Couch to 5K

Im gonna try the Couch to 5K thing. I already got the 'Couch' thing down was a snap! Anyone else that has done this? how were your results?


  • KristenF101
    It's amazing! I completed the program in the spring of 2012 and continued running. I'm currently up to 7.5 miles on my long run!
  • heatherluuu
    heatherluuu Posts: 58 Member
    I was very successful with the Couch to 5K program! I downloaded an app that was super easy to use. I'm still running today!
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I never ever thought I would be a runner; from my youth into my thirties I never ran for anything. Did couch to 5 k and I absolutely love running. Just got back from three miles about ten minutes ago and I feel fantastic. Can't recommend it highly enough. Go do it! Just maintain a comfortable pace that doesn't have you huffing and puffing and take it slow and easy. Don't get ahead of yourself in the program or you'll set yourself back.
  • Shua89
    Shua89 Posts: 144 Member
    I was very successful with the Couch to 5K program! I downloaded an app that was super easy to use. I'm still running today!

    What app was that?
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    C25K is the best! I was not sedate but never thought, even considered, being a runner. Needless to say, now I am hooked. Love it even. Give it a try. Well worth the effort!
  • JustAGirlyGeek
    JustAGirlyGeek Posts: 149 Member
    I really enjoyed the NHS C25K plan.

    You can download the podcasts from the site above or from iTunes. Have fun!!!
  • pammye65
    pammye65 Posts: 177 Member
    thanks everyone! I just finished my first day!
  • pammye65
    pammye65 Posts: 177 Member
    just go to app store and search 'couch to will come up. its free and i used it easy!
  • Pamelaniamh
    Pamelaniamh Posts: 611 Member
    I started Couch to 5K early in the year. I'm 54 years old :smile:

    I stayed on each level until I was good and ready to move on the the next one. I had no problems at all with it.

    I'm still running 3 times a week (on treadmill) and hoping to move on to an 8km run soon.

    I love it :happy: :happy:
  • meggolego
    I did C25K in spring of this year and loved it. I am one of those people that NEED a plan to follow to progress. I have since ran 2 5k races. I only added an extra week in the whole timeline due to doing a couple days extra until I was ready.

    The first 20 min straight jog was terrifying. I told people that I was forsure going to collapse and die. But obviously I didn't.

    Biggest recommendation is to go at YOUR pace and what you're most comfortable with. Don't try to beast it out from the get go if you are going to over do it. Get the basics down and once you can do the 5k, work on your time and speed from there so you have a baseline to go off of.

    And have fun! I now enjoy running and can't wait to do it.
  • mandisu
    mandisu Posts: 57 Member
    Finished W1D1 tonight. Had to fight the demons in my head but I made it through the last run! I can see what a PP said about maintaining a slower pace. I was definitely huffing and puffing but I did it! I'm 245lbs and 5'1'' -- If this body can do it... anyone can!
  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    It's a great way to start. I started running using a c25k program a little over two years 2nd half marathon is on dec 9th. You can do this!!!!!
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    i'm on week 2, day... 2. I couldn't quite finish W2,D1, but I got the 2nd day done. so far so good!
  • Westiejo
    Hi, I've just joined this site to help lose a few pounds, rediscover a decent relationship with food and motivate myself to exercise more regularly!

    I'm interested in the couch to 5k programme - could I ask if the runners on here had a gait analysis and bought specialist running shoes?
    I've tried running before (treadmill usually, although occasionally outdoors) in "standard" trainers (cost about £40 from a sports shed type shop) and suffered with painful hips and ankles afterwards, but am still keen to give it a go!

  • pammye65
    pammye65 Posts: 177 Member
    I was very successful with the Couch to 5K program! I downloaded an app that was super easy to use. I'm still running today!

    What app was that?
    just go to app store and search 'couch to will come up. its free and i used it easy!
  • Storm_Wolf
    I started the C25K app a week or two ago, but due to a really bad upper respiratory cold , I've not been able to finish my first week. :( As soon as i'm better I'm going to start over! I really like the app and after my first session I was exhausted but i felt so accomplished! I hope my lung capacity will increase because I would love to finish this program and run (jog) my first 5k by next summer!
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    I cannot recommend it enough! I finished it around the beginning of September, have gone on to run a bunch of 5ks, two 10ks and am now training for my first half marathon.
  • sliceofsarah
    sliceofsarah Posts: 141 Member
    Hi, I've just joined this site to help lose a few pounds, rediscover a decent relationship with food and motivate myself to exercise more regularly!

    I'm interested in the couch to 5k programme - could I ask if the runners on here had a gait analysis and bought specialist running shoes?
    I've tried running before (treadmill usually, although occasionally outdoors) in "standard" trainers (cost about £40 from a sports shed type shop) and suffered with painful hips and ankles afterwards, but am still keen to give it a go!


    I bought my running shoes from a specialty running store. The sales person who helped me first had me jog around so he could see my stride and then had me try on shoes he thought would work for my stride/pronation/etc. I was able to test drive the shoes by running around the block the store was on and the guy gave me tips about how the right pair would feel on my foot. I am very happy with the pair I bought and have ran in them several times. The shoes were approx. $100, but the store I went to sold the shoes at the same prices as bigger department stores.

    I would recommend searching online to see if there is a running store in your area as well. If you go once and find a pair that works for you, then when the first pair wears out, you can just repurchase the same shoe model over again. Good luck with finding a pair that helps with your hips and ankles!

    Oh and I should add that the shoes I bought were not custom shoes - just regular old New Balance without even a custom insole.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I finished about a month ago and my last four runs were 5 miles, 3.1 miles, 5 miles and 7 miles. It works and it has hooked me on running forever.

    I made this post yesterday, maybe it will help you.
  • LatteFix
    So motivational! I'm sad to say I have a c25k app but I haven't used it. I run really crappily.. I love cycling Alot but running just makes my knees hurt..

    I am motivated to try jogging again and hopefully see positive results!
