Didn't realize I was THAT big!

I went to a family BBQ and sat on a lawn chair. When the lawn chair broke I thought 'oh I didn't notice this chair was so weak. It wasn't until weeks later and I reflected on that day that a lightbulb went off...literally just pop.....I broke that chair with my weight. I was stunned. I have never considered my weight and now I was noticing tags on ladders...holds up to 230lbs. lawn chairs holds up to 150lbs. OMG I have to buy my tools in the plus size section of the hardware store. Now I want to cry. I have to change. This website looks amazing and with it's help I hope to reach some goals and share my progress. Hello everyone.


  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    I know where you're coming from. I tried to go shopping for new clothes yesterday hoping to finally get out of my maternity pants [4 weeks postpartum] My Hubby tried to show me a size 20 and got so upset and told him I was NOT that big...went to try on 1 and 2 sizes smaller than that...they didn't fit at all that was my motivation to come here and really work on my weight!
  • jenken99
    jenken99 Posts: 564 Member
    Dont worry if you keep on this website and keep track of the things you eat you will realize where you go wrong,, and then you can fix it.. good luck and stay healthy!!!!:heart:
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Welcome to both of you! This is a great place for support. Send me a friend request and I'll be sure to help out where I can. You can also find me on Facebook as Risa Ganel:smile:
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    I didn't realize how big I was either until I tried playing on the playground with my son and realized I didn't fit down the slides or on the swings. I am now glad to say that with the help of this website I can now do that. It's funny what makes us realize how big we have gotten and how our minds can lie to us. I wish you the best of luck on your weight loss journey. You will love this site it is so simple and the people here are so nice and supportive and full of lots of great advice and knowledge.
  • luv2run4fun
    WELCOME!!! This website will hopefully be as effective for you as it has for the rest of us members! It is the best tool I have ever used with the exception to exercise!!! The online community support is awesome! I wish you the best as you begin your new journey!
  • stacyoct19
    stacyoct19 Posts: 187 Member
    this really is a good site to help keep you on track with your goals. here's what i recommend for you.

    list out your mini-goals and your final goals. mini-goals will keep you excited about your hard work and you will notice the small accomplishments. these will lead you to the big finish! don't get overwhelmed by all of the changes. it's not gonna happen over night. also, don't be discouraged when you start dropping the pounds and then notice the next week that you've gained some back. (this happened to me) our bodies can fluctuate so much in just a day even. it's impossible to gain several pounds of FAT in a week.

    good-luck! it's a fantastic way to take care of yourself :)
  • llyndon
    llyndon Posts: 73 Member
    Girl, you are singing to the choir with this post!!! I have noticed over the last year how MANY things are listed as being 230 or 200 lb weight limit and it completely freaks me out. Almost all my firends are small and when we go out I'm trying to surreptiously check weight limits of things ( hammock, beach chairs, golf carts) to make sure I'm not gonna topple over something or break somethingk and look like a big fat fool!!
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    awwww! Thats okay. I know how you feel though. The day the "light bulb" went off for me was when I went to visit my son's family in New York and couldn't walk fast enough to keep up with everybody and because of that we missed the last ferry to see the Statue of Liberty. I felt so guilty.
    So I joined MyFitnessPal in Feb. and lost 11 lbs so far and now I can walk a mile in 15 minutes!
    Keep logging in your food (all of it) and try to exercise at least 3 times per week, even if it's just walking. You WILL see results!
    Good luck to you and may you soon be able to buy your lawn furniture in the small dept. lol!
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Yes, Yes.... Hello, Hello, and Welcome, Welcome!

    This is a great site, you'll live, learn and love it here - I'm sure! :smile:
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Best of success to you. Do not worry about the plateaus--weight stays the same a few days--you will get past them if you follow site parameters for your size and add exercise (I vary mine from walking to gazelle to watching lo-impact exercise shows on TV.) This plan is designed for 1 lb weight loss per week.--meaning you can lose 52 lbs in a year. That thought is what keeps me going, day to day.
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    You have come to the right place in aiding you in your weight loss! It was so many things that motivated me to want to lose weight. When we all coupled up and went on vacation - I was the big one out of the bunch. I didn't have a scale at the time and I knew that I gained weight....but I thought I only gained about 5-7 lbs....when I finally weighed myself at work...I had gained 25lbs....I was totally in denial! You can do it - We all have to start somewhere and you have started with a decision!
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    Welcome and good luck! The weight loss journey is so life changing! There are great people here to help us on our way.. they have the best advise and so many have been where you've been... me included!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I know how you feel -- at my heaviest I was somewhere over 270. I moonlight in a restaurant and someone asked me to climb on a ladder to clean the top of the wall. The ladder said it would safely hold 225lbs. I was so embarassed because I didn't want to say "I'm too fat for this ladder" but I also didn't want to break my neck because I used a ladder that I know possibly wouldn't hold my weight. So I took the "I'm too fat for this ladder" route. :embarassed:
    But, hey, I found MFP and I'm not too fat for that ladder anymore! :laugh:

    You can do this. I know having over 100lbs to lose seems incredibly overwhelming -- I was in your shoes 6.5 months ago. Just take it one day at a time, learn everything you can about proper nutritrion and being active, and find a healthy lifestyle that works for you. :flowerforyou:
  • jewelinvic
    jewelinvic Posts: 332
    You will love this site! The people here are fantastic and the support and motivation you will find here is terrific. I realized I was "that" big when my hips got stuck in our dining room chair. I usually sit in one of them without the arms, but accidently sat in one with arms recently. When I stood up, the chair came with me :embarassed: Good luck on your journey

    Cheers :drinker: