just started need to lose 100 lbs



  • jenilou78
    jenilou78 Posts: 10 Member
    The way I started was with a liquid diet for 2 weeks It shrinks your stomach down so when you start eating there's a smaller pouch to fill. Then high protein and low carbs and walking! Track everything and drink lots of water. I'm down 17 lbs in 4 weeks! Good luck to you!
  • pru101
    pru101 Posts: 40 Member
    21 and need to lose 45 pounds add me :)
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    I find it hard to get all the protein in need in, but its very filling and you tend to eat less. On my carby days im an eating machine, but on high protein days i dont need as much.

    breakfast is normally 1 egg scrambled or small bowl of oates with a scoop of protein powder, occasionally an up n go if im short on time.
    snack is a yougurt or protein bar
    lunch is protein first then veg - normally left over from dinner the night before. today is a little bit of steak with zucchini and mushroom
    Dinner is protein first then veg,
    I dont normally snack in the afternoon, but a cruskit with penutbutter will do if im hungry.
    I try to add protein powder to anything i can to up my intake, mixed with cereal, yogurt, soup etc.
  • The hardest thing for me is to realize it's not going to happen overnight. Everyone on here is right, don't deprive yourself completely of your favorites, just enjoy them in moderation. I still have my cheeseburger and fries once a week, but it's a small fry and a small cheeseburger and I've given up soda completely. 4 months later, and I really don't miss it.
  • KourtnieBug
    KourtnieBug Posts: 9 Member
    Thank u all so much for the adds and the advice , it definitely helps to know people out there go through the same things I do and are willing to help thank u <3
  • i started off this journey with 100 lbs to lose, i still have about 60 to go, feel free to add! :)
  • mammacoty
    mammacoty Posts: 45 Member
    Welcome! I started MFP at the start of the year, and did great the first 4 months, until my BF died from Breast Cancer. Since then I have been yo-yo-ing on my commitment levels, so I can tell you some of the holes I have stepped in, and hopefully what you will be able to avoid. It is most important that you LOG everything you eat. I have had many days where I stopped logging, and I know my calorie intake was way higher than I even thought it was. There is definitely something about seeing your daily numbers hit red...it makes you want to take a walk, or do something to burn a few calories away. Find activities that you enjoy to burn calories so you are more likely to do them. If you have this as a mobile app too, try to log things before you eat them...that way you can see how it affects your daily numbers. I think watching your fat, proteins and carbs are just as important as watching your calorie numbers. Never let a bad decision turn into a bad day, or worse a bad week. If you have a cupcake, enjoy it, then move on. If you exercise on a regular basis, it will be a speed bump, not a downhill slide. Keep up on drinking water. Not only does it help you to feel fuller, but it also aides in digestion, and cold water can get your body to burn about 50 more calories by warming it up to body temperature. A big thing is to have MFP friends, who will support those all those little hurdles you overcome on your journey. Feel free to add me! I'm on all the time, when I'm doing good, that is. Everyone can use more motivation, right!?
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Kill it.
  • I am trying to lose 60+ pounds and I would love to have someone else to do it with and we can keep eachother motivated! :D
    I'll add you now :)
  • msmeka77
    msmeka77 Posts: 8 Member
    I have just started my journey too. Feel free to add me to your friend list. We can do it together : )
  • Welcome:) Hardest thing is to remember you didnt gain it overnight. Not going away overnight.
    First - eliminate from your home anything processed. Try to stick to the outside of the grocery store - foods that are closest to their natural state. Veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds (last two in moderation), chicken, fish, lean meats...

    Also, I use a cookbook (Practical Paleo and a site called Foodonthetable.com) to plan my recipes for the week. I plan four meals. I put four square buckets in the fridge. Each bucket has the ingredients for an evenings meal. Eliminates thinking and searching - it is all right there to cook. I always have bananas on hand for the morning. I also always have hard boiled eggs on hand for a quick hit of filling protein.

    If you are on facebook - go to "women of crossfit = strong" and "fit chicks" - those two pages will link you to many other positive pages where so many people have the same goals. There is a lot of encouragement and cheering each other on.

    Also, if you can get to a Crossfit gym. Do it. The worksouts are great and scaled for individuals... but the COMMUNITY of people there will stick by you and push you along as no matter how slim or not slim - there is a common goal of being healthy and happy.

    Ignore the scale. Go by how your body feels after a good sweat. You will notice as you remove processed foods from your diet that you feel better and slimmer - simply for the bloat and inflammation that will leave once the processed crap and sugar is limited.

    Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Go get it.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    Kill it.

    HAHA....you are so motivating PP.....

    but actually OP he's right....just smash it....

    and never give up....even if you fall off the wagon, you're still winning as long as you get back on.

  • mjoslin1990
    mjoslin1990 Posts: 142 Member
    wooo hooo 22 and have about 80+ to lose :)

    my 2 cents, make small goals!!! it gets overwhelming thinking about 100lbs. my goal is to lose 20 first :) It's not where I want to be weight wise, but it makes it seem easier for me to reach that end goal.