I am my own worst enemy



  • orr_stacie
    orr_stacie Posts: 48 Member
    Exercise doesn't always mean going to the gym or running a marathon. While your sitting at your desk, do leg lifts, arm lifts, etc. Get up and walk when you can. You are exhausted at night because of your weight. The more you lose the more energy you will have. You can do it. You just have to want it!
  • Snoopy108
    Snoopy108 Posts: 94 Member
    You can do this! Please try hard now because the older you get the more damage you do and the harder it is to get moving.....trust me I know. If I could only take back the last ten years and do it over I would not have let myself get so out of control.....
  • dbgiambrone
    Reading these posts there is some really great advice in them. I would like to add one more thing. When I announced that I want to loose weight to my family, my son gave this quote to me.
    "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse." -Anonymous
    I have decided it is time. I still have bad days, but I'm getting there. When you decide, you will to. Good Luck!!!
  • xMissLouBx
    I agree with the previous comments, *Really* wanting it is the first and most important step in order to succeed in this.

    I have attempted so many times in the past 4 years to lose weight, and failed after just a couple of days every single time, slowly gaining weight more and more. Then suddenly it's like a switch went off in my head, I thought "I can't afford anymore clothes, I'm constantly paranoid and depressed about my weight, what is stopping me losing it?".

    So on day 11 now, which is the farthest I have ever gotten with weight loss, and after only 7 days I lost my first 3lbs. I wasn't starving myself, I still even ate some naughty things! But it is true what they say about moderation, don't binge on fat-packed food all day long (like I have been the past 4 years).

    I had a Chinese take away last weekend before my last weigh day and still lost that 3lbs. It was swapping the normal calorie filled Spare Ribs for chicken and veg instead. I think a lot is about swapping food for a healthier option, it takes absolutely no extra effort.

    I was even eating plain dark chocolate almost every night last week! The calorie counting on this app/site is what kept me in check with it, if by the end of the day I had enough left, I fixed that chocolate craving and still stayed within my limit.

    You can do this, I wish you the best of luck, I am truly the most lazy and unmotivated person EVER so if I can do it, so can you!
  • Diotima73
    I will borrow a line from "Dear Sugar's" Column #46 Beauty and the Beast : every last one of us can do better than give up.

    It's up to you to figure out where to go from here. Be well.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    I'm 30 years old... my metabolism has stopped and I sit at a desk all day long. By the time I get home from work, cook dinner for my husband and clean up.... I'm exhausted and just want to sit and relax. I never work out. I'm in horrible shape and I feel myself getting worse and worse.

    I'm 30 years old, i sit at a desk all day, get home from work, work out and then cook dinner for me and the husband and then relax in front of the telly....

    i do it because i want to look good & be healthy... if you really want it, you'll find the time and do it... the more often you do it the more energy you will have and the easier it becomes!
  • loserbaby84
    loserbaby84 Posts: 241 Member
    I get up at 3am, take care of baby, make my girlfriend breakfast, get to work by 6, have a tech support job (on my feet, moving heavy equiptment) for about 8.5 hours, get off, usually go shopping, (right when i get home) Get home, immediately workout for 45-60 min, come in, cook dinner, take a shower, take care of baby/play video games, then do yoga, eat some more, then bed.

    I have a decent day, but if its important to you, you will find time to get healthier. If you aren't motivated or wanting to do it, then you just dont want it that bad. You make excuses and then you complain about it on the internet instead of doing something about it. Change a little everyday, you dont have to do out running a mile all at once, but walk more, do some pushups, most definatly diet changes. Dont cut out all your bad food, switch for some craving cutters and one or 2 more servings of healthy food. Make your husband go on a walk with you, and if hes not supportive, that guys gonna have to wait till you get done working out to eat his mother****ingsupper. You can change, lots of people have, what makes you differant?


    If that doesn't inspire you I think you're hopeless!! Amazing!
  • ved8301
    ved8301 Posts: 8 Member
    I know how you feel. I am approaching 30 and have steadily gained weight since graduating from college due to my lifestyle change from active to sedentary (desk job). Also I LOVE food and have been eating whatever I want, large portions, etc. I've thought about needing to lose weight everyday but never do anything about it. I was very naturally thin up until I starting working, so dealing with needing to lose is still hard for me.

    I've just started to get serious about diet and exercise in the last month as I have some weddings next April and June I want to be slimmer for. I've gained 70 lbs in 5 years, and am hoping to get at least 40 off in 5 months.

    My advice to you is really take things day by day. First thing in the morning I think about what I am going to eat for every meal and log it. I have to take the guess work out of what I'm eating or else I give in to take out, fast food, etc. because it's easy. I've be firm with friends that I can't go out for bad food and drinking and I'm really serious about this change. So far everyone has been supportive. I also bought a scale to weigh and measure my food on to help with portions/accurate calorie intake.

    Get adjusted with your diet first and get a few weeks under your belt with the new calorie amounts. Then start exercising. It's also hard to try and start everything at once, which leads to failure too!

    Because I have these dates in the future, I'm able to want it more. Think of a milestone you have coming to work towards, but remember the day by day approach. It's much easier to think about your 3 meals and walk or run for one day, than everything you want to try and accomplish during a set period of time.

    Good luck!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Know what you need?

    an alter ego.

    latch on to some badass character that youve fallen for or loved for many many years, a character who's strength has always felt familiar and/or inspiring and you channel that btch when every day you just doesnt have the cajones.


    good news... 30 is when you start climbing toward your sexual peak, your body is never sexier or ready to be sculpted and improved and changed.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Know what you need?

    an alter ego.

    latch on to some badass character that youve fallen for or loved for many many years, a character who's strength has always felt familiar and/or inspiring and you channel that btch when every day you just doesnt have the cajones.


    good news... 30 is when you start climbing toward your sexual peak, your body is never sexier or ready to be sculpted and improved and changed.

    This, all day. Use your imagination to drive you and make it fun.

    Also, if you go on a walk, please be aware that certain parts of the road are LAVA and you must run past these parts or you will die. No stopping.
  • green_nurse
    green_nurse Posts: 25 Member
    My best motivation was a broken heart...true story

    ha! me too!
  • Hopintolose
    Hopintolose Posts: 10 Member
    Hi hun, You know what? I can be a person who gets really unmotivated myself. (seems like it comes naturally for everybody else sometimes, right??!) hahaha... not so. What kickstarts my motivation a lot of the time is looking at pinterest Fitness wall. There are some amazing photo's with realistic quotes that after reading through many of them I find myself getting more and more excited cause I realize that it takes work and it takes doing SOMETHING. Let me know if it Does work for you :) It is very realisitc the way it talks about working for it!!
  • green_nurse
    green_nurse Posts: 25 Member
    Know what you need?

    an alter ego.

    latch on to some badass character that youve fallen for or loved for many many years, a character who's strength has always felt familiar and/or inspiring and you channel that btch when every day you just doesnt have the cajones.


    good news... 30 is when you start climbing toward your sexual peak, your body is never sexier or ready to be sculpted and improved and changed.

    This, all day. Use your imagination to drive you and make it fun.

    Also, if you go on a walk, please be aware that certain parts of the road are LAVA and you must run past these parts or you will die. No stopping.

    love this!!!!
  • bear339
    Do it for you! Once you get started, it is amazing how much fun you have....I had cancer and gained over 30 lbs....since May of 2010 I have lost 45 lbs....I was so excited....then about 6 weeks ago I had a pinched nerve in my back so I was out for 2 weeks....then I pulled a hip flexor muscle. I have been out for about 6 weeks....uuuggg. I ended up gaining back 10 pounds....but now I am right back at it....The saying I keep telling myself is: Nothing tastes as delicious as thin looks!!! So remember thin looks DELICIOUS.... And once you started excercising, you would have more energy, too!!!!
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Thank you everyone! I know that it's up to me and only I can motivate myself....

    I put myself at losing 1.5 lbs a week... thats around 1450 cals a day. I KNOW I can do that! I love fried foods, sweet tea and BIG portions...

    I love your idea of taking one thing at a time and slowing down little by little... this way it's not so hard.

    Thanks again everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
    Maybe you could stick with it easier if you tried to lose on 0.5 to 1 lb a week at first to get yourself going?
  • LaSiciliana
    i couldn't have written this better myself, this is exactly how I feel...but add a two year old in the mix.
    i feel guilty about going to gym after work, leaving DH home with the baby and not getting home until about 7ish but i'm getting over it and going twice during the week and twice on the weekends.

    i am at a very low point, mentally, and it's really wearing on me and my relationship with my husband. I don't like my body but i know that no one can change that but me and i have to DIG DEEP to find the motivation to move forward.

    one day at a time is how I take it... i can find any excuse there is to now workout (I broke a nail and I need to go home and file it, LOL) and i'm really pushing to break all my bad habits to form new one.

    you can do this.
  • sarahg2290
    sarahg2290 Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you everyone! I know that it's up to me and only I can motivate myself....

    I put myself at losing 1.5 lbs a week... thats around 1450 cals a day. I KNOW I can do that! I love fried foods, sweet tea and BIG portions...

    I love your idea of taking one thing at a time and slowing down little by little... this way it's not so hard.

    Thanks again everyone!!! :flowerforyou:

    I also have a desk job where I sit around for 8 hours a day. Like you, I would get home, cook dinner, and after that I would be exhausted! But honestly, now that I am working out and eating healthy, I have a ton more energy! So you just have to get started! I forced myself to cut out fried/fatty foods for a month and slowly added in working out. Now that the month is coming to an end, I can honestly say that I have way more energy every day and I don't even crave fast food anymore. I've also lost 7 lbs and am planning on doing my measurements this weekend.

    Good luck and you can totally add me if you would like :)