Mirena IUD - Weight Gain??



  • sunnygirl19
    sunnygirl19 Posts: 60 Member
    Weight gain while on Mirena? Check
    Migraines? Check
    Mood Swings? Check
    No sex drive? Check

    I had this in for about 3 years and couldn't figure out why I felt so awful. I had it taken out and now have a copper IUD (hormone free) and I couldn't be happier!
  • Tempe729
    Tempe729 Posts: 270 Member
    Weight gain while on Mirena? Check
    Migraines? Check
    Mood Swings? Check
    No sex drive? Check

    I had this in for about 3 years and couldn't figure out why I felt so awful. I had it taken out and now have a copper IUD (hormone free) and I couldn't be happier!

    My mum had a copper IUD years back and I had hoped for similar, but I sorta had to settle on Mirena since it was the only semi-permanany IUD they offered that wasn't the Nuva ring or a pill :huh:
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    So this question was posed to me by my recruiter... the whole disclosing of personal information thing. And despite working out, eating clean 90% of the time (we all have cheat days/meals), staying within calorie-intake (despite those few "oops!"-days/meals), getting in plenty of water, sleep, etc... I'm having an increasingly hard time with weight loss...

    But I've noticed that while I have had my IUD the past year I have been a lot more moody (stupid things will make me tear up), I have no sex drive what-so-ever (& i'm only 23!), I also tend to get super angry at times, and despite those of you that have seen my exercise-diaries, I honestly have little to no-energy a majority of the time.... All of which are side-effects of the IUD. And it's been suggested by my recruiter that perhaps the IUD is causing me to go one-step back for every 2-steps I take.

    I gained about 30lbs after the IUD was put in (over a few months time) and it wasn't until January of this year (about 5months after I got the IUD) that I started my weight-loss journey. I dropped the first 25lbs rather quickly (between Jan. 2012-April 2012) granted I was also attending university exercise courses averaging 12-hours of varied exercise within a 5-day school week, but ever since then I've hit a lot of plateaus and walls and it's taken me 6 months to drop the other 14 or so pounds even though I keep up on everything....

    SO... My question is to you ladies..... have you experienced any troubles with weight-loss while having the IUD in versus no-IUD? I've read dozens of patient reviews of Mirena-users for the past hour on various sites and they all are/ have experienced the same side-effects and frustrations....

    Have any of the Female MFP community?
    I got mine in 07 and had nothing but issues for 4 yrs. I couldn't lose weight even religously exercising and eating. And I had many of the same symptoms and my period was exxactly the same. I got sicker and sicker for years and then I had enough when I gained 18 pounds practically over night. I had it removed and had flu like symptoms for 5 months. We had another baby and I am finally not feeling sick anymore and have more energy than I ever had with the marina and I weigh10 pounds heavier.
  • Tempe729
    Tempe729 Posts: 270 Member
    So this question was posed to me by my recruiter... the whole disclosing of personal information thing. And despite working out, eating clean 90% of the time (we all have cheat days/meals), staying within calorie-intake (despite those few "oops!"-days/meals), getting in plenty of water, sleep, etc... I'm having an increasingly hard time with weight loss...

    But I've noticed that while I have had my IUD the past year I have been a lot more moody (stupid things will make me tear up), I have no sex drive what-so-ever (& i'm only 23!), I also tend to get super angry at times, and despite those of you that have seen my exercise-diaries, I honestly have little to no-energy a majority of the time.... All of which are side-effects of the IUD. And it's been suggested by my recruiter that perhaps the IUD is causing me to go one-step back for every 2-steps I take.

    I gained about 30lbs after the IUD was put in (over a few months time) and it wasn't until January of this year (about 5months after I got the IUD) that I started my weight-loss journey. I dropped the first 25lbs rather quickly (between Jan. 2012-April 2012) granted I was also attending university exercise courses averaging 12-hours of varied exercise within a 5-day school week, but ever since then I've hit a lot of plateaus and walls and it's taken me 6 months to drop the other 14 or so pounds even though I keep up on everything....

    SO... My question is to you ladies..... have you experienced any troubles with weight-loss while having the IUD in versus no-IUD? I've read dozens of patient reviews of Mirena-users for the past hour on various sites and they all are/ have experienced the same side-effects and frustrations....

    Have any of the Female MFP community?
    I got mine in 07 and had nothing but issues for 4 yrs. I couldn't lose weight even religously exercising and eating. And I had many of the same symptoms and my period was exxactly the same. I got sicker and sicker for years and then I had enough when I gained 18 pounds practically over night. I had it removed and had flu like symptoms for 5 months. We had another baby and I am finally not feeling sick anymore and have more energy than I ever had with the marina and I weigh10 pounds heavier.

    I had the typical 2 weeks of cramping after it was put-in.... occasionally I'll have crampy symptoms but I always thought they were a result of gas (probably were/are gas), but I've only had one-period (a very long one) since I got the IUD and spotting inbetween, but the mood swings, lack of energy & what not happened after the IUD was put in
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I had no weight gain (I was already fat when I got it), but I definitely notices a reduction in sex drive and mood changes when I got the Mirena. I just didn't feel like myself. It look me about 2 years to piece it all together and get the thing yanked out. Removal resulted in improvements in both areas.
  • Tempe729
    Tempe729 Posts: 270 Member
    I had no weight gain (I was already fat when I got it), but I definitely notices a reduction in sex drive and mood changes when I got the Mirena. I just didn't feel like myself. It look me about 2 years to piece it all together and get the thing yanked out. Removal resulted in improvements in both areas.

    I'm hoping it'll do the same for me as well... I was already considered overweight before I got the IUD, but I gained a lot of weight in a short amount of time after getting it put in.