matters!!! Haters gonna hate girl, just ignore them and don't feed the trolls :)

  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :tongue: I'm sending a Wet Rasberry to your "Friends". Listen to your BMI and other numbers. You are doing Fine, and you know it!!
    :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    They probably aren't used to seeing you skinny either. They may have the "heavier you" image stuck in the head and now you don't fit into that category anymore. This is intimidating for some people. And yes, jealousy is probably a factor. I don't know how heavy you used to be, but you look fantastic now. Try to let it go, sweetie, you don't need the negativity. You're beautiful.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    whoa there tex. since when did you have to give a f&£k?

    you sound like someone who bottles up their feelings instead of saying how you feel. you can say how you feel you know. you could even educate your dumbass friend as to the health of your diet, and his lack of, and tell him to tell whoever told him also.

    I think information is a good weapon, I've had a similar situation and it pretty much went down like this:

    blah blah blah your diet / intake is unbalanced and unhealthy, were worried about you. ... now this is when the questions should begin.

    thats interesting, how many calories should someone of my height and size eat a day? according to nutritional guidelines what is a safe calorie deficit? how much protein does someone of my height and size need a day? how much protein did you get today? I had XXg. what about sugar, how much did you consume this week? do you know the guidelines for sugar intake? do you know your BMI / BMR / TDEE? im XX/xxxx/xxxx. do you know what amount is considered healthy and safe to loose a week? whats your resting heart rate like? .......... ok, so just to clarify, you know nothing about how much you are eating a day, weather you have a balanced diet if your current weight is healthy or much about your current level of fitness hand health. what the f^^k are you worried about me for?

    people don't like getting schooled. I'd say bust out some of that.
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Some people can be really crappy when they are jealous... Sorry that happened to you... Sorry people have to be crappy... They are everywhere we go... And we have to learn to make it so, those people just don't matter... There are things that matter & hurt us, and there are things that don't matter & hurt us.. In this case, try to think of something happy instead. Think of the most happiest thing you can think of.... I know what you mean... Dammed if your fat w/ poor self esteem, and dammed if your thin w/ confidence. Can't make the whole world happy 100% of the time... But its not for them. Its for us.. Its us that matters. :flowerforyou:
  • keelz2010
    Don't take it to heart, they probably meant well. Seeing someone lose a lot of weight can cause people to worry, it probably does look like you're too skinny to them if they are used to seeing you bigger. Explain to them what you have told us, how you are healthy and eating well and within a good range for your weight and height. It just takes some people a bit of time to get used to the new you x
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    wow... if that's not a sign of jealousy I don't know what is. If you're eating and doing it right forget them. They just don't want you getting more eyes on you then on them. Maybe no one else said it, maybe your roomie was thinking it and didn't want to get busted. Maybe she thought she could derail you and make you want to stop eating healthy and working on you. Maybe they just don't have enough willpower to stick to healthy foods so they rather criticize you. You're focused on your health, you're eating good food and enough... forget them. They're not real friends. I think it's awesome you're worried about your health and not about a size zero. Fake friends want you to fail, real friends want you happy.

    **Edit** Also, if they were "concerned" you were doing it in a unhealthy way she should have confronted you and said "is everything ok?" or are you depressed etc. Then you could simply say "I'm just trying to get myself healthy" and that you're eating plenty so they don't worry you're depressed, not eating, etc.
  • Tamika_84
    Tamika_84 Posts: 55 Member
    People are saying that because you make them feel uncomfortable by reaching your goals. Do not let anyone box you in after you have worked hard. They are not your friends and that person who told you that should be cut off immediately because she is jealous!
  • Yukongil
    Yukongil Posts: 166 Member
    I hate when people do that. I just saw my mother today for lunch and she said I looked like skin and bones...so long story short I'm typing this from prison for aggravated assault and battery with a minor (the little kid was just standing nearby, don't ask), but it was tots worth it, cause as long as her jaw is wired shut, I won't have to listen to her rude and hurtful comments.
  • LiliWray
    LiliWray Posts: 101 Member

    Where can I get my copy? :laugh:
  • themeaningofthemorning
    Wow, guys. Thank you so much for your support. After calming down from the initial shock of finding out people were speaking about me that way, I just sat and thought about it and called my mom (what else is a girl to do in a situation like this, right?) and we talked it out and I 100% have decided to move on from people like this. "Don't let people live in your brain rent free" is what my she said. And it's 100% true. Like some of you so wisely put it - if I know I'm doing the right thing, there is no need for me to waste my time worrying about whether or not sad, pathetic, mean people approve.
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    Hey i started reading your post about your douche bag room mate and sorry that I couldn't finish reading your post but I noticed THAT YOU'RE FCCKIN HOT!
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    I am thinking they are just jelous. If this person was truly concerned, a true friend would come up front and talk to you about this no matter how difficult it may be.
  • adbohls
    adbohls Posts: 156 Member
    I agree with everyone that says it's jealousy. Feel proud with what you have accomplished and start working on toning. Perhaps, some muscle will show your "friend" just how wrong he/she is. I would not be surprised if it's really your roommate. You look great!! Tell her to look at Swoosie Kurtz. Now that is way too thin.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    Oh girl - I'm sorry this upset you. The truth is you can NEVER please everyone. NEVER. don't even try. Are you happy? Are you healthy? Then just smile, and say "gee, I'm sorry they feel that way. I'm feeling FABULOUS"
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    If I were you I'd be smiling to myself and taking satisfaction in the fact that:

    1) They're jealous.

    2) Your success makes them angry at themselves for their own weakness and lack of self-discipline.

    3) If your friends are overweight, your success probably also makes them insecure in that you'll now be looked at as "the hot one" when you're hanging out with them, instead of just another "fat chick".

    As somebody else previously said, we've become such an obese nation that being fat is "the new normal". Don't be hurt by their remarks - take pride in the fact that they noticed you're not "normal" anymore!