You've just won $500mil! What are you gonna' do with it?!



  • shrinkinc
    shrinkinc Posts: 74 Member
    Contact an attorney and our finical advisor.
    We'd both give notice at work.
    Pay off debts/mortgage, etc (pay off close family debts too - in-laws house, bro/sis-in-law's student loans)
    Help out close family/friends.
    We'd move to Germany (probably Berlin). Have additional homes/condos in Chicago & Vancouver BC for sure.
    (Kids would school in Germany.)
    Travel (as a couple and with the kids)
    Start a charity with portion of money and be involved in running said charity
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    Start an organization to help battered women and children. Ive lived it and I want to help others get out of a situation like that. Also buy a home and start a restaurant business :-)
  • MantisToboggan_MD
    MantisToboggan_MD Posts: 30 Member
    "Rebuild Hostess"

    Better to just burn the money. Same effect in a fraction of the time.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Run to a financial advisor first!!!!! Then I would pay off all student loans and any debt (luckily for me its not a lot). I would put money away for my kids educations, write my parents a check to try to pay back all the times they helped me out without asking for repayment. I would also get my puppy dog a friend to hang around with. Then I would find a decent house that I love and go on an amazing vacation before coming back to reality and all the long lost friends and relatives I never knew I had. After that I would try my best to invest smartly so that I do not have to worry about working. I would probably continue to work for a little while until I became comfortable that the money would not be blown. It is said most lottery winners run out of money within the first 5 years.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    1. Quit job. Immediately.
    2. Take off for a month, travel the world. Contemplate what I'm going to do when I get back home.
    3. Hire lawyer, financial manager, etc.
    4. Financially set up my family members for life.
    5. Buy a few homes in locations that I would like to live in during different parts of the year.
    6. Figure out what I wanted to "do" with my life - initial thought is that I would open an animal rescue center of some sort.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Buy my McDonalds and burn it to the ground. Move to Ireland. The end.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    "Rebuild Hostess"

    Better to just burn the money. Same effect in a fraction of the time.

    Or I could Rebuild Hostess, then open gyms next to my new Hostess stores (much like Duncan doughnuts). Make 2x the money, like companies that produce re-fried beans and toilet paper.
  • Mguilmot
    Mguilmot Posts: 232 Member
    Buy a house. With a HUGE garden. Then I'll be my own farmer and eat my own veggies.
    And forget about the rest in the bank. :-)
  • kit8806
    kit8806 Posts: 222 Member
    I'd pay off my car ($11,000 left on it)
    Have a house built for me
    Set a college fund aside for my daughter
    Put some in the bank
    Give some to my mom to start her Bed and Breakfast (she was also recently laid off)
    Any left would get divided to my family and some donated
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    I stand by my original statement when it was $425 Mil.

    Make sure my family is looked after. Buy a place in St. Croix and live there. Pick a couple good charities and send them an annual gift.

  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    I really liked what everybody wrote here, more than once I thought: Hey I would like that, too!
    And then it hits me like a train!

    The very first thing I would have to do is see a lawyer, who gets my parents and relatives of my back!~
    Second thing I would do is pay of my in laws houses and our own as well as other bills.

    The rest then pretty much the same as everyone, travel the world, buy or built a house, make sure I have enough to ensure I will never be poor again!
  • daz061
    daz061 Posts: 13
    hire the best scientists in the world to cure cancer
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Move to Florida
    Buy a house on the beach
    Buy a brand new car
    Hire a full time chauffer (I don't drive)
    Buy a house in the city for my parents
    Pay off my parents and grandparents
    Start a non protfit business for people who need to to places but have no car and very little money
  • Seaduck79
    Seaduck79 Posts: 35 Member
    First thing, pay off all my bills and those of my family and close friends, and do some nice things for friends and family, like a nice long vacation in Hawaii. Do some traveling; always wanted to see Europe. Donate a substantial sum to the local Children's hospital and the Wounded Warriors project.

    Second thing, shield as much as I could from being taxed by putting the vast majority of it into a non-profit foundation for helping others who truly need it - not freeloaders who won't work, but those who need a hand up. Microloans are hugely popular in third world countries for helping a family better its quality of life, and I would want to invest heavily in that type of concept.

    I would rather give the money away than let the government take it and waste it.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Buy a house....number one on the list.

    Pay off my son's student loans and buy HIM a house, too.

    Pay for the rest of my DD's college and buy HER a house.

    Put money away for my grandchildren's education.


    Give to numerous charities....especially the Alzheimers Association and the ASPCA.

    And just help out as many people as I could.
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    First off, we'd take the lump sum vs payment over many years.

    Pay off Students Loans
    Pay off Family debts
    Pay off Inlaw debts and mortgage.
    House expansion/remodel/tear down start over..which ever seems best!
    See if we can't buy back the 100 acres of the inlaws land they've sold to handle the insurmountable debt.

    Find a good piece of cattle property.
    Finally quit only drooling over all the amazing cattle auctions and get to stocking our place. (Cattle being the major investment made with the money!)

    Finally, see what kind of money it takes to persuade the ding dongs that run the athletic apartment at the University of Idaho to build a real football stadium!

    Try and find a secure place for the rest.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    pay off all my friends' debts and goal map 45 years worth of prepaid adventures.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    -Set up my family and pay off their debts
    -Pay off all my debt
    -Continue to work PT and donate money to charity
    -Travel travel travel!!!!
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    I would get allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the pugs that needed rescuing..............and maybe the bostons and the french bulldogs, the waa waas and the griffons............................. and have a big *kitten* small dog sanctuary.
  • Give alot to Breast Cancer awarness foundation, buy me a small house, have a nice whip, and that is about it I would not quit my job I love that I have the ability to defend America at all cost!!!