Still See A Fat Person?

kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
I have been overweight to obese my entire life. Had WLS over 8 years ago and have lost almost 150 pounds. Just 20 pounds from where my doctor says I should be and most say I look pretty good, especially those who knew me at my heaviest.

Here is my question - Does anyone else who has lost a large amount of weight still see that fat person when they look in the mirror? I sure do. Try as I may to give myself kudos for what I have accomplished, I see the flaws and the negatives first. Is this something that will stick with me for ever or have any of you had success conquering one more demon?


  • frefrebelle
    frefrebelle Posts: 30 Member

    I know what you mean!

    Though my achievements haven't been as amazing as your - well done on that btw :) - I have lost 50 pounds and need to lose another 20ish. But I cannot see it at all! I have been joking about body dysmorphia (thinks that's how you spell it), but I don't even see it when I look at before and so-far photos.

    But I must have lost weight because the scales say so, so does my husband and I have had to buy new clothes.

    I think in my case this is going to be another fat-girl issue I have deal with, I've sorted the eating and exercise and now I have to deal with the self-esteem. The valuing and appreciating of myself...I'm open to tips if you have any :)

    Good luck!
  • Hi! I've lost 120 with more to go and know what you mean. I still feel fat - well, technically I still am, but you know what I mean, it's dificult to see the improvement. Beyond that, I feel like a melted candle, all mishapen and quite unattractive. I really appreciate you posting your struggle with this because sometimes it seems like there's not much talk about this sort of thing and I find it to be a big barrier for me.
  • phoenixgirl81
    phoenixgirl81 Posts: 309 Member
    Yep. I get it. I have lost 35kg (76lbs) and I don't feel any different at all. I can see it in photos. My clothes regularly don't fit (even the new ones) and the scales tell me I've lost heaps...but I don't feel it. I feel just as fat and uncomfortable and horrible as I always did. My fitness is greatly improved, I can run now, my core is stronger and I can lift weights I never thought I'd be able to lift...but I just wish I FELT different. Maybe in another 10 kg?
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    no big explanation...just a resounding yes. Some days I see the new me and some I just see the old heavier me. I know its in my head and I have gotten better about it. But its a process.
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    For me this is the hardst part about weight loss. I have been really struggling with this mental block for the past 2 months now. I don't feel any different, and I look in the mirror and I still see 194lb Meghan not the 16-something Meghan. I am 3 sizes down from this time last year but....I still feel fat.

    I wish I had better tips of how I get through it, but I really don't have anything. I have forced myself to go buy some new clothes which seems to help. I was still wearing the oversized clothes in attempts to get down to my goal weight before buying anything new, but I just started feeling crummy about myself. Sometimes retail therapy really is good for the body, it allows you to visually see yourself fitting into smaller clothes.
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    Yup. Down to 127 pounds, and I still feel my invisible muffin top.
  • chelle_fri
    chelle_fri Posts: 333 Member
    Yep, and sometimes I feel heavier than my highest weight... Phantom fat
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    Yep.... think it's because I focus on my problem areas most(my legs) I have thunder thighs and knee fat and big calves and shin fat. It's the first place I gain and the last place I lose. I know I've lost some weight but the legs are still very large and quite dimpley and jiggly. :-( The top half is slim and the bottom half is not. When I focus on my top half I do feel "normal" sized but not skinny. I guess when my legs don't jiggle so much and look more slim and toned maybe then I won't feel SO big. :-/
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    Hmmmmmm... after 8 years I would think it would be getting better for you. Maybe seek professional help if it gets in the way of your everyday life.

    I lost all my weight in 14 months and have kept it off for over 3 years. I do see the thinner me now. It took until about now for me to see it though.
  • as sad as it is, 100%. i've lost 50 pounds and look average/small (though underneath it's a very different story than when clothed) , but instead of recognizing i've come so far and what an achievement it is, all i can focus on is the 15-20 to go. i absolutely dislike my body, and since i've been at my "new" weight for a year or two, to me this is now the starting weight. siiiiigh.
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    Not completely, but I feel like others see me as smaller than I see myself. I still someone who has 40 more pounds to lose, while everyone else thinks I look skinny now. Don't get me wrong, I am pleased at the progress I have made and know that I am indeed smaller, but don't consider myself skinny as I'm still over 200 pounds.
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