


  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    I just have the one tattoo on my back it just contains

    A Dragon protecting my Daughters name in symbols over a Tiger which is crossing a waterfall

    Oh and some Bamboo a Waterfall in the mountains some Clouds, more Mountains, some Acer Leaves falling onto the lake some Rocks and general background stuff

    And a temple

    But technically just 1 tattoo. "Work in Progress" :happy:
  • FitbitConnor
    FitbitConnor Posts: 143 Member
    If we're having a thread about tattoo's i think we need to start seeing some photos! lol Some of them sound great i for onewould like to actually be able to see them :0)
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Huge pair of raven wings tattooed across my back, from my shoulders to my hips and buttocks, and a winged wolf on my stomach. Pics in Profile. :heart:
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    I love tats on women. I dont have em on myself. I prefer scars to tatoos.
  • I have a sugar skull with roses as a half sleeve on my arm, from elbow to my wrist. There is a bumblebee, stormy cloud, a heart and tiny stars all as filler. I have all the card suits on my forearm. I have an unlucky black cat with the number 13 on my inner bicep, along with a pizza slice with a banner that says "DAD" on it. That's all on my left arm. On my right arm I have 3 tiny black stars on my wrist. Then on my left hip I have a cupcake (I got it long before they got uber popular, ugh).

    That's it, but I want more!
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    I have a black dragon on my left shoulder.
  • NaomiLyn
    NaomiLyn Posts: 16
    Wow! I am about to get my first one. I have wanted to get two forever, but just haven't gotten up the nerve to do it yet. I went to see a tattoo artist a couple of weeks ago, and now I am just waiting for her to call me back and let me know that my design is done (it is a custom tattoo shop, so she is drawing it special for me). My husband just got his first one this last week for his birthday. He got a huge snake being speared by a sword down his side. It looked like it hurt.

    But, I am going to get a tiger lily and some daisies on my foot, and kind of looped around my ankle a bit. And I also want to get a shamrock on my hip, but that is going to be my present to myself for reaching my goal. :smile:
  • redrum707
    redrum707 Posts: 5 Member
    I have 7, 1 on each forearm (the outside), my left inside forarm, both shoulders, my chest, and working on my collar bone.
  • Ohhhh now your talking my language :)

    I LOVE TATTOO's I have 7 and plan to get more!

    Star on left wrist
    Winged heart with crown and halo on inner right arm
    Sun on lower back
    Heart on right Bum Cheek lol
    Hibiscus pink flower on right ankle
    Tribal Butterfly at the top of my neck
    and my a full on Cherry Blossom flowers with petals over my entire right foot :)

    Lots more planned just like to think long and hard about them before actually going ahead. When I get down to my goal weight I would like to treat myself and a cover up tattoo of the sun on my lower back with a lotus flower xx
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I have 2
    a koi fish on my right upper arm
    and a portrait of my oldest son on my right shoulder

    I want to get more just need to save up for it....I want to get a portrait of my youngest son and to half sleeve in the koi
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Let's talk tattoos! Who has 'em, who loves 'em, and who wants to get 'em?!?!?

    I have 14 all together!!!
    I have...
    +a sun with my Libra sign in the middle on my left shoulder
    +a big intricate Celtic knot in the middle of my upper back
    +Dave Matthews lyrics in blue ribbon on my right shoulder.
    +red and black stars behind my left ear
    +a skull and crossbones on my sternum
    +3 stars with stardust on my left wrist
    +a women's lacy bra and the letters BRA in script on my left thigh (it stands for my sister, my cousin, and my initials)
    +shooting stars on the top of my left foot
    +3 big hibiscus flowers on my left inner ankle/calf (this was a cover up)
    +a shamrock on my right inner ankle that says "Lucky Charm" underneath it
    +the Boston Red Sox "B" on the front of my right leg, in the ankle area
    +the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland on my outer right ankle
    +the tribal symbol for "together" on the outside of my left foot (it looks like a mustache!)
    +A Michael Jackson silohuette of him on his toes on my left ankle

    The MJ is new, I just got it yesterday and it looks PHENOMENAL!!!

    How about everyone else??????

    I have the Cheshire Cat on my right hip and "I Hope You Dance" on my foot! :heart: :heart: :heart: The Cheshire Cat!
  • Vallandingham
    Vallandingham Posts: 2,177
    Ohhhh now your talking my language :)

    I LOVE TATTOO's I have 7 and plan to get more!

    Star on left wrist
    Winged heart with crown and halo on inner right arm
    Sun on lower back
    Heart on right Bum Cheek lol
    Hibiscus pink flower on right ankle
    Tribal Butterfly at the top of my neck
    and my a full on Cherry Blossom flowers with petals over my entire right foot :)

    Lots more planned just like to think long and hard about them before actually going ahead. When I get down to my goal weight I would like to treat myself and a cover up tattoo of the sun on my lower back with a lotus flower xx

    I'm not the one that's going to ask to see the "Heart". I swear.
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Hello everyone, I’ve not got any tattoos, but I am thinking about getting one. It is something that I’ve thought about for a while, but I am a true wimp and have never got up the courage. However, I realised recently that I never thought I’d be able to lose weight, and I have…! It’s made me think that maybe I can do it after all.

    I’m wanting to get a chrysanthemum head tattooed on my upper arm in a watercolour style (think Amanda Wachob Magnolia tattoo), in dark bluey purples. Here’s the pic I’m using for reference. i tried to insert it in to the post, but it's too big so you'll have to go look at the link.

    I’ve had a quote to get it done, and the artist reckons that it would take about 3-4 hours to do it (I’m looking at 3-4 inches in diameter) and the cost would be about £180-£240 (£60 an hour). All I have to do now is try and work out whether I really and truly want it done, and there for the rest of my life.

    Do any of you know much about how tattoos age? I figure by the time I get to 80 (if I do!) I won’t care, but whilst I’m in my 40’s, 50’s etc I still want it to look good. I’m 28 now. The other things I’m wondering is whether I can actually pull off the look of having a tattoo in such a visible place (although easy to hide with sleeves).

    I guess it’s stuff to work out for myself, but any advice would be welcome…I’ll let you know what I decide!

    Erika x
  • tutujoli
    tutujoli Posts: 104 Member
    I have two, one is a butterfly made up of my kids' first initials (Brendan, Emma, Baylie. A "B" for each wing, and a stylized "E" for the body and head). It's about 6 inches wide in between my shoulder blades. It needs work though. No pix of that one. lol

    The second makes more sense if you know that I'm a costume designer and seamstress.


    This was pretty soon after it was done. She's not nearly, now that she's healed and the shading has mellowed out a little :) I LOOOOVE her, but she makes it hard to buy cute winter boots. The top of the boot tends to want to sit right under her bust. Not a good look. hahahahahaha

    I have my next one planned too. I want two large pheonixes coming out of some smoke, with shadows of three small ones following behind. I'm putting it on the back of my shoulder kind of looping over to the front so that one of the larger pheonixes is flying down the front of my shoulder. We had a massive house fire in October and have been back into our house for about a month now. I'd like something to remind me of how strong our family is. :)
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Do any of you know much about how tattoos age? I figure by the time I get to 80 (if I do!) I won’t care, but whilst I’m in my 40’s, 50’s etc I still want it to look good. I’m 28 now.
    I'm 42 and I have a sailor girl I got when I was 18. She's holding up pretty well.

    The modern inks are very durable. The upper arm isn't an area that usually sags much. I'd say that unless you get some insanely bright colors that will fade somewhat, you should be fine.

    And don't forget, you can always get them retouched and freshened up.
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    I have one, a yellow rose on my breast. I want to design one with three D's in hubby & 2 kids are all D names.

    As far as how they hold up, I got mine at 20 and am 33 now. My boobs have gone from fat to skinny to pregnant to skinny still looks great but my boobs aren't wrinkled.. Think about where you get it. I got mine at the same time as a friend and she wanted it on her hip and the guy said "You want kids??" she said yes and moved the tattoo..good thing, she was one of theose people whose intire belly got stretch marks, then she got a tummy tuck...the tattoo would be a mess! Another thing is what profession your going into. Tattoos are more acceptible but sometimes it's nice to be able to cover MIL was very pleased that my wedding dress covered mine BUT I can show it off when I want. Good Luck!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    1963 - young girl gets a beautiful dove tattoed on her breast.

    2010 - "Grandma! Grandma!!! Show us the stork!!!" :laugh:
  • Breckgirl
    Breckgirl Posts: 606 Member
    I have a Pegasus on my front lower hip. Got it 28 years ago before tats were cool...again, a trendsetter! LOL My ex thought it was terrible until a buddy of his told him he wanted his wife to get one and he pops up and announces that I've got one on my hip! Thanks for checking with me if it was OK to tell people I have one, Hon! Back then it was scandelous and I was all proper! Now, I wouldn't have a problem telling...obviously! :laugh:
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    1963 - young girl gets a beautiful dove tattoed on her breast.

    2010 - "Grandma! Grandma!!! Show us the stork!!!" :laugh:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    (Lucky for me mine aren't big enough to sag:laugh: )
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    pics on profile :happy:

    A great website if your looking for tattoo idea's is