I cheated but I'm ok wiht it!!!!

Yesterday we put a new floor in our kitchen and dining room so we worked really hard at it all day and even had to make another hour trip to get a bit more material last night. Anyway, We go out for breakfast every sunday and I always order healthy but I do have a pepsi. Its my treat every sunday and usually the only day I go about 50 g over on sugar. We ate at 11 a.m. so I didn't really have luch but I had 3 healthy snacks through out the day. Last night when we left to get our material, we stopped at KFC and I got the grilled chicken. I logged before I left so I knew where I was at and I knew I was going to go over on sodium for the day. On our way back we got ice cream!! I had 2 scoops of chocolate in a waffle cone!! I know, bad, but you know what? I've been doing this for about 4 months and this is the first time I've gone over on my calories and sodium! And, I don't care!! I guess I shouldn't say I don't care, because I do, so what I'm getting at is I am finally in control of what I eat and how much of it. I wasn't worried about it at all because I had a plan set in my mind as to how I would overcome the ice cream!! This morning I got up and the first thing I did was eat breakfast then got some good cardio in. I'm right back on track and it didn't ruin my evening, my mindset or my ability to say no because really, this is a lifestyle change. I looked at it as a test of my willpower and ability to continue my healthy lifestyle. I'm not going to give up chocolate ice cream forever so I may as well except the fact that every once in a while, it really is ok!! The best part wasn't even the ice cream!! Its the fact that now I really totally believe I am in control and nothing will stop me now!!


  • skroll
    skroll Posts: 24
    Way to go! I splurged a little on spring break at home with my kids but I am sticking to the new me! It felt good to have a scoop of ice cream with the kids and it didn't kill me! I think it is finally sinking in and I am on my way!
  • vjh431
    vjh431 Posts: 38
    Your progress looks swell so I see nothing wrong with that. Every Sunday I go out of my way to my favorite Euro Bakery shop and get a few sweets. I make sure I break the healthy habits once a week so I'm not stressed or tempted for the rest of the week by junk food if that makes sense. It works for me and plus I've lost two pounds in the last week alone since upping my game and I've hit first 10lb mark from 240 to 230 which I haven't been since this time last year. Next stop 220!
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    I think you hit the nail on the head! Seriously, I had a Ah Haaa moment! It not being perfect on the diet all the time, it is not even the cheating, it is the ability to get back on track when you fall off a little. Knowing that an ice cream cone will not kill you, and you can have it, because you know you are committed to your health and will be making great decisions! Sorry. I got a little excited!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Its the fact that now I really totally believe I am in control and nothing will stop me now!!

    good for you!