New and need Friends!!

Hi everyone. I just joined today and I am determined to lose weight this time. I need some encouragement and motivation and I think that I will find that if I have friends on here that can follow along with my progress and visa verse.
I have about 40lbs I want to lose and I am on a 1200 calories diet that I began today. Any advice on things that have worked for you would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Everyone.
Cheers to new friends! :)


  • 31993703
    31993703 Posts: 1,144
    Welcome :heart:
  • Hello there! If you would like any motivational support or just a friend to chat with feel free to add me. I'm always on here. :)
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    best advice i can say is to make sure you exercise! without knowing specifics not much other advice i can give you but i lost 80 so i know you can lose 40 :) feel free to add me and ask any specific questions you have!
  • Hi! Welcome!
  • maryannmack
    maryannmack Posts: 5 Member
    HI Slimwish1386,
    you've made the first step..well done. I too am on a 1200 cal per day menu. I need to lose at least 30lb and joined My Fitness Pal only 4 weeks ago. I count in kilos and have lost 3.5 kilos to date. The website's great and I was able to choose several other items I want to monitor, ie., iron and calcium. I also downloaded the app to my iphone so can add my snacks as I go without developing amnesia...I also check some items before I eat and if the calories are too high, I won't have it.
    I try and ensure I am eating fruit and veg, the right carbs, and enough protein, as It is a low calorie diet and I don't want to miss out on nutrients. I also downloaded the Runtastic Pedometer to my iphone, and for free. It syncs with My Fitness Pal and counts your daily steps.......not ready for jogging yet!
    Looking forward to seeing you on here again, best wishes, Maryannmack
  • ohmyshysamantha
    ohmyshysamantha Posts: 138 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • crunchywhit
    crunchywhit Posts: 11 Member
    feel free to add me!
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    hi add me:)
  • Hey!! I'm Mia :) I just joined today. you look great in your picture, youre crazy, youprobably dont need to lose that much! Im also on a 1200 cal diet, its supposed to make me lose 2 lbs a week.. sounds like very little. I need to lose at least 25 lbs. do you want to be diet buddies?
    xoooo -Mia
  • Hi Mia and thanks for your reply and kind words. But trust me, I do need to lose the weight! I added you, happy to have as many diet buddies as I can get :) And btw..You do not look like you need to lose 25lbs either!
  • Hi Mary,

    Thanks for all of the great advice! I have an android but that I will check to see if there are any aps like that step counter that can link to here, that sounds like a good idea. I also found a bike game that is at the YMCA that will link directly to MFP so I'm going to give that a try , too.
  • I just joined today too. I am also looking to lose weight, but I am also doing an anti-imflammation diet. I have been having a lot of internal right side pain and had a thermography screening done which showed me where in my body there is inflammation.
  • Hey All :)

    I also recently joined.. i'm a junior in college.. I was chunky in high school but after 3 years of eating garbage the weight has really come on. I have had enough and am looking to lose weight for the summer and my last year of college (and life). I'm also looking for some diet friends!
  • meghannrenee
    meghannrenee Posts: 202 Member
    New friends for encouragement and motivation are always great - add me :)
  • Add me, I am new too. I hate being a fatty and am determined to lose weight. I can't take it anymore.
  • Hello everyone im new here and I've joined to shave of some of this unnecessary fat. It looks like theres a great community of supporters here, who needs weight watchers when you got myfitnesspal. Hope everyone reaches there goal and god bless.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Hello and Welcome to MFP!!!

    You made a great first step by joining....

    Tip 1 - If you bite it; you write it
    Tip 2 - Plan, Plan, Plan (planning meals in advance helps to have food ready when you're hungry so when you go to reach for something "easy" and "fast"; you have something healthy already ready to go.
    Tip 3 - Start moving...if you have never exercised before, take it slow but start moving; find something you LIKE to do and will continue to do; dancing, running, walking, biking, skating, hiking, skiing, tennis, swimming, kickboxing, zumba...anything that you have available to you. Do you have a gym you can get a membership at? Community center to take classes? Community college you can take classes? Look around to see what is available....
  • Friend request sent! Welcome.
  • Hi, I have been using MFP for about 132 days and have lost 50lbs. So I am a firm believer in this app. Add me Robingirl78,
  • Hey guys! i am new i need to lose weight and i need lots of motivation! I am a mother of 3 and Man have i let me self go!
    i have gained 60 pounds since my highschool weight. I am tired, no energy and i hate the way i look! i have a low budget as far a money for food and weight loss supplies. i need help any advice