Cellulite, aka The Devil

Okay so I've always had a big butt. Let's just start with that. And even when I wasn't overweight, my big butt had some cellulite on it. I even had some cellulite just underneath my butt and on the sides of my legs. But then once 12 years of competitive cheerleading and tumbling came to a screeching halt, that cellulite got BAAAAD. I'm so self conscious of it. It's like all over the backs of my thighs and my butt.

Has anyone had a problem with cellulite, and did it improve for you when you lost weight?
About how long do you think it will take to see a noticeable reduction in it??
I heard a lot of people say that once you get it, it's there forever. If that's true I just want to chop off my entire lower half. Ugh.


  • Shara126
    Shara126 Posts: 144 Member
    Okay so I've always had a big butt. Let's just start with that. And even when I wasn't overweight, my big butt had some cellulite on it. I even had some cellulite just underneath my butt and on the sides of my legs. But then once 12 years of competitive cheerleading and tumbling came to a screeching halt, that cellulite got BAAAAD. I'm so self conscious of it. It's like all over the backs of my thighs and my butt.

    Has anyone had a problem with cellulite, and did it improve for you when you lost weight?
    About how long do you think it will take to see a noticeable reduction in it??
    I heard a lot of people say that once you get it, it's there forever. If that's true I just want to chop off my entire lower half. Ugh.

    Oh honey, I am so there with you!! One thing that has really helped me is strength training. I have noticed notable improvements with my cellulite since I started lifting weights and doing resistance training. Squats and lunges are your best bet, start out with your own body weight and then gradually add weight. I am squating 90 pounds and I LOVE IT!!
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    I'm not sure which helped most since I started them about the same time, but strength training and foam rolling have made a huge difference on my cellulite. It was really bad and after only a couple of weeks it's completely gone from my butt and 90 gone from my thighs, and now months later it's stayed gone and my skin just keeps looking better.
  • sr_maggie
    sr_maggie Posts: 19 Member
    I'm in the same boat!! This is what I found that discussed cellulite to help me approach it realistically.

    "Weight loss — through healthy diet and regular exercise — is probably the most beneficial cellulite treatment. Losing pounds and strengthening muscles in your legs, thighs, buttocks and abdomen can improve the appearance of the dimpled skin. The benefits of weight loss alone are limited, however. Though the cellulite may be less noticeable after weight loss, it won't go away completely. "

    Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure that since my mother has it, and it was visible even when I was in HS and actually pretty skinny, that I'm stuck with it. If weight loss is the most beneficial, then that's what I'm doing. Ok, so I won't wear short shorts, but at least I can look good in longer shorts and/or tighter pants. :)
  • Cellulite is just the way fat appears, and 90% (at least) of women have some amount (though it's certainly more form some than for others).

    If you reduce the amount of fat you have, the appearance of your cellulite will reduce, as well. It's completely genetic. I would guess (and it's totally just a guess) that you'll probably revert to whatever amount of cellulite you had before you gained weight. Again, it's the way the fat appears under the skin. The appearance is based on your genetics (how your fat arranges itself), and how much fat you have, overall.
  • OddChoices
    OddChoices Posts: 244 Member
    Spinning and strength training has helped a lot. No more dimpled butts.
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Based on my own personal experience, the appearance of cellulite is reduced considerably when you lose weight. Mine is not even half as bad as it was (though not gone 100%).
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Don't know how mine compared to yours when I started working out but it has significantly reduced at this point. Hoping when I reach goal, it will be nonexistent.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Brazil Butt Lift! I've noticed that mine has gotten considerably less noticeable.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Most women have some cellulite. It has more to do with genetics than anything else. As you lose weight, and burn body fat, the look of your legs and rear will improve. Cellulite, after all, is just body fat that has been contracted tighter in some areas than others.

    I had some cellulite at my high weight, but as I dropped my body fat percentage, the vast majority of it disappeared. It's genetic though, so I know that if I let my body fat percentage creep back up it's likely to re-appear. That is what people mean when they say you can't get rid of cellulite.

    There's not much you can do to treat cellulite other than burn that fat right off! Burn baby burn!
  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    Yep... I've had a big butt forever. I noticed the cellulite in middle school. It wasn't that bad and would only show up when I flexed my butt, but I remember feeling self conscious about it even then.

    Now, I strength train, but I also work at an office job where I sit on my butt all day long, and supposedly that makes the cellulite worse. I've also heard that it never goes away, but I've had success with disguising it.

    I use a dry brush and brush my legs and butt in circles for about 10 minutes. Then, I shave, and put on lotion. You have to really massage your legs with the lotion. I'll do this when I want to wear short shorts/dresses, and it really does make a difference, I promise! The sad part is that it's only temporary :(
  • Evey_bee
    Evey_bee Posts: 77 Member
    Same here! I've always had cellulite even before I put all my weight on, and most of it is still sticking around now i'm losing /: I don't think most people notice. Took my current boyfriend over a year to notice it, and since it's only very high up on my thighs/bum I doubt anyone else is seeing it!

    My big problem at the minute is bingo wings!! My arms still seem so huge and flabby compared to the rest of me.
  • skittles1928
    skittles1928 Posts: 57 Member
    I've never been overweight, but almost always had cellulite on my butt and thighs (and I have a tiny rear!). Running has helped my legs and butt astronomically, and I've started doing squats and lunges as well. Hopefully they help!
  • I have cellulite and got more of it the older I got, but all on the tops of my legs then I got this exercises that worked so well. The web sight I got it from was Joey Atlas and I swear by it,,,I works. My legs were looking so bad and getting fat where I never had it before I saw this and thought it was a scam and I got it thinking it worth a try. My legs are back to normal I was so happy and shocked at the same time, exercises that were always there and new about but just never stuck with it until now, but you have to keep it up,,,you will be so happy,,,,good luck.
  • SaraBiston1
    SaraBiston1 Posts: 45 Member
    Try this some Easy and simple way to remove Cellulite.

    • Yoga and deep breathing is an exercise that you can practice to help you smooth out cellulite.

    • To help you reduce the cellulite, build muscle with the employment of resistance coaching. you’ll do lunges, squats, leg curls and presses. Exercises like swimming, walking, stair stepping and even dancing will facilitate burn calories and these exercises can help remove cellulite from the legs. You’ll do any exercise that increase muscle and burn calories.

    • Try cellulite massages. The treatment is fairly easy and is way sort of a normal massage. You need to apply a moderate to heavy pressure to the cellulite area, using the palms, fingers and or knuckles to firmly massage the area. The massage can increase blood circulation permitting the body to scrub out the toxins victimization the bodies natural waste system.