Confessions of an obsessive nail biter

jemjemsh Posts: 35 Member
I'm using MFP as a form of therapy. I confessed in another thread about my night time binge eating, and you know what, since then I haven't done that (well it has only been 3 weeks so maybe I'm jumping the gun)! So I'm going to see if it works with nail biting too.

I bite my nails, badly, not to the point where they bleed, but to the point where it hurts because I've taken about half of the nail off, and yet I keep going. I do it at the computer, while reading, in public, yes it's disgusting but I think I'm a tad OCD about it. As soon as I get a little niggle on my nail that isn't smooth I have to chew that right off, and keep chewing until it's smooth. Making it smooth can't be achieved by biting, and a nail file won't do, that won't make me have the same sense of satisfaction, or I just end up filing way too much off my nail. I literally can't think of anything else, can't do anything else until I have obliterated that nail! I find I end up with my nails in my mouth without even realising. You have no idea how many bits of fingernail come out of my keyboard, how gross is that! I've tried the yuk tasting stuff, I've tried fake nails, but the only that stops me biting is being on holidays, and then it starts right back up when I'm back to normal life.

But it ends here. I will not give in to the OCD, I will bath my hands in nail polish remover if I have to so it smells so disgusting I won't even be able to get my hands near my mouth. If I find my fingers have mysteriously appeared in my mouth, I will deal with it the same way as having a naughty snack, accept it and move on. You all are my witness :)

Anyone else want to decide to stop nail biting or have a habit they need to confess?


  • 31993703
    31993703 Posts: 1,144
    I also bite my nails but not that bad. I would love to stop. I have tried everything.

    Will power has been the only thing that has worked but, as soon as I am bored or stuck in traffic it starts up again.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Do you still manage to bite through fake nails? That's impressive. I used to bite mine but have now been having fake nails put on for about 9 years, and it's stopped me.
  • jemjemsh
    jemjemsh Posts: 35 Member
    Do you still manage to bite through fake nails? That's impressive. I used to bite mine but have now been having fake nails put on for about 9 years, and it's stopped me.

    I can't bite through them, but I pick at the sides of them until they get rough then it annoys me
  • GluttonousGirl
    GluttonousGirl Posts: 384 Member
    I can bite through fake takes a lot of gnawing. I don't waste my money anymore.not only am I a biter but I did the skin around my nails. I cant quit.I do it without even realizing it.
  • jemjemsh
    jemjemsh Posts: 35 Member
    I also bite my nails but not that bad. I would love to stop. I have tried everything.

    Will power has been the only thing that has worked but, as soon as I am bored or stuck in traffic it starts up again.

    Will power (self control) is something I possess very little of
  • Noway13
    I use to bite my nails just like you, but now that I think about it, I've cut back. I still bite my nails just not in a obsessive manor, maybe it has to do with losing weight, not sure.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I had this same problem until maybe 4 years ago. I started RELIGIOUSLY painting them, because when they're painted, I don't mess with them so they'll look nice. Once it chipped though, game on.

    Currently when they're unpainted I still mindlessly pick at them and end up breaking part of my nail off, but I never bite them anymore. Nothing else worked for me, so I'd suggest painting daily if it may help you! Good luck.
  • ashmorgstraws
    I will reply to this since I used to be an obsessive nail biter myself. I bit my nails all the time, to the point where I barely had any nails left at all. I hated it. A couple years ago, I decided it was going to be my New Year's Resolution to stop biting my nails. December first will be 2 years since I bit my nails.
    It was REALLY HARD! But the minute I decided I was going to stop, I never put my fingers in my mouth. If I felt my hand moving toward my mouth, I would slap it. Yep, slap your hand if it goes toward your mouth. It teaches you just like if you were a child who was told not to do something!
    My nails are still ugly, even two years after stopping. They may never be pretty again. Because of the nail biting, I have very weak nails. The only consolation I have for that is that at least I'm not putting germs in my mouth by biting my nails! :P
    Good luck on trying to stop. It's a terrible habit and really really hard to break! I suggest putting bitter tasting nails polish on those fingers, as well. That helps.
  • anna0478
    anna0478 Posts: 505 Member
    I'm 34 and an obsessive nailbiter, too. I stopped in February, and grew out my nails, then became obesessed with keeping them looking nice. A couple times I've actually had to clip them because they got too long. The problem is when one breaks or snags or chips along the side, then I tear it the rest of the way off, once it is uneven, I feel I have to bite it down to get it more even, then the whole cycle started again...I've lost four nails since before Thanksgiving :(

    I usually bite when I'm bored, driving or talking on the phone...My parents used to dip my fingers in pepper sauce when I was a kid...didn't work then either!
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    I bite the skin around my nails, which leads to constant hang nails, sore skin, and gross looking fingers when they get pruny. I am currently in recovery, hoping not to relapse.
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    yep I am a nail biter
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    I bit one of my nails so hard while reading that that the edge bled. Don't try to change me.
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    My nail polish addiction is the only thing that stopped me! Even now if i leave them without anything on I just bite away..