One Year Later (11.29) WITH PICS!


I was skeptical to post this because I still have a lot of work to do but at 67 lbs. down (as recorded by MFP), I hope to motivate some to keep pushing and others to start TODAY! Here's a little bit of my story...

Quick Stats:
Height: 5'11

I've been overweight most of my adult life. I've tried several times to lose weight and I have. I've gone to the gym, tried diets like South Beach, and even worked with a personal trainer. I had experienced success but nothing was long term. The lowest weight I could remember getting to was around 235 lbs. but I would balloon back up to 280+ lbs. EASILY. I was on the never-ending weight-loss roller coaster. I was also very extreme in my weight loss tactics. It was either eat hardly anything I enjoyed and go to the gym 7 days a week or eat everything in sight and not do anything active at all. I realized this wasn't the life I wanted to live. Here's an pic of my at around my heaviest. I was probably a little over 280 lbs. here:


I decided I need to lose some weight for my wedding in 2010. I had gotten to around 250 lbs. and I thought I looked great. It was good enough for the wedding. I had dropped the weight by implementing some of my old habits that had worked before. Low carb, South Beach style diet along with working out. Here I am on my wedding day:


Not too shabby but I was terrified of being that guy that looked his best ever in life on his wedding day. It just wasn't enough for me. t knew I wanted to lose more but then came the honeymoon cruise with its endless buffets and the my numbers on the scale slowly but surely crept up. Being married meant being happy and comfortable, two things I used to equate with eating so again I ballooned up to close to 280 lbs. in the year that followed. I got back in the gym, got myself a personal trainer, and I thought I was working hard. I got back down to to around 265 lbs. and even ran my first 5K. Here I am after my first race:


Why not more success? I was still eating whatever I wanted. In fact, I had implemented the philosophy of "I'm working out so I can eat more of whatever I want!". WRONG ANSWER! And again, I crept back up slowly to around the 270's. SHEESH! Anyone want to get off this roller coaster already?! I DO!! :sad:

My TRUE journey started when I found MFP in October of 2011. I was still in the upper 270's then and I was looking for something more consistent. A program/lifestyle that I could manage and would give me accountability and consistency. Logging my food was working! I was losing consistently. I hadn't implemented exercise just yet but I was able to get down to around 270 lbs. by the end of November - 11.29.11 to be exact. Since then, I've purchased a heart rate monitor and started exercising pretty consistently in addition to logging my food. I've run another 5K and can run up to almost 9 miles in one stretch. I LOVE TO RUN! :love:

I've also completed Insanity TWICE and am doing Les Mills Pump now. I love to eat healthy with my wife and we've changed our eating habits together. The key is we still enjoy occasional sweets and "bad" food here and there but for the most part, we stay on track. I've learned it's not about being extreme. It's about doing what works for you, but most of all sticking to it! I've had bumps in the road. WE ALL DO! But remember to stay focused. It REALLY WORKS! There's no shortcut for hard work! I took a photo of myself a year ago (11.29.11) and today (11.29.12). A year ago, I was around 265 lbs. and was already on MFP for about a month which help me lost 5-7 lbs. at that point. Here's what my hard work has done for me this past year:




I am 204.8 lbs. today. The lowest recorded weight I can ever remember! I still have goals though. I am definitely a work in progress. Looking to make it to ONEDERLAND (199 lbs.) by Christmas and lots of toning up to do for sure. I also want to run a 10K or more this Spring/Summer and finally get a body I can be proud to rock on the beach this summer.

Question is: Where will you be on 11.29.13? Take your before picture today and start making things happen for yourself. Keep pushing or get started! There's no day like TODAY! See you next year FOLKS!!


  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
  • berrythin79
    berrythin79 Posts: 28 Member
    WTG!!!! You look awesome and I'm going to tell you what everyone always say to me... Your face is sooo small now! (your body too!) Keep up the great work!:smile:
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    Very inspiring so filled with good advice. You look fantastic and enjoy Onderland when you get there. See if they have more space I'm thinking of moving there too.
  • PDiddy0913
    Thanks everyone! And cbeutler, there's room for everyone!! :glasses:
  • prettygirlhoward
    prettygirlhoward Posts: 338 Member
    WOW!!!!!!! I mean just WOW!!!! You have came a long way, great progress. CONGRATS! :happy:
  • berkra
    berkra Posts: 78 Member
    I am so happy that we are MFP pals, I am not always sending a message, but I tell you again (as I have before) you are a great motivation for me. I love to see your great smile and read over your comments.
    Keep up the good work and we are in it for the long run. You will see my comparison on January 3rd
    And yes I am taking a picture tonight for our next year comparison

  • Jane0322
    Jane0322 Posts: 27 Member
    That's totally AWESOME!!! Thank you for sharing your story. You have given me more motivation and I like that idea of taking a photo and then doing it again exactly one year later. Sometimes it's hard to see the progress your making on a daily basis. I wish I would have taken a full photo shot in a bathing suit before I restarted my journey. I joined MFP a year ago but wasn't dedicated enough then, but about 8 weeks ago I joined the MRC Meta-Slim program and have lost 27 pounds since Sept. 13th. I've also lost about 12 inchs over all (with out exercising). It's an expensive program and I am taking a lot of their herbal supliments and protein drinks. I'm only about 1/3 of the way to where I want to be. However, I've been at a stand still for the last 3 weeks and I'm getting frustrated. I'm not sure if this is because I'm still eating the same and now my body needs less calories to keep burning fat. The only exercise MRC said I should do is walk 30 minutes a day. Which I hit and miss with. They said not to do toning and firming till after I reach my goal weight which is 145. Do you have any suggestions on how to break a plateu? I'm going on vacation next week to a warmer climate and plan on swimming every day, and will probably be doing more walking, and sticking to the diet as close as possible but still enjoy some treats on my vacation. When I get back I plan on rejoining the senior center and take a yoga class and use their treadmill and exercise bike, in hope that this will boost my metabolism. Any suggestions you or other fitness pals can give me is greatly appreciated. :flowerforyou:
  • 295mt
    295mt Posts: 6
    Awesome!! Thank you for sharing your story-so inspiring! Way to go and keep up the good work!!
  • aweigh2go
    aweigh2go Posts: 164 Member
    Great progress! Keep it going. Don't look back. If you stumble, get up, dust yourself off and keep pushing forward!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Pablo you're freakin' HOT!!! Your wife is a lucky lady!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    HECK YEAH POST THIS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Youve done amazing and I love that you are still hungry for more!
  • PDiddy0913
    Pablo you're freakin' HOT!!! Your wife is a lucky lady!

    BAHAHAHAHA! Thanks Sharon!
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    Nice job Diddy!! Keep rocking it buddy!
  • Just seen this!!! So proud of you!!!! You look great!!!!!:happy:
  • ericadawn92
    ericadawn92 Posts: 346 Member
    Love this! Great job!! Very inspiring :)
    Thats quite a roller coaster you have been on and yet you never give up! That is inspiring and I am glad to have you as my friend. We gotta run a 5k together one day man!!!
  • MathDiva619
    What a journey! And what a lucky wife you have!'s been one heck of a ride and I'm honored to ride it out With you!???? It's a lifestyle that we are creating so that we can instill it in our children. Our body is our temple and God desires us to have a sound mind, body and spirit. We can do this because we have been doing it! I admire your commitment, determination and positive attitude! "That's how we do things at the Diaz residence." LOL look hot! ????
  • DunkinDonuts20
    DunkinDonuts20 Posts: 5 Member
    Nice results!
  • Michshellars
    Great job! You look terrific!
  • CrimsonDiva7
    CrimsonDiva7 Posts: 171 Member
    Excellent work!