
Sooo when you look at MFP it says I'm eating mostly clean food.. and I really do. But I also cheat heavily on soms days. I felt I needed to really post this, or else I won't eeeeever change. I went to the store today with a huge chocolate-craving talking in my ear. Whispering. I got out safely! Also did day 5 of the 30 day shred today so it's not all bad.

Question though; I've been stuck on the same weight for a year now (great weight: 53 kg), despite eating around 1200kcal a day and working out about 6 days a week. I'm mentally getting tired. What to do??? I really need motovation. Or chocolate ;)

Thanks everyone for reading this!

-Additional note: 1,5 year ago I got really sick.. and my body just refused the 'bad' foods. I could only eat bread with cheese and vanilla yoghurt for 5 months. Since then< i am gradually eating more sweets but I find it really hard to eat over the 1300 kcal since I'm mostly stuffing myself with healthy food.


  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    You are stuck at the same weight because your body is holding on to everything it can...Working out six days a week and only eating 1200 per day will do that to you....
    Eat more....
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member

    Eating enough is not a challenge. Healthy proteins and fats, with the occasional splurging (you could totally eat chocolate in moderation), will get you to your calorie goals easily.

    1200 calories is not enough for the amount of activity you are putting your body through. No wonder you're mentally tired! Your brain, not to mention the rest of your body, is not fueled enough.

    Aaaaand finally, what makes you think you need to lose weight? You need to look into your body fat % and reevaluate your goals. Most likely, you may not like the way you look because you have too little muscle... because your body is not fueled enough to build that muscle. Eat!
  • mkanak
    mkanak Posts: 38 Member
    You are eating too little that's why you are stuck! What is wrong with these 1200 kcal diets, it's WRONG people you are burning your muscles! Scale goes down but not fat!!!!
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    You look good! I dont think you need to lose any more weight, just body fat. Yeah lift some weights girl, you may not lose any lbs, but you will tighten up! :)
  • mkanak
    mkanak Posts: 38 Member
    You look good! I dont think you need to lose any more weight, just body fat. Yeah lift some weights girl, you may not lose any lbs, but you will tighten up! :)

    I agree, why do you want to lose more weight?
  • Utrecht11
    Thanks for all the advise! I guess I'm kind of new to the whole fitness ideas... like I said I've gone through serious illness but still hope to lose some body fat. My body fat percentage nowadays is 26.

    So how to lose the body fat? Eat more? Should I go for 1500 kcal? And simply lifting weight will so the trick? Anyone other suggestions?

    Thanks for reading and helping!
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Not just lifting, but strength training. Heavy sets, low reps, pack muscle (not freaky scary muscle) on your frame and you will burn more cals at rest. Not just lifting will do the trick, but a good plan, such as 5x5 program, and good protein diet will help you keep your muscle while stripping fat. I also highly recommend sprints, they've helped me a ton, and all I have read are positive things about them.
  • Utrecht11
    When typing in 5x5 workout in youtube... you see a bunch of men lifting massive weights. Intimidatiiiiing ;)
  • Clynnsky
    Clynnsky Posts: 2 Member
    When I get chocolate cravings, I get chocolate soy milk (silk is the best). It's rich enough that drinking a small glass helps to get rid of that craving and I don't feel to guilty afterwards!

    :) May not be much help but thought I would chime in!