Pre-wedding weight gain...please help me regain my focus :(

Hey Gorgeous Peeps!

I know I'm the only one who can ultimately help me loose weight but I really need some motivational thinking to kick me up the butt at the moment! I get married 10 weeks on Friday and have done so so well to maintain my weight since October 2009....but the past week has seen me eat my way through collossal calories and put my exercise on the back-burner and I don't know why! Might be the Winter blues or pre-wedding nerves but I really need to re-focus!

I know there are so many of you out there who have or are in the same boat so any inspirational tips would go down a treat...I need to drop 10 lbs in 10 weeks...HELP :)


JLS xxx


  • kajaknowers
    kajaknowers Posts: 113 Member
    1) you don't wanna look fat in your wedding dress.
    2) Honey moon period.....u wanna look and feel your sexiest.
    3) 10 lbs in 10 weeks is more than achievable, instead of eating more go for a brief walk at
    4) You've maintained for so long already so you know you have the capability to do it

  • swissdutchess
    Get yourself a sexy piece of lingerie and hang it somewhere in your room where you can always see it, like on the outside of your closet door or something. Also, find pictures of fit women and tape them to your cupboard door...I do little things like that and they act as reminders that I need to stay focused and in control. :)

    You could even get the lingerie in a smaller size, and remind yourself that your reward will be wearing that because you can fit into it! :)
  • heathercolem
    Instead of focusing on what you should not be eating, focus on making sure you get your servings of whole grains, veggies, and fruits. Also drink your water! I find that when I focus on the good stuff and not on what I can't eat, I do better. Good luck and congrats!
  • jodieleigh
    You're so right! Thanks chick :) xx
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    You know what you need to do. QUIT BEING A CRYBABY AND GO DO IT! Nuff said.
  • bonnykate
    bonnykate Posts: 123
    Don't stress too much about it -- your wedding will be wonderful and perfect no matter what size you are! For now, make sure you're making smart choices when you eat (I know showers and other parties can upset this, so try to be REALLY good when you're eating regularly), and get back to exercising! Your husband-to-be will think you're a stunning bride on the day you walk down the aisle and all of the honeymoon, so instead of stressing about losing exactly 10 pounds, take the pressure off yourself and just go out to be healthy. If you're eating right and getting exercise almost every day, it's possible you'll lose all that weight anyways - but even if you don't, you're still going to look and feel amazing. Congratulations of your wedding and good luck!
  • jodieleigh
    You guys on here are such an inspiration...thank you for your pearls of wisdom and support x
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    Sounds odd, but I keep posty notes in my car with motivational tips and health tips on the dash board. So while I am running errands or on my lunch break, I am motivated to not make bad choices.