
Hey all,
So I'm new here, I joined five days ago and have been stuggling since! I have no self control when it come to sweets! My goal is to lose 10lbs but I see its going to be a long road if i cant keep candy out of my mouth! Anyone have tips for fending off the munchies? Thanks:)


  • kgasser
    kgasser Posts: 333 Member
    If you are that dependent, allow yourself one per day...but log it and make up the calories by exercising. I do and I have lost 21 pounds in just over 2 months.

    Just my 2 cents worth...if it is strictly forbidden you will never make it!
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    I loooooveee eating sweets too! I am trying to lose 15 pounds to get to my goal weight but I have the same issues! especially with easter here and all the chocolate everywhere! Ahhh! i always used to eat ahwatever I wanted and didnt have a weight issue until this past year, and sometimes it is still hard for me to realise that my body doesnt allow me to eat anything I want without gaining!

    I used to even eat a chocolate bar a day!!!! For years until I gained weight !

    I find the worst times for me waiting sweets are after lunch and dinner. Especially after dinner! I try and not buy them and bring them in the house, and if I am at a birthday party or somewhere, and theres cake, first I make sure I like that cake enough to waste my calories, and if I do, I will have only a little piece and work out hard after to burn those extra calories off. Then I dont feel deprived and it seems to be working!
  • stargirl27
    Don't buy it. If it's not in the house you won't eat it...I could never just stick to one piece. It's really easy to say no in the store you have lots of other things going on other people around home will call to you and you won't be able to resist.

    Maybe once a week like on Friday night or something buy 1 piece. Your favorite and indulge...but other than that don't keep it around.