20 pounds by new years!!!

I need motivation people!! I love food so much and hate working out! Bad combo for trying to lose weight. but I have this beautiful dress for New Years and I can't fit in it. I love it and want to wear it so bad. Who's with me!


  • aimeebug82
    aimeebug82 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in!
    This is a good mini goal to try and reach plus perhaps a new outfit would be a good reward along with a night out...which i plan on anyway Lol!

    Wednesday is my offical weigh day for the week so here goes!

    NYE GW: 165.0
  • tkiefe01
    tkiefe01 Posts: 72 Member
    I am totally in! I just need to adjust my goal a bit because I a breastfeeding and my weight loss can not be too dramatic becaus my milk supply will suffer :/ Hope thats ok. BUT I REALLY I NEED THIS! YEA! wed is also my weigh in day.

    SW: 143.5
    NYE GW: 130

    OMG if i can do this it would be awesome!
  • lizapettit
    lizapettit Posts: 166 Member
    I'm totally in!
  • sarahg2290
    sarahg2290 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm in! I also have a dress to wear on NYE! It's a lace LBD and I would love to wear it with confidence. I weigh in on Thursdays usually, but as of today I am 166 and would like to be under 150 by NYE!
  • bobs08
    bobs08 Posts: 15 Member
    YEY I am so happy more people are with me on this it helps me a lot! Let's all stay on this! Keep updating ladies we will do this! ;)
  • aimeebug82
    aimeebug82 Posts: 27 Member
    NYE GW: 165.0

    WEIGH IN 11/21: 179.2
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    I am in!! I would like to lose 20 pounds by Christmas. I have lost 17 pounds so far since October 30. I am motivated. I need to lose 15.5 pounds by Christmas to be down to where I was last Christmas... I would be psyched to surpass that with a 20 pound loss!!!

    CW: 241
    GW: 221 (for Christmas)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Oh how I loathe arbitrary deadlines for weight loss...

    ...but best of luck to all of you just the same.

  • Im in. My goal is 15 and I just weighed last Friday, so hopefully I will have some good news heading into next week.
  • skeeds
    skeeds Posts: 33
    I'm in as well! Are you planning for a weekly weigh-in?

    I have 10-15lb to lose, but 10lb would make me VERY happy :)
  • stewie_cl
    stewie_cl Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in. My goal would need to be 15.
  • I'm in too!

    CW: 219

    NYE goal: 199

    That would be amazing to get out of the 200's :)
  • bobs08
    bobs08 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in as well! Are you planning for a weekly weigh-in?

    I have 10-15lb to lose, but 10lb would make me VERY happy :)

    yes I will do weekly weigh ins. I just weighed in yesterday (Friday) and I weighed 154.
    SW: 154
    NYE GW: !35
  • sarahg2290
    sarahg2290 Posts: 54 Member
    I weighed in on Friday as well!

    SW: 165
    NYE GW: 155
  • aimeebug82
    aimeebug82 Posts: 27 Member
    SW 11-14:183.6
    NYE GW: 165.0

    11-21: 179.2
    11-28: 184.8 :sad:

    Ok so i knew this week would be bad because of Thanksgiving but this is embarrassing and depressing all in one!!!! I am for sure back on it as of this past Monday with high hopes of getting it back off and moving on down. Darned you turkey and fixens!!!
    Keep up the good work everyone! We can do this!!!
  • ruby72288
    ruby72288 Posts: 23 Member
    YES! none of my friends are dedicated to the weight loss goal kinda stuff, so it's awesome that there is support and motivation on here! I have a skirt I'm trying to fit in by Christmas/New Years, so I'm TOTally in. It will be tough, so the support will be awesome.
  • I'm in!!!!
  • I'm in too...means I have to average 4 lbs a week which is high. I am going to shoot for 15 lbs. I just came off of Weight Watchers so we will see how this goes!
  • So in! 206 now and want to be 190 by NY! Yay for holiday accountability!
  • jeweljeans
    jeweljeans Posts: 109 Member
    I'm in. Goal for 149 though. 10 lbs. Gonna be tough! I don't remember weighing that in my adult life... well, maybe at 18!

    CW: 159
    NYE: 149