Runtastic, calorie counts

lilac_meddow Posts: 22
edited January 5 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey all. I was using Runkeeper before MFP decided to add apps that will sync with their program. I think it's awesome that they did this. But I've noticed that in Runtastic the calorie counts are WAYYY lower. So today I used both... the same run/walk of 3 miles in 41minutes was 314 on Runkeeper and only 184 with Runtastic.

Any Fitness equipment I've ever used has always averaged about 100 cals a mile for both running and walking so this seemed to be a bit off for me.

Has anyone else experienced this? Maybe I have a setting wrong. Any insight Appreciated

PS- regardless of how it's counted... it's still better than sitting my happy butt on the couch :-P


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Almost everything I use says wildly different things. It is very difficult to know. Best bet is use the smallest number to be safe.
  • I find that too but normally there's just a small difference... and I'll take the smallest in that case.... but this time it was almost half of what the norm would have been..... I just thought it was strange. And I still wish they would sync up run keeper.... I have a bunch of friends who use it and I have fitness goals set on there that I'd like to be keeping track of :-D
  • pasturepilot
    pasturepilot Posts: 23 Member
    I use Endomondo, its numbers seem to average well with other sources. Just a note - is your weight properly input for the app with the low calorie counts? If it thinks you weigh 80 lbs or something wonky, that would do it too...
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