Fat Guy in a LIttle Coat

Just started using MFP this week. A friend showed me to the site and things kind of took of from there. I am looking for a few people that would help keep me motivated. As I am sure the times ahead are going to be filled with all sorts of challenges. Currently I am 6' 3" and 340 pounds, but am wanting to lose at least 100 pounds maybe more, I want to get down to a normal size person.


  • cwettstain
    cwettstain Posts: 58 Member
    Hey. 270 lbs, 6'5", similiar situation. Let's lose some frickin' weight!
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    hey! we can be friends and help motivate each other!! you can do it! And you will find many motivational people on here!

    Let's become normal people sized together!!! :)
  • I love what you said. You want to be normal sized. I totally understand that. Same here. I'm OVER being tubby.
  • Hope1861
    Hope1861 Posts: 13 Member
    Fat Guy in a Little Coat-that's funny.

    Ok Tommy Boy-I'm sending you a Friend Request!
  • Damn I was hoping Santa was here =P Welcome! Welcome to the group "Not-Santa"... =)
  • Freaking HILIARIOUS I love it.
  • thanks everybody
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Welcome!! :smile:
  • Hollander001
    Hollander001 Posts: 8 Member
    6. 4 and 281 when I started a few weeks ago, currently 273 in the same boat. We can do it.
  • firemanfive0
    firemanfive0 Posts: 228 Member
    started out at 296...down to 256.....feel free to add me
  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    You had me with the Chris Farley quote.
  • running_shoe
    running_shoe Posts: 180 Member
    My smile for the day. Please take me along for this ride. Sounds like great fun. I'm here every day and totally dedicated to healthy lifestye (without being radical!)
  • I remember that movie. That was funny. he was fat, and in a little coat. he died. Did you guys know that? That was sad.
  • Add me if you want some motivation! I got lots of it! :D
  • GOOD LUCK!! :)
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Anybody who drops a Tommy Boy quote has got to be worth having as a friend. I'll send you a request. Do with it what you will...:laugh:
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 472 Member
    Welcome man, and you got this! For me, the most important part was making the decision to do it, and remember why I made the decision when the going got tough. I was 6'6", 490 when I started, and I got down to 230 before I decided to start putting on more muscle. I'm right around 240 now.

    The impact it has made on my life and my families life has been amazing. More than worth all the hard work that it took.

    Feel free to add me.
  • Carlyannabelle
    Carlyannabelle Posts: 621 Member
    You had me with the Chris Farley quote.

  • kerricolby
    kerricolby Posts: 232 Member
    I think you're going to be all right. They have a thin candy shell. I'm surprised you didn't know that. Friend request sent!
  • Anybody who drops a Tommy Boy quote has got to be worth having as a friend. I'll send you a request. Do with it what you will...:laugh:

    ^^^Yelp!!!! Sending an ADD now! :-)