What's your reward when you reach your goal?

i've been trying to get back down to 115 pounds for the past several years. i've made my mind up that this time i will do it. i will be 50 in february and i want to reach my goal by then. i've decided that when i hit my goal, i will reward myself with a new tattoo to celebrate my birthday and reaching my goal. i'm still not sure what or where it will be (i have 6 already and am running out of real estate), but i i 'll come up with something fabulous when the time comes. what reward are others planning to give themselves when they reach their goal?


  • CountryGal83
    CountryGal83 Posts: 640 Member
    My first goal is to lose 30 pounds before my 30th Birthday. When that happens, I'm going out to celebrate with my closest friends! Going to get a limo/party bus and drive around downtown and rock out my black dress! My long term goal is to lose 100 pounds. I don't have a goal for that yet. Taking it one step at a time. Best of luck to you!!
  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    Go out with my family to a nice restaurant and not think about how many calories I'm consuming. Just for that one day though ;)
    After that, I have another goal in mind...Conquering the art of parkour!
  • mellyish
    mellyish Posts: 253 Member
    My ultimate goal is to reach 125lbs, mind you I'm only 5'2" and 19 y.o. so I could go lower! I am currently 168.4lbs so I still have a ways to go before i get there but my reward will be a bellybutton piercing and maybe a tattoo, have decided on the latter yet. Good luck to the both of you!
  • tjkokoska
    firefoxxie...What is the art of parkour
  • 4bigeasy
    4bigeasy Posts: 51 Member
    i was wondering that too...
  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    lol I just added the word art because it sounded more fun. But if you're asking what parkour is then here:
  • Noway13
    For me it would probably go to the store and buy a 2XL shirt, for me that would be HUGE ......no pun intended ;-)

    29 now and the last time I wore a 2XL shirt was probably junior high school.
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    The best description of parkour I can come up with on the fly is extreme skateboarding without the board. You almost use gymnastics to go from point A to point B. The best example I can think of would be the early scene in Casino Royale where Bond and the soon-to-be-dead guy are running and jumping all over the construction zone. For more information,, jfgi.
  • 4bigeasy
    4bigeasy Posts: 51 Member
    yikes! i'd break a hip.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    My reward will be the thinner me. I have a ton of clothes boxed away that I should be able to fit in. I set a goal of 150, I'm currently 184 and 5'2". I know 150 is still larger for someone my height but I haven't been thinner then that for over 20yrs so setting a goal for less then that is too much of a unrealistic goal in my mind. We'll see how I feel when I reach 150.
  • Mitzimum
    Mitzimum Posts: 163 Member
    My reward is being hot on my wedding day, and having a great time on our island honeymoon without worrying about the scary white alien I always see in the mirror when I try on swimwear :O
  • beyg
    beyg Posts: 212 Member
    more miles less time to do em
  • BiggMikeSurf
    BiggMikeSurf Posts: 68 Member
    I'm ashamed to say that my rewards still revolve around food. What I'll eat, how much, how long... it's a cycle that got me in this mess in the first place.. I'm still in the very early stages of my fitness journey, so food is still on my mind.

    But If I were to pick a non food goal off the top of my head.. A surf trip..... I use to surf a lot when I was younger. It was a sight to see. 6'5 african american guy, but I loved it. Now that I gained all the weight.. it's not easy.. but yeah... I think a costa rican surf trip would be a good reward from me...
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My reward was clothes. Fitting back into my favorite clothes I'd refused to throw out again, and shopping for new clothes. I'd forgotten how much fun it is to shop when you actually like what you see in the mirror.

    Now my goals are all fitness based and don't really reward myself. I probably should though! I'm going to think of something really cool as a reward for when I actually make it to 20 consecutive pushups.