Newbie needs motivation for Christmas weight loss please!



  • Hi i am horrible with exercise good with food wanna help each other
  • patch_work
    patch_work Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Anne

    Really be good and count absolutely all the calories of everything you eat. Remember you on "cheat" on yourself if you don't!
    Don't go over the 1200 calories a day but don't go too far under either it won't help.
    If you feel peckish have a glass of cold, fresh water.
    Make up some healthy snacks (low calorie of course) and keep them handy in the fridge (.take some to work too).
    Don't weigh yourself again until next Sunday and then not until the Sunday will be surprised if you stick to keeping the food diary properly and with honesty.

    Post a message again next Monday and I'll reply!
  • hajir7
    hajir7 Posts: 53 Member
    hello Hannah, it will take a little time for your stomach to adjust to be full with a small portion, but you have the control in your mind set a goal to make your meal smaller and gradually you will be amazed with the result:) and always exercise more if you want to eat more:)
    Food that helps me to feel full are eggs specially hard boiled egg, tuna, pita bread and oat meal. feel free to add , me I have open diary:)
  • AleshiaBunting
    AleshiaBunting Posts: 48 Member
    I use Sundays to prep my meals for the week. I weigh and measure all of my food so there is no guess work on portion sizes. I eat a protein, veggie, and fruit for each meal and I eat 5 meals a day with caloric goal of about 250 - 300 for each meal. I also drink about a gallon of water a day. Water is boring! So I have to make drinking water a game or a challenge. I have eliminated sugar and gluten from my diet and it was HARD, but I feel amazing. Water Plants Animals! Hope this helps and good luck with your goals!
  • Thanks Anne I'll try the not weighing myself till Sunday and I will let you know how I get on. Just keep telling myself no cheating!
  • SOUP!! And even better, make your own. It is so so simple to do and very healthy as you use all fresh ingredients. I make a batch that does about 4 servings and I enter them into the recipes section of MFP. It then works out how many calories per serving and it always works out well!! It's healthy, filling, nutritional, and y,u,mmy!! I'm tucking into my homemade roasted pepper and tomato soup right now actually! Its a big bowl and its only 129 calories!! Whoop whoop!! :)
    That soup sounds amazing!
  • I use Sundays to prep my meals for the week. I weigh and measure all of my food so there is no guess work on portion sizes. I eat a protein, veggie, and fruit for each meal and I eat 5 meals a day with caloric goal of about 250 - 300 for each meal. I also drink about a gallon of water a day. Water is boring! So I have to make drinking water a game or a challenge. I have eliminated sugar and gluten from my diet and it was HARD, but I feel amazing. Water Plants Animals! Hope this helps and good luck with your goals!
    Is it true drinking so much water makes you feel even more hungry as stretches your stomach? That's what I was worried about haha.
  • Thanks! I'm going to try the boiled egg, everyone says that keeps them full!
  • Hannah,

    The M&S meals are called fuller for longer. They're pretty good. I don't think just a salad will keep you filled up for very long, make sure you have some protein in there as well. You can buy small packs of sliced chicken, also from marks (or wherever really) and add that in. If you do just have veggie based salads for your lunch, have a healthy snack around 3pm to stop you reaching for the biscuits. I've also been reading about these noodles called "zero noodles" they sell them at Holland and Barrat but my local one has run out. They are Japanese and supposed to be 0 calories. (or therabout) From what I've read, they are an excellent alternative to normal noodles/pasta. I'm hoping to track some down and try it with a tomato based sauce and some grilled veggies. x
  • AleshiaBunting
    AleshiaBunting Posts: 48 Member
    Water is essential! It will make you feel full and when combined with food will make you feel even more full. And eating the right foods in the right portions is BIG! Eating 4-5 small meals a day makes your body work harder because it is always metabolizing.