Personal Training Advice

I'm joining a gym today...YAY me! I'm also going to ask my husband to just buy me personal training time for XMAS. Does anybody else use a personal trainer and have any advice? What should I expect? How often should I see the trainer? How much does your personal trainer cost? I'm pretty nervous...any insight is appreciated!!


  • lyndall5311
    lyndall5311 Posts: 146 Member
    Congrats on joining the gym.

    I see my personal trainer once a week, it costs me $25 for 30min. I do a variety of things from weight training to HIIT, it really depends on what else Ive done during the week and what Im wanting to work on, I;m currently trying to build upper body strength.

    For me the most beneficial thing has been having someone help me work on my form and also helping me push myself further than i would normally push myself.
  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    Congrats on the gym and I say go for it! on the trainer.

    I got a personal trainer back in July 1x per week and it has been great - the guy is a bodybuilder but he doesn't treat me like one.

    I needed someone to show me how to do a routine on my own - he does that and pushes me further than I would know how to push myself. Sometimes it's hard to go to work after cause I am so pooped but well worth it... Definitely gave me guidance for the rest of my workouts during the week.

    I'm going to stop seeing him only cause of funds (gotta start saving up for a baby!) but it really helped me push through and the sessions were things that motivated me to stay the course and not "let down" my trainer. (really not let down myself, but you get the idea).

    Definitely recommend it. Good luck!
  • Melissajo44
    Melissajo44 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for the feedback! I started going to the gym this morning (YAY!) I agree that a personal trainer would be good to push me and help hold me accountable.