The 500+ lb man is still wanting to get on track.



  • its_betty
    its_betty Posts: 104 Member
    Just wanted to give you some support. I believe that you can do this. Slow and steady weight loss is the way to go. As @jenkinsjerry wrote, if you aim to lose 2 lbs a week, you could be be a 400 pound man next year. Then 300 the year after, then 200 (or whatever your goal is) for the rest of your life.

    I want to urge you to NOT let your thinking be black or white, all or none. A little bit is better than nothing. If you would normally eat 3 hamburgers and you eat only 2, that's better. If you take a 5 minute walk instead of sitting down for 5 minutes, that's better. Little by little, this will get easier. Progress, not perfection.

    And keep an eye out for free health fairs in your area. Often they offer free or low cost blood tests and other tests, and a chance to talk to a medical professional.
  • 500lbs2marathon is also one of my MFP friends. He is very inspirational and I'm sure would share tips for you that would help. Others are right about the emotional/psychological effect food has on you, but if you don't have insurance, it doesn't sound like that's an option. I see a nutritionist every so often and she gave me a book to read - The Beck Diet Solution. It's not a diet; rather, it trains your mind how to stay on a diet. It deals with the emotional side of weight loss. I'd see if you can find it at a library or online.

    Being here is definitely a step in the right direction and with tons of support, I'm sure you can stick to a plan. It's tough - I have a hard time every day - but you can definitely do this.

    Yes, he's in my friends list too :) He's an amazing person. He's lost over 250 lbs. I have spent so long talking about how my emotional problems are the reason I eat so much, and maybe to some extent that is true, but there has to come a time when a person just decided to be strong, and dig deep within themselves. :) That time must come for me now! :)
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    You deserve it. You deserve to have all those things, and the only one holding yourself back is you.

    I see a lean 200 lb man who chose himself, over everything else.

    It will take time but what in life doesn't. I think at this point if you made healthy decisions you would see a dramatic weight loss. It''s attitude.

    Chose your start date. Let's go!

    Go here, enter your info and get an idea of how long it would take to achieve a goal. Say 200 lbs? 300 lbs lost? Your choice. Then if the timeframe meets your needs, sign the contract with yourself.
  • Gabriall
    Gabriall Posts: 101 Member
    I started at 308lbs and I am a girl and a shortarse one at that.
    I'm also a compulsive and comfort eater with an addictive personality.

    Now quitting stuff, not so hard, I quit smoking, quit biting my nails, when you can quit something entirely its hard but not impossible... with food, you have to keep eating, which causes the compulsive isues.

    I like to feel full, i like to feel like at least in some way i am satisfied and happy and ive thru the years taught myself to believe that eating will always give that sensation, my logical sensible brain knows this is not the case.

    getting on the wagon isnt so hard, you do it when your ready, but falling is harder than anything, for most people a slip is just a slip, for me a slip is a week or more of saying, "Ill get back to it tomorrow" "its just one more day" etc

    but there are ways and means, and coping measures, and tricks and tactic. I lost ten stone a couple of years ago, and in my self destructive way thru a period of serious depression anxiety attacks and pure misery, i put the lot back on, and a little more. it was almost as if i had to do it to prove to myself that i wasnt worthy.

    i know its hard, theres bumps, and misery and those little *kitten* that call you names and belittle your progress, but you just need to believe in yourself, forgive yourself for the mistakes, learn from them pick yourself up and go do it again, baby steps.

    im back on the wagon have been for a bit, have alreayd lost 30 lbs, in my mind though i can still hear the little voice saying you gotta eat eat eat, but then again, in front of me, i have the thousands of MFP voices saying "Good job" "Keep it up" and yanno what, it helps a great deal. Every five days you make is another five days of success whether youve met your goals or not youve learnt new things made new friends and kept an accurate record you can go back and look at.

    i would be honored if you would add me as a friend, hopefully we can get through this journey together.
  • sistersuez
    sistersuez Posts: 7 Member
    Hey you are you still on here? I hope you're doing ok!
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I started at 380 not as big as you are but I was certainly headed that way. I do get that it can be hard to get back on track. Build a support system around you and take it meal by meal and accept ur human and will fall of the wagon at just need to get back on track and back into things as quickly as possible - best of luck!
  • farmwife3815
    farmwife3815 Posts: 326 Member
    I started in July at 450 pounds. I plugged my info into this site and then followed what it told me. I also researched everything I could find on diet and exercise. I am always looking for ways to improve my diet and new ways to exercise. If I find an exercise that I think I may like and I can't do it, I try to figure out a way to modify it so that I can. It's a long road to health, but it can be done. I am living proof. If you would like, send me a friend request. I would love to support you, encourage you, advise you, whatever you need. I wish you the best!
  • Google "Less of Lee".... Great story. I heard about him on Vinnie Tortorich's podcast! I believe Vinnie has the answer to weight loss, check out his podcast and make your own conclusion!
  • TheFinalThird
    TheFinalThird Posts: 315 Member
    I started at the end of July at 478 pounds. I am now at 406, down 72 pounds in 4 months. Please tell me what I can do to help you. This isn't magic. This isn't secrets. It's hard work but it's very definitely worth it. If you reach out to me, I will share anything and everything that has helped me so far. We both have a long way to go. I am happy to help you succeed.

    Scott R. in Houston, Tx.
  • sbgopin
    sbgopin Posts: 3 Member
    Find a local overeaters anonymous meeting. If you can't find one, listen to a phone meeting. You can find the info on their website. OA will really help with the addiction aspect, especially the "90-day format " meetings. The elimination of flour and sugar (which the program recommends) helps to eliminate the cravings. Hang in there!:wink:
  • cindl24
    cindl24 Posts: 178
    I also wanted to wish you luck. You'll find lots of great support here. I think the advice from most everyone is pretty much the same...try to get some help. It sounds like in your situation the best thing would be a support group.

    I also emphatically agree with the others that have stated you should not try to drop yourself to 2000 calories a day. That's way too few based on what you have been doing and will set yourself up for failure.

    I had to ween myself off of flour and sugar products and go low-carb for my health. I did it gradually and it made it a success for me.

    Please keep coming back to this site as it is full of great support. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. Our eating issues are quite different, but it doesn't mean we can't all cheer on each other's efforts. :drinker:
  • FitzyFitzpatrick
    FitzyFitzpatrick Posts: 188 Member
    Send me a friend request too, would love to be on your support team.

    I believe in you! I also believe in MFP. We're here for you.
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    Read Dr Nick's book. He lost 265 pounds.."My Big Fat Greek Diet" I go to TOPS every week (almost free) the people are nice, it keeps me focussed and the weigh-in really does something to your mind !!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Come on! 2,000 calories is pretty low! I usually eat more than that and I am pretty lazy and I have lost 1 pd a week for 38 weeks !!
  • Hey, well first I would say don't listen to the "1 to 2 Pounds a week is all that is recommended" garbage that is spread like wildfire on this site. At your weight, you should easily lose 6 to 8 pounds every single week simply by reducing your calories. These folks all mean well, they simply have never been "big" by our standards, so they have no experience in the matter. Next, start drinking water, I know you probably hate it, tough sh$t drink it like your life depends on it...because it does. Don't wimp out at the 8 glass mark, that is for all of the people who are already at the weight you are striving to get down to, you have no mark so you drink it as much as possible. I mean seriously, you should be on your second glass already just reading my post. With water and the calori reduction to +/- 2000, even you will be amazed at how fast the weight comes off.. at least the first 200 pounds, then it will slow down to only average loss, etc. Lastly, walk; yes walk. Get up off your @ss and go for a walk, and log it. I don't care if it is 50 feet Today, Tomorrow shoot for 75 feet, the Next Day 100 Feet. Keep going until you can't go any further and then reach down and go further, just do it. I have never walked for exercise in my life before joining this site in September, NEVER, and in November (2 months after I started this site) I accepted a group challenge ( to walk 50 Miles In November, and yesterday I completed that challenge. Now for most of the folks reading this, 50 miles is next to nothing, but you and I know that 50 Miles from someone who uses a mechanical grabber to pick things up off the floor is a h@ll of an increase, and man if I can do it, you can do it.

    The simple act of being as heavy as you are shows that you know how to make poor decisions when it comes to your health and well being, now show me, us, the world and most importantly... yourself, that you also know how to make the right decisions, and then do it.

    I mean it with all of my heart when I tell you to do something today and you will enjoy it tomorrow, or do nothing today and you will regret it tomorrow; either way your future is in your hands.
  • skittles1928
    skittles1928 Posts: 57 Member
    Why not try alternating for a few weeks? Eat 2000 calories one day, then the next day give yourself 2500. It might help you feel less deprived. Eventually you'll get used to eating 2000, and the weight will keep coming off. Try going on a ten minute walk every day... Then start to increase it the easier it gets for you. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. At a weight of 500 pounds, even small changes will go a long way. When you need to make bigger changes later on, you'll be ready to do so.