I'm new and need help!



  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    Feel free to add me too.

    Have you ever tried botox for your migraines? I've heard that can help. I haven't had that many migraines in my lifetime, but I can guarantee there'd be NO WAY I could exercise when all I could bear was to be in a dark room with a cool compress over my eyes and absolutely no noise from anyone or anything - which is how I feel when a migraine strkes. I would also suggest speaking to your HR department to see if there are any changes you can make to your work area that would trigger fewer of them - the lighting is tough, but maybe some antiglare screens on your computer screen or perhaps moving your workstation to a spot where the florescent lighting was less direct?
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Even in a call center you can stand and do leg lifts with a headset on. Sitting you can use water bottles as weights to do arm exercises.Keep plenty of fruit and vegy's for when you get bored(it can get very boring in a call center).Walk around the call center on breaks and lunch.And bring your lunch.You can make it the night before. A crockpot is a lifesaver for making chicken breasts for burritos,quesadillas etc! Good Luck!
  • Arrista
    Arrista Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you all soooo much for the support. I can't tell you how much a relief it is to see that a) I'm not alone and b) that this is an active site with so much helpful information!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Track your migraine triggers

    Especially if it's related to what you eat. I can't see your food log, but reading #1 and #2, my first thought is a gluten sensitivity, as those are both symptoms. What are your other health complaints? An elimination diet would help you determine what your triggers are.
  • Arrista
    Arrista Posts: 12 Member
    I have tracked my triggers and my Doc and I have taken care of most of them, however one of the big ones is a weather change. Living in S Ontario Canada, in the fall and spring is really tough. Stress and poor sleeping habits as well. My Doc says all of my blood work is normal now with my vitamins (Iron, D3, and B12 plus my thyroid meds) and I don't get sick from eating bread. Could this still be a gulten issue?
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    I thought I had all my migraine triggers nailed down too, but I still got them nearly once a week. Went low-carb and haven't had one at all this past month.
    I also have a slightly under-active thyroid. The meds do nothing as far as weight loss, but they did stop the weight gain.
    I sent you a friend request.
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Feel free to add me as I am always welcome to help motivate and add any help I can. Goals are hard as you want to set them high enough to reach for something, but for those that exercise and dieting dont come natural to, I have seen that making it too hard will only result in people to stop trying. So there is definitely a balance to find there. Just be positive and use MFP and you will learn alot about yourself, nutrition, exercise, and from great friends here who all do a great job motivating!
  • Phoenixchichima
    I'm old & I need help lol (well, 52)
    1) dont know about underactive thyroid.
    2) or migraine triggers, although when I was younger & got them working out reduced frequency a LOT. havent had one in years (touch wood)
    3) yeah, working out w/headaches sucks but the increase in oxygen to your brain & relaxed blood vessels & neck muscles will help. working out/exercise just helps overall
    4) I'll be your friend but I dont know how to knit ;)
  • Phoenixchichima
    ps, my friends & I have better luck with short term goals. we post what we want to lose overall. but between ourselves we work at being compliant w/diet & exercise for a set period of 4-6 weeks with start & end dates. mind you the start dates are w/in days of the previous end dates. but its just 4 weeks, you know? NOT 73 lbs.
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    Just a quick reply, but have you cut out caffeine? That was a major trigger of migraines for me, along with job stress which caused tachycardia and so contributed to migraines. The thing was, I never really drank coffee and only the occasional cola anyway so didn't think it would make a difference but it was drastic. I now only drink decaffeinated tea and have cut out cola, left the job that was stressing me and haven't had a migraine since :)
  • wildfirediva
    Low Carb and Keto regimes are great ways to eliminate most sensitive food items (which often fit in the carb category). Plus it is not much harder after that to further reduce dairy if necessary. Both regimes are also good to treat Candida which can also cause a lot of systemic imbalances. (lots of resources on line regarding Candida)

    As far as sleep goes, talk to your Dr about recommending a sleep study to help determine any underlying issues there. Sleep is very important to weight loss and healing. I finally did and those results helped to get me personally feeling better with more energy. (which equates the will to want to be active and work out).
  • bhfood
    bhfood Posts: 77
    Hi, I just saw this. I'll be your friend. I too have hypothyroid condition. I take synthroid replacement medication. My wt loss has been quite slow but it is happening. I am about 110 days into mfp. I've lost 8 lbs, on the verge of 9. I would say from my exper. with the thyroid condition I just have to exercise harder and eat less cals. I have gone by the recommendation and I have 50 to lose, so I know it will be a long journey. I have learned a lot from the folks on here and you will too. I say small goals are good. don't set dates, too much pressure. Just plan when you lose first 5 lbs, give yourself a reward (not food related). Then at 10 lbs, etc, maybe after awhile youll go in 10 lb increments. Clean eating also. my coach is stephjb1221 on here and she is great. Feel free to add me. :flowerforyou:
  • amydee714
    amydee714 Posts: 232 Member
    I am 40 and suffer from chronic and debilitating migraines. In addition to rescue meds I also am on daily meds for my migraines. I also have hypothyroid and am on medication for that as well. Having thyroid issues (and PCOS) has not stopped me from losing weight.

    And I do not use anything as an excuse not to exercise (except for having a migraine). If I don't ACTUALLY have one, I exercise. And let it be known that I HATE TO EXERCISE WITH A PASSION THAT WILL NOT DIE! :explode: **breathes heavy** sorry about that. I look at it like this. Exercise is like doing the dishes, I don't want to do it, but it has to be done. If I don't exercie, there is no excuse, it's just because I didn't want to! lol :laugh:

    ETA: feel free to add me as a friend if you are looking for someone who logs in daily and will offer you support
  • Kismet_35
    Kismet_35 Posts: 28 Member
    You can do this! Work your own path, decide what works for you. Fell free to add me as a friend.
  • newfette81
    Hi There!!

    I am also 31 (will be 32 in April) and I too have an under active thyroid. That paired with a period of depression and a whole lot of laziness cause my to top the scale at 305 pounds. I once I decided to take my life back I tried a bunch of different weight loss diets and programs and had a little success.. I joined MFP when I was 289 pounds and I'm down about 26 pounds.

    First off the medication for your thyroid isn't a magic pill. It isn't going to make you lose weight. Only you can do that. yes it may be a little more difficult cause if you're anything like me my metabolism is all but non existent... it just means you need to work a little harder.

    I also get a lot of bad headaches. I don't know if i'd call them migraines. some are a LOT worse than others. you have to work for things that you want. I find that even when i don't feel the greatest I still make myself do some kind of workout. a lot of the time I feel better by the end. I don't push as hard as I normally would but the activity clears my head.

    As for the goals, if you focus on the big goal its easy to get discouraged... When I started here I had 130 pounds to lose... thats a whole person! I find it helps me to look at how far I've come and not how far I still have to go. I look at different strength exercises I do in the gym and realize how much stronger I am this always makes me happy and proud. Make mini goals for yourself. Reward yourself for reaching mini goals... but not with food. food rewards are for dogs...

    you can absolutely add me as a friend if you like. I'm here everyday! :flowerforyou: