Good way or no?

My sister and I started going to the gym over a month ago. Just recently I suggested that we also do some strength to go with the cardio. Tuesday we did 35 mins on the elipptical and the 11 mins on strength.
Wednesday we did 30 mins on the treadmill then 10 mins strength.

My question is is this a good way to start out for beginners on weight lifting? Any suggestions are welcome.


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    What sort of strength activities did that include?
  • spoons81
    spoons81 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm no expert, but I definitely recommend strength training along with cardio! :smile:
  • Dagoth
    Dagoth Posts: 172
    T-ten minutes of strength training? I mean it's a start but I'd say more strength training than cardio.
  • grawrrrr
    grawrrrr Posts: 336
    Strength training is what burns fat! I do half cardio and half strength training. :)
  • 75in2013
    75in2013 Posts: 361 Member
    I am confused. How do you do "11 min" of strength? Which exercises did you do?
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    What sort of strength activities did that include?

    Yes, this would be helpful.

    But, realistically, no, you won't see much in the way of results the way you're doing it. If you want to lift, then lift. You're spending too much time on cardio before such a short lifting session. Start off with either body weight or light weights to warm up - or 10 minutes of light cardio max - then start lifting heavy.

    As many others have mentioned in other threads, check out - sorry, don't have bookmarks, but you can use the search function - New Rules for Lifting for Women, StrongLifts 5x5, and/or Starting Strength. Even though StrongLifts doesn't advocate cardio, you can certainly add some in on the days you're not lifting. Just make sure you're able to recover. Since you're a woman, I'd recommend NRfLfW.

    Hope that helps
  • angbunny22
    angbunny22 Posts: 54 Member
    definitely need strength!! And more of'll burn more calories at the end of the day. Try alternating between the 2, i've read a lot of articles that this is a great way to burn more calories. Sprint all out hard as you can for 3 minutes or so, hop off do weights/reps, back on .....repeat.
  • 75in2013
    75in2013 Posts: 361 Member
    Strength training is what burns fat!

    "Cardio" burns more calories than strength training.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    To get good strength training results, I would recommend that you find a lifting program you like and stick with it for a few months. Check out Strong Lifts, New Rules of Lifting for Women, or ask a trainer at your gym to help you.

    Most training programs take about 45 minutes to complete. You typically do them 2-3 times a week.

    As far as cardio goes, 2-3 sessions a week for 15-30 minutes should be fine.

    Both form of exercise help you burn fat and lose weight, but strength training is what will help you look better naked!

    And edit to say that it's not all about the number of calories burned.
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    YES! But you need to do it for longer :)

    Does your gym offer a free consultation with a trainer? If so, they can actually walk you around the gym and show you all the different weights and machines and write up a program for you to follow in your spare time.
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    Strength training is what burns fat!

    "Cardio" burns more calories than strength training.


    Strength training can be cardio too if you break a decent sweat and elevate your heart rate enough!

    Anyways....cardio will NOT build muscle or shrink your body the way that strength training will.
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    I recommend doing the strength training first. You have more energy and your form will be better if you aren't tired from cardio. If you are following a circuit for strength training I would try to do different muscle groups each day (back, arms, legs, etc) And, to get real benefit from it then challenge yourself with the weight and reps, you should feel muscle fatigue when you are done, and the next day you should feel that nice bit of discomfort (but should still be able to walk or lift your arms!)

    I also think that whatever you do, even if it is 10 minutes, that is 10 minutes you weren't on the couch, 10 minutes that you are doing something good for your body, and 10 minutes a day adds up! Keep at it, you won't regret it!
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    Sorry I should have said that we do the weights that are at our gym all different ones. The only reason we did it for that short of time for the last two days is because we got to the gym so late that we didnt have much time to do much while there. We plan on going back today and tomorrow and we will be doing more weight lifting then the last two days.
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    Thank you. We did the arms and legs the first day and then the abs the second day. We are working into more. I did push myself on the weight and I defenitly felt it in my muscles. I will have to tell her that today we should try the strength first.
    I recommend doing the strength training first. You have more energy and your form will be better if you aren't tired from cardio. If you are following a circuit for strength training I would try to do different muscle groups each day (back, arms, legs, etc) And, to get real benefit from it then challenge yourself with the weight and reps, you should feel muscle fatigue when you are done, and the next day you should feel that nice bit of discomfort (but should still be able to walk or lift your arms!)

    I also think that whatever you do, even if it is 10 minutes, that is 10 minutes you weren't on the couch, 10 minutes that you are doing something good for your body, and 10 minutes a day adds up! Keep at it, you won't regret it!
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    I will have to speak to them about this. But since it is the YMCA I bet they do. I however cannot afford to have a personal trainer.

    YES! But you need to do it for longer :)

    Does your gym offer a free consultation with a trainer? If so, they can actually walk you around the gym and show you all the different weights and machines and write up a program for you to follow in your spare time.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    Here are some links to a few simple strength programs...These are compound moves that work your body most efficiently while you gain strength..

    Google Mark Rippetoe videos on youtube and watch for form.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    Here's what I've been doing (and been happy with the results over the past month or so):

    Mon/Wed/Fri: 30min on the treadmill, 10min of ab work (various types of crunches, planks, boat pose)
    Tues: 3 sets, 12 reps, 7.5lb dumbbell in each hand (45sec rest between sets): chest press, row, tricep kickback, alternating bicep curl
    Thurs: 3 sets, 12 reps (20 for calf raises), 7.5lb dumbbell in each hand (45sec rest between sets): alternating shoulder press, squats, bent arm side raise, lunges, calf raises

    I started with 5lb weights but you could go lower to 3 or something if you need to...whatever makes the last set difficult but not impossible.

    It's also important to change up your routine. I meant to only do this one for 3 weeks but with holidays and stuff, I haven't gotten a new one yet. My plan is to start a new one next week but still do Mon/Wed/Fri cardio & abs, Tues chest/back/arms, Thurs shoulders/legs
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Strength training is what burns fat!

    "Cardio" burns more calories than strength training.

    While cardio burns more calories during, the overall effect of strength training for reducing fat while maintaining lean mass has been proven. I've attached an article from nerd fitness that adresses this and references studies that have looked at this. In one there was a diet only group, a diet plus cardio group and a weight training, diet and cardio group. The cardio group lost only slighly more than the diet only group. The diet plus aerobic plus weight training group lost significantly more weight and more body fat.

    Both aerobic training and strength training have value but it is the addition of strength training that is most optimum for fat burning. To the OP, 11 minutes is just slightly better than not at all. I would recommend you research some of the other options people have posted for strength training. My personal favorite is Starting Strength by Mark Rippletoe. A balanced routine would include something like a 10 minute cardio warm up and 45 minute strength routine 3x per week and then some low to moderate intensity cardio a couple of time per week on alternate days. I am a fan of doing my strength and cardio on different days for energy and recovery reasons. Also, to some degree, the hormonal impacts of strength and cardio work against each other.
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    I will have to speak to them about this. But since it is the YMCA I bet they do. I however cannot afford to have a personal trainer.

    YES! But you need to do it for longer :)

    Does your gym offer a free consultation with a trainer? If so, they can actually walk you around the gym and show you all the different weights and machines and write up a program for you to follow in your spare time.

    I can't afford one either, but my gym happened to offer this which really got me started and made me feel much more confident about using everything on my own.
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    I will look into it later thank you.
    I will have to speak to them about this. But since it is the YMCA I bet they do. I however cannot afford to have a personal trainer.

    YES! But you need to do it for longer :)

    Does your gym offer a free consultation with a trainer? If so, they can actually walk you around the gym and show you all the different weights and machines and write up a program for you to follow in your spare time.

    I can't afford one either, but my gym happened to offer this which really got me started and made me feel much more confident about using everything on my own.