Looking for friends 100+ to lose

Hey guys!

I have A LOT of weight to lose! When I start to think about it, I get a little discouraged. However, I am on day 2 of REALLY trying this, and things are going well!

I used to be somewhat fit - doing spin class 2-3 times a week, step class 2-3 times a week, and weight lifting 3 times a week. I loved feeling strong and healthy. However, I went through a really dark time, and I ended up using food as a comfort. Now, 120 pounds later, I feel weak, sick, and just all together horrible.

I'm 44....way too young to feel this bad, and way to old to be this heavy without it really causing problems.

So, if anyone has over 100 to lose, I would love to be friends and get/give some encouragement! I am really blessed to have a good friend on this journey with me, too!



  • Hi Sarah,

    My name is Shunda, and I'm from Houston (Moving to MD in 2 weeks, yikes). I can be your fitness partner! I want to lose about 130 pounds so I totally feel your pain!
  • tbrp
    tbrp Posts: 386 Member
    Sarah - you have made an important first step just by being here. This is not easy, but you can do it. I have been doing this for 14 months and have lost over 90 pounds. If I could give you some advice it would be to be faithful to your logging, and be honest about it. Don't 'cheat' in your diary. You only cheat yourself. Also, drink your water. Try to get in 8 glasses a day. When I started, I was not a water drinker. I now average about 12 cups a day most days. Get some exercise. It doesn't have to be formal. Park a little farther from the store. Lift a can of beans with each hand. Do wall push ups. Anything to increase your activity will burn some calories. Reach out to your friends on here. You are not alone. There are others who have gone through the same feelings you will. You will hit some plateaus, but stay with your plan and you will get past them. Just take it one step at a time and you will get there. :smile:

  • laurajean120
    laurajean120 Posts: 23 Member
    u can add me. i did have a 100 lns to lose. My sw was 220 before MFP. my GW is 120. i have 69 lbs to go.
  • wmason6515
    wmason6515 Posts: 2 Member
    Can I join in? I only set my goal at 98 lbs. almost halfway there.
    People are starting to notice the weight loss. It feels really good.
  • I only have 23 lbs. to lose but I would love to support you! Add me!
  • cambitsgirl
    cambitsgirl Posts: 6 Member
    You can add me. I am 43 years old and have 116 pounds to lose to reach my goal weight. :)
  • valcladdagh
    valcladdagh Posts: 210 Member
    You can add me as well. Started here in August with just over 100 to lose, down 33 so far, on here every day and love to give and receive support. We can do this!
  • I know all about feeling discouraged, being over weight most of my life, trying countless times to lose weight. I finally was able to stick with it and when I lost my first few pounds, it opened up a side of me that I didn't know existed. Add me if you like, can always use new friends on here.
  • 100lbs+ to lose here, and always looking for friends who are positive and motivated! :)
  • MelissaOnPurpose
    MelissaOnPurpose Posts: 111 Member
    Hey girl! I have 100 lbs to lose and it seems like it's never gonna happen sometimes. Doesn't it? Anyways, I am on my journey and I am feeling pretty good about it (right now). I have my moments though...Just like everyone else, I guess. I would love to help one another! I actually have a big support group on FB that I would love to add you to. I post my accountability posts there...My daily plan. Ya know? I just recently started doing this on Monday and so far it's working great! Whatdya say? Wanna join us? :)
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    You're welcome to add me. I am 44 also, have 3 grown kids and 1 almost grown kid. I started about 248-ish a while ago, got side-tracked and now am 228 looking to lose about 60-80 lbs. The tracking helps me pay attention to what I'm doing and I love watching the exercise minutes add up.
  • You can add me too. I had 130 pounds to lose, and have lost 13 (yea, 10%) pounds so far. We can draw strength in numbers.
  • I'd like to join in. I have 160 to lose.
  • jiggy66
    jiggy66 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi! I'm Sarah too! I have about 125 to lose, so I am with ya!
  • You can add me.....I just started on here and have 150lbs to lose I will need lots of friends to help me along the way. I will also be there to help you along the way!
  • LuckBeWithU
    LuckBeWithU Posts: 173 Member
    I also need to lose over 100 pounds!

    Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    Feel free to add me, I've lost 120 lbs.
  • kslager77
    kslager77 Posts: 51 Member
    Feel free to add me!!! I have about 130 lbs to lose.
  • Hello,

    Name: Jevell G.
    Beginning Weight: 296.4 lbs
    Goal: 190
    Total weight loss needed: 106.4 lbs
    Height: 6' 2"
    Day: 26 (started December 10, 2012)

    I would like to add more friends to keep me motivated. I am currently a graduate nursing student at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, NY. Please feel free to add me. Thanks!


  • please add me!! I had 200lbs to lose, I have lost 39 and I am going to lose at least another 100lbs by September 2013, because I am getting married. ;0) WOW!! I have lost and gained weight all my life my highest weight was 350lbs then I lost down to 202lbs and gained back to 327lbs, lost down to 237lbs and gained back to my current weight of 310lbs. It has been a long hard road but I have got to do this! If I never do anything else for myself I have got to lose this weight and be healthy,feel better about myself. I am so tired of being tired and miserable all the time! I am here to help and encourage anyone who needs it and I know with all the Wonderful Friends on MFP I will get all the help and encouragement I need! Good Luck To everyone and remember YOU CAN DO THIS!!! If anyone wants to add me as a friend please fell free to do so!!! The more Friends the BETTER!!! :flowerforyou: