Need brutally honest opinions please



  • Oh dats really lovely...but how did u do long did it take you n much did u lose????
  • geonbaeLeilee
    geonbaeLeilee Posts: 606 Member

  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    wow, that's a great change! I wish i could be in your "before" size... :P
  • geonbaeLeilee
    geonbaeLeilee Posts: 606 Member


    There you go.

  • I know I still have quite a bit further to go but your comments mean a lot that all this work isn't just for nothing :)

    Honestly I think you're perfect in that last picture.... where else do you want to lose weight?
  • There's a massive difference. I hope I end up with your body when I'm done!
  • lauryn0392
    lauryn0392 Posts: 22 Member
  • AnnaVee84
    AnnaVee84 Posts: 345 Member
    can instantly see a difference, even though your clothes and pose in the older pic hide much of your body - the arms alone look more toned!!
  • lauryn0392
    lauryn0392 Posts: 22 Member
    Oh dats really lovely...but how did u do long did it take you n much did u lose????

    Ive not finshed but so far 47lbs in 4months just counting calories and moving more :)
  • lauryn0392
    lauryn0392 Posts: 22 Member
    wow, that's a great change! I wish i could be in your "before" size... :P

    Well according to your ticker you are! :) i started at 205lbs and currently 157.
  • lauryn0392
    lauryn0392 Posts: 22 Member
    I know I still have quite a bit further to go but your comments mean a lot that all this work isn't just for nothing :)

    Honestly I think you're perfect in that last picture.... where else do you want to lose weight?

    Thats really nice of you, thank you :)
    Just generally all over, still too much fat :( my goal is to loose another 30lbs.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Can anyone tell a difference between these two pictures? None of my friends have said anything, so maybe I look just the same? I dont see much difference either.

    i dont think the pictures are working

    >snipped out the pics as per admin<

    as another person said.............are you for real? You're half the size from one pic to the next.....on top of the fact that you're very cute to begin with.

    If others arent seeing it's because they choose not to.. not because it's not visible.
  • mickeyhunt1
    mickeyhunt1 Posts: 6 Member
    I think your friends need a visit to the Opticians. The differences are huge. Just focus on certain parts, such as the arms. In the second picture your arms look great, much slimmer and more toned and your overall body shape is slimmer and fitter looking. You look great and anyone who isn't telling you that is either not looking at you properly or not your friend. I have lost 4.5 stone since August 2011 and I recently saw someone who had not seen me since then. I have gone from 18 stone to 13.5 stone and she said "Oh Mickey you look so different". I prepared to be boosted by some weight loss praise and she then said " you have had your hair cut it makes you look so different"!!! Duh!! I thought what a *****. She is not a friend, just an aquaintance, needless to say she is not on my Christmas card list. Be proud of yourself the difference is amazing. :flowerforyou:
  • PennyHarris123
    PennyHarris123 Posts: 159 Member
    you look really different...really fit and toned well done :o)
  • JCES10
    JCES10 Posts: 37 Member
    Huge difference ! Great work !
  • Incredible difference, I think some people are afraid to say anything because they don't want to allude to the idea you were ever heavier. I lost 50 pounds and a bunch of co-workers and friends were VERY guarded in saying anything. A few were worried that i might not have meant to lose weight (sickness).

    You look like you're doing AWESOME!!!
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    I dont have photoshop. Yeah they are real. Whst wrong with my legs?! :( bit freaked out now.

    Do you mean the side of the legs? I have a purple stripe down them which kind of blends into the background i guess.

    LOL-I apologize! NOTHING is wrong with your legs, so don't be freaked out!! It must be the purple stripe blending into the back ground causing the weird angle on the outside of your legs a little above the knees :) And just like some others on here pointed out, you look fantastic! If you really have another 20/30 lbs to lose like you said you want to lose, you must be wearing it VERY well :)

    You know, friends CAN be weird when someone in their circle loses weight. It changes the balance that the group of friends has found before, where each person plays off the other people's strengths and weaknesses. My mom lost well over 100 lbs, and she used to have a tight knit circle of girlfriends that got together at certain times of the year to celebrate birthdays, holidays, etc before she lost her weight. They slowly started making snarky remarks about her weight loss, and then they sort of distanced themselves from her...Stopped inviting her and emailing her, gradually.

    They were all thin. My mom has never been the "look at me! i am so hot" it wasn't her being rude or "Stuck up" about losing weight. It was more like one of them probably felt threatened in their hierarchy of the group, probably started forming a clique amongst the women, and eventually, everyone had the group mentality and stopped being nice to my mom.

    I am not saying that this happens ALL the time...BUT, i am sure if you were to google something along the lines of "my friends are treating me badly since i lost weight" or "differently since i lost weight," you will probably see that it DOES happen more than we would like to think.

    Some friends don't want to be offensive by bringing it up...and some are jealous that 1.) you can do something that they haven't been able to do yet (lose weight, get healthy, look better) or 2.) They think you will be better looking than them and that is a threat to them.

    Now that I m talking about it, a friend of mine was very used to getting all of the attention when we would go out to clubs when i was heavier during that phase of my life...then i lost weight (before i had my baby, i was fit, then gained, then lost 36 lbs)...we went out a couple times together after i lost weight, and that was it because i literally could not stand how pouty and b****y she would become when i would get attention and she wouldn't. I found myself trying to avoid compliments from guys in front of her because it was causing so much tension in our friendship. She would start talking about how it was lame there, that the guys were lame, etc and want to leave. One time she acted like she was having a panic attack and couldn't breathe...She was fine 2 seconds later when a guy was hitting on her instead of me. lol

    SO, friends CAN be weird...I choose to only share my weight loss goals with the ones who I know will be supportive. And I choose my company the same way. The ones who never compliment me on my successes during this journey, I just brush em off and think about MY WHY for this journey and know I am doing it for ME, not for them.

    BUT WE ALL do NOTICE A VERY BIG DIFFERENCE. You look much more streamlined and fit. I am aiming for fitness like what is in your after. YOU GO GIRL.
  • and there's a smudge on your shoulder by your bra strap. The second photo is suspect because I don't know what you'd do to your calves to look like that and I don't think it has to do with a purple strip.

    There's nothing wrong with the body in the second photo, just the editing.

    Of course there is a difference between the two pics. Anyone can see that.
  • joannathechef
    joannathechef Posts: 484 Member
    Huge - big - massive - awesome - differnence

    Well done!
  • lauryn0392
    lauryn0392 Posts: 22 Member
    and there's a smudge on your shoulder by your bra strap. The second photo is suspect because I don't know what you'd do to your calves to look like that and I don't think it has to do with a purple strip.

    There's nothing wrong with the body in the second photo, just the editing.

    Of course there is a difference between the two pics. Anyone can see that.

    Like I said my pants have a light purple stripe at the side so it blends in with the carpet. The smudge on my shoulder is me covering a tattoo so people dont recognise me. I didnt edit them, what would be the point? I came here to ask for honest opinions as I really cant see a difference. But thanks for being horrible and making me feel worse.