walking barefoot

suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Do you think it's okay if I walk on the treadmill without shoes? Just comfortable slipper type ballet shoes? It feels like I'm barefoot. I usually run about 3 - 4 mph.

I thought it'd be okay because that's how lots of people run, our ancestors in the jungles, Indians only wore moccasins not special running shoes, etc., plus when I was a kid I ran so fast and always barefoot!.

Am I crazy or is it okay? I'd really appreciate your opinions.
Thank you.


  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Well, this is my opinion, and I'm not a doctor and have no special knowledge about podiatry. Personally, I walk barefoot most of the time in my daily life. In home, outside, and while I exercise, but I don't run. I wear boots when I wear anything and that's just for the glassy-concrete areas and going to the store, etc. If you have any foot problems, arch instability and the myriad of others, it would probably be better to run with shoes that support those problems so they don't give you the other problems when they're stressed like joint pain, back pain, etc. If you don't have any foot troubles though and you have good form and run properly, I can't see much harm in it, just be on the lookout for any pain.
  • badbradclark
    badbradclark Posts: 47 Member
    Yer not crazy! Barefoot running is definately not a bad thing, if it works for you.

    If you do want a shoe, though, check out Nike Free running shoes which run about $85, but are hard to find in stores. Best running shoes in the world (in my humble opinion). They are designed to simulate barefoot running. Read up on them. Wikipedia has some good basic information as well as the Nike site itself.
  • namaste
    namaste Posts: 17 Member
    There's recently been a resurgence in the walking/running barefoot camps. Vibram has recently come out with a Five Fingers shoe, which I've been told feels like you're barefoot but still protects your feet as well as provides a bit of cushioning. I'd say give it a try. Start out slow & be very mindful of what your body's telling you. You'll run a greater risk of shin splints being barefoot, but if you take it slow & do it correctly you should be fine. Good luck! :)

  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    There are quite a few studies right now that are showing that particular types of feet are better off without shoes. If your feet don't give you any problems walking barefoot you might as well go for it. See how it goes, if you start to experience any foot pain then you may want to reconsider but everyone is different!

    good luck
  • bunny_98
    bunny_98 Posts: 36 Member
    I have heard about the shoes that simulate walking barefoot. I am in podiatry. I have worked with a total of 3 drs at the same office for the last five years. This may be a controversial subject, but all three drs I have worked for say absolutely not! Especially on the treadmill. Of course, when they say that, they are talking to people who are at the office for a reason. It is very possible that you have a foot type that can tolerate it. Running is just very hard on the joints, most joints. Bevery careful and watch for pain in your heel/arch area. If you let that go untreated it can take months to heal. And make sure you stretch (runner's stretch especially) before you get on.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I would go for it Suzi !!
    I do all of my aerobics and the 30 day shred barefoot.
    Ever heard of Zola Budd???
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