what's your 'non-eat treat'?



  • Dumbell_Diva
    Dumbell_Diva Posts: 175 Member
    Photography is my hobby and I find it so totally absorbing and time consuming that I dont even think about eating!! Im using my hands either taking photos or downloading and editing them, so cant reach for food. Im pretty passionate about it! and it also helps when Im feeling low too!

    Other things that help are listening to music and also reading magazines. Im a HUGE comfort eater, and eat when Im emotional, happy, stressed or sad, so with me its about finding something to occupy my time and distraction techniques!!

    Emotional eating is also pretty habitual and apparantely it takes 30 times of not doing something to break a habit, or form a new habit!!! How many times do I make a coffee and grab a biscuit to dip in....just because thats what I always do....its habit, not because Im hungry.

    Another tip.............Im a chocoholic and have always craved chocolate for as long as I can remember. I was brought up a vegetarian and have always had a diet thats a little low on protein. Recently I upped my protein and no longer crave chocolate!!! I still have a sweet tooth and still need a little bit of choccy, but nowhere near as much as before!
  • An episode or two of Mad Men. Also, as crazy as it sounds, when I am feeling emotional, I go to the gym. Once you make the connection that working out calms you, it'll be the first thing you want to do when someone pisses you off or makes you sad!
  • Nail polish! Sitting down with all of my tools (file, clippers, cuticle cream) at the living room table and painting my nails the perfect shade of what I want is relaxing and soothing to me.