I only like fatty foods how can I still lose weight?



  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Fat isn't the problem. I eat a high fat diet which has improved my health in so many ways that I won't bore you with the details. The quality of your food is the problem. Fix it or don't, entirely up to you.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Sounds like youre in the same boat I am.. except I've having trouble maintaining calories now that I've started back up :(... I LOVE fast food, french fries, fried chicken, hamburgers.. all that stuff. When I eat all the healthy stuff I get tired of it pretty quick and feel like I'm eating the same thing week after week...
    I've discovered the best thing is to start small, like with 'Snacks'.. have some fruit. Add a salad into your lunch habit (eg get the fast food you want with a *SMALL* side of fries and a salad to munch on before you are allowed to touch the junk.. also get water instead of soda a few days a week. Slowly cycle the good in and the bad out.. but realize when you *NEED* your junk, you can have it, just make up for it next meal or do better the next day. Good luck!

    __EDIT below__

    Also, some people will tell you Calories in <Calories out.. overall this is true.. but your body functions better with the right food. If you're eating junk you will lose the energy to keep working out or feel hungrier because you aren't getting the nutrition you need. Over all, yes you will lose, but it won't be plesant. From personal experience I was so tired I couldn't work out... and my nutritionist said that's probably a big part of the reason. Plus the sugar and fats make your body crave more of that type of food, which does tend to be higher calorie density..

    Wrong about the fats. You can blame the craving on the sugar all by itself. Fat will actually increase satiety and decrease cravings and make one's body very healthy, speaking from experience and research. However, the QUALITY of the fat is important. Foods deep fried in canola oil, death on a plate, imo.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    If you are eating below your calorie goal then yes you will loose weight but you won't be healthy and by eating higher calorie foods you won't be able to eat as much in your day. You can either have 1 fast food meal and eat 1000 calories or you can make better choices and eat all day long. Fat will not keep you full throughout the day.

    I'm from WI, I know cheese, lol. I refuse to eat low fat cheese so that means I have to cut back on how much I eat. If you really want to be healthier you are going to have to cut down on the fried foods and the other high fat foods like cheese, butter and mayo. I still eat cheese and everything else but in smaller amounts and not as often. For example, at this moment I'm eating some turkey chili w/cheeese and sour cream. But, only a tablespoon of sour cream and about 1/8 of a cup of cheese. I used to drown my chili in cheese and this has been my lunch all week and it is so delicious I can't believe it. Friend me if you'd like.
  • I noticed your breakfasts are small and low calorie. If you love fried foods so much, have you thought about having a larger breakfast, getting in some fat (bacon) and protein (eggs) and carbs (roasted potatoes) in the morning? Then maybe you'd be able to crush cravings for later because you're already full/satisfied?
  • I also lost a majority of my weight through frozen meals for calorie control, and eating whatever I wanted and burning it off. But on the whole, when I made a switch to 75% whole foods I just feel a thousand times better! On so many levels!
  • bradwwood
    bradwwood Posts: 371 Member
    I think it has been said, but I'll say it again.

    It isn't just a matter of operating in a calorie deficit to lose weight, at least it shouldn't be. It should be about being healthy and fit. Weight is just one factor in the "healthy / fit" equation.

    Even though it has been proven that you can pretty much eat anything you want and lose weight, you should still be thinking in terms of "garbage in, garbage out".

    Oh, and by the way, .. Of course you struggle with that stuff. I think most of us do. It's effin good stuff.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I love fried foods and fattening foods. After looking at my diary I realize that most of the food I am consuming is deemed bad for you. How will this hinder my weight loss process? Will eating this food slow me down?

    Yes. It will be the biggest hindrance to you ever reaching your goals. Stop it.
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    I eat pasta almost every day, love ice cream, etc. and have still lost weight :) 33 pounds in the last 7 months. Maybe I could lose more if I ate healthier all of the time - but I'm really picky and love to eat so what can I say? haha :) It can be done but you got to get up and moving! Feel free to add me for encouragement :)
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    If you're at a calorie deficit, you will lose weight. However, try working healthier foods in. Fruits and veggies have a lot more nutrients so your body feel better, not to mention they give you a lot more volume for fewer calories.

    Potatoes are fine for you. And if you eat the skin, you get nutrients from it. Start working in a few healthy foods and you may end up liking them, or finding delicious ways to prepare them. Baby steps...

    Great advice :)
  • kmccormick42
    kmccormick42 Posts: 78 Member
    Skinnytaste.com has some great recipes. I've made quite a few things that were very flavorful and my whole family enjoyed.
  • I love fried foods and fattening foods. After looking at my diary I realize that most of the food I am consuming is deemed bad for you. How will this hinder my weight loss process? Will eating this food slow me down?

    Yes. It will be the biggest hindrance to you ever reaching your goals. Stop it.

    LOL! But seriously, OP it sounds like you could benefit from experimenting with various flavors. I tried the whole chickentuna (look her up amazing bod) method of eating "plain foods" and it drove me crazy. I felt so deprived.

    It is very possible to eat less calorie dense food and still enjoy what you are eating. Find a healthy balance. Why should you eat nasty food for the rest of your life, when you don't have to?
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Of course you do...because they taste great and EVERYONE loves them. No offense, but that doesn't make you special and is how most people got here in the first place.

    You need to find other things you like.. the healthier you eat, your body will get used to better fuel, and the less delicious these 'bad' foods will taste. Just work at it and give it time....you have to really want to make the changes.

    Remember, Its not just your weight weight that is effected by a poor diet...its everything else inside your body as well...
  • My goals are to lose weight, become physically fit, and ultimately I'd love to run a marathon...whereas now I can barely walk up the stairs. I'm just afraid that I'll lose weight but still be terribly out of shape.
    you can always start working out make do 10-15 a day then up it when you feel comfortable with that. It's good to push yourself but not overdo it. I wouldn't exercise daily either I do 2-3 times a week with a few crunches daily. It's all about baby steps then you will lose weight and be somewhat in shape.
  • JustAGirlyGeek
    JustAGirlyGeek Posts: 149 Member
    You'll lose weight at first just because you're eating less...but yes, all the chips, French fries, bread, and pasta will slow you down after a while. Replace most of that with vegetables and salads, and eat meat/fish/fowl that you cook yourself instead of so much fast food and processed, frozen stuff. Much more nutritious, less salt, and better for your energy levels.

    ^this!!! Try to cut the bad stuff out one at a time. You can treat yourself once in a while but instead of chips, snack on veggies. You like french fries, replace the white potato and make sweet potato fries. If you drink soda/juice, cut back and drink water. Add lemon or other fruits to give it flavor if you don't like plain water.

    I think I saw somewhere you want to run a marathon eventually. Check out a Couch to 5K program. I highly recommend NHS's C25K. http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/c25k/Pages/couch-to-5k.aspx

    Keep at it and if you have a bad day, don't stress... tomorrow is another day. Just try to stay consistent. This isn't a diet. It's a lifestyle change. I can't tell you how many times I've fallen off the wagon but this past week has been an eye opener after losing another family member to cancer. Add me if you want/need extra support.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    You wont lose weight if all your eating is junkfood. Plain and simple.

    False information.
    Eating at a calorie deficit will cause weight loss. Source of calories is irrelevant.


    Calories in, Calories out. That being said, you can be skinny fat. Just because you loose weight doesn't mean you wont develop diabetes, heart disease, or otherwise feel like crap. If you just want to lose weight, just cut calories. If you want to feel better (and have a better chance of making lifestyle changes and keeping the weight off)- try to incorporate better foods. it is hard, I know, but if you can cut them out I promise you will stop craving them. Also, if there is a healthy food you do like, there is nothing saying you cant eat the same healthy thing every day.
  • One huge motivator for me to eat healthy is I look at how much more food I can eat for the same amount of calories. I love to eat!!

    THIS!! I said this exact thing today as I ate my very small 2 oz portion of polish sausage and 1/2 cup of fried potatoes lol I was thinking of how much more I could eat if I was eating a salad with low cal dressing. Sometimes the bad stuff is worth it just not all the time :)
  • You'll find out as most of us have when you go to your doctor, they do an EKG and there's an issue. Trust me....been there done that....NOT worth it. As Jack Lalane stated, "if it taste's good....spit it out". I'm not saying that you can't have a "Cheat Day". But all I call tell you is that what my doctor has told me, "You KNOW the deal, and the CONSEQUENCES.......it's YOUR choice".
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    You'll lose weight at first just because you're eating less...but yes, all the chips, French fries, bread, and pasta will slow you down after a while. Replace most of that with vegetables and salads, and eat meat/fish/fowl that you cook yourself instead of so much fast food and processed, frozen stuff. Much more nutritious, less salt, and better for your energy levels.

    There is nothing wrong with frozen food. Just try to buy the ones with the least ingredients. Sometimes frozen is cheaper and easier to have in the house. Also, having a healthier frozen meal is better than hitting KFC for some chicken. Try to focus on making the better choice instead of worrying about making the wrong choices.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Substitution, substitution, substitution! Find things that you like that are healthier to substitute for those fatty fried foods. I love potatoes, too, but have found that a baked sweet potato is delicious and doesn't need sour cream like baked potatoes do. I started getting lower sugar oatmeal instead of the regular oatmeal which saves some calories, and tastes just as good. Low cal salad dressing tastes the same to me as regular salad dressing. This doesn't mean I never eat fried/fatty foods, but I limit them. You'd be surprised how your taste buds can change. Sugar, for instance, is very addictive, and if you cut it out, you won't crave it as much. You have to be willing to give some different things a try, and you have to do so with an open mind. If losing weight and becoming healthy are a priority for you, you'll find a way. Best of luck!
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I can eat box after box of cookies and never feel *satisfied*. Eventually I feel sick, but never satisfied. However, a well-balanced meal with a blend of lean protein, fiber, nutritious greens, good starchy carbs - - physically satisfying in a really pleasant way.

    So, you can eat crap and lose weight. But please try to incorporate other things, try new foods, and see how full and happy you feel on 500 calories of baked chicken breast (10 ounces cooked) and on 500 calories of fried chicken (6 ounces).

    With the fried chicken, you're* consuming cooking oil and breading, and usually skin. Non really nutritive like an extra 4 ounces of pure protein.

    Your body will tell you what it likes if it can get out from under the oil.

    [*edited to fix a really rudimentary typo.]
  • Ginnyesq
    Ginnyesq Posts: 109
    I looked at your diary and I think you are being a little hard on yourself. Try adding in a few more vegetables and fruits to what you are already eating and I think you'll be fine. The only reason I even suggest it is because it will give you fiber and help you stay full longer for not a lot more calories, so you'll be more successful long term.

    It's way too soon to start looking for a reason to fail. Just hang in there and you'll be fine.
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    I used to also eat mostly fried foods and also cakes, biscuits and chocs. I swapped to healthier foods quite quickly for one main reason. I saw how much healthy food I could have for my calories compared to the measly amount of unhealthy food I could have. I like and need to eat as being hungry is not an option for me, Mrs Grump appears if I do.
  • girllovedcupcakes
    girllovedcupcakes Posts: 109 Member
    I eat a huge burger every day for lunch.

    A turkey burger on a low calorie bun with no cheese. I used to LOVE fast food. I ate it almost every day. I havent had deep fried french fries since July 17th. I have had baked sweet potato fries though :) After a while you will stop craving those things.

    ETA: I still eat fast food every once in a while but I stay under the calories for the day and it isn't that often.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    With what you eat, I wouldn't worry about your weight, your food will kill you anyway!! Buy those water pills or the other miracle weight loss things.

    Get serious, you are a good looking lady. You have to find better things to eat. You can't exercize enough to overcome your eating. You may not be able to cut out everything all at once, but cut out the fried foods. Fries are a complete no-no. Give your body a break and start eating healthier. This MFP is not about dieting, but more a lifestyle change in the way we eat and excersize.

    Best of luck to you!!!!

  • nashbear
    nashbear Posts: 131 Member
    Switching to a entire new way of eating is hard. I would be most concerned with eating fast food and junk food and not getting in the right nutrients. Definitely take vitamins to make sure that you are getting enough. Keep tracking your food and make sure that you do have a deficit and you will lose weight. As you lose weight, start trying to incorporate better quality food in your food plan. You definitely don't have to change your eating to lose weight, but you may be hungry all the time. I have a bunch of friends that eat Paleo. (absolutely no processed food, dairy, grains, potatoes, alcohol) They eat so much food daily it is crazy. And they all have tons of energy. To start something like that they all started by cutting out one thing for a week, then cutting out the next thing for the next week, etc. If you have a drasctic change in the way you eat, you may give it up because you feel deprived. Eventually once you eat good quality food for a long time, you do crave those foods. Also suggest using coconut oil instead of vegetable or olive oil in cooking. The cooking breaks down all the benefits of the vegetable based oils. Good luck.
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    What is it about fatty foods that you like? There is almost always a healthier choice .

    Maybe its psychological lol the fact that they are fatty. But for example, I'd almost always choose a piece of fried chicken over baked. Fries over veggies. I do like fruit, but sometime around puberty I started eating oranges, apples, and bananas and my throat started itching really bad. So I'm limited to like strawberries, grapes, and pineapples. I love anything with cheese on it. As a matter of fact a lot of my calories are from cheese.
    My throat/mouth itches with some fruits & veggies; it's a mild allergic reaction to something, be it in the veggies or on them (i.e., pesticides or washing agents). If it's a severe reaction, I wouldn't play around with it, and I'd see an allergist to get tested -- it could very well be fixable. If it's mild, though, I've found that eating something bread-like immediately afterwards helps a lot (just a couple crackers, nothing big). You can also play around with other fruit to see what triggers it -- there are so many to choose from! Mango, watermellon, blueberries, pears, papaya, kiwi, passionfruit, raspberries, avacado...the list goes on and on.
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    My goals are to lose weight, become physically fit, and ultimately I'd love to run a marathon...whereas now I can barely walk up the stairs. I'm just afraid that I'll lose weight but still be terribly out of shape.

    Fear can and is immobolizing- not losing weight is keeping you out of shape. In shape is a process just like weight loss. It takes time. Your goal is 50lbs? Imagine carrying around a 50 lb child- all day, on your back, around your waist, ect. The point is, you would be exhausted, and to put down that child would feel amazing- you could move faster and do more than you could carrying that extra weight. That flight of stairs will feel like nothing. But doing nothing- that is the best way to ensure your fears will win.

    Thx for opening your diary- you appear to start the day out well, lunch on many days has a lot of snacks in it, as does dinner.
    This was a real struggle for me in the beginning, snack foods- love chips! But I have found the way to handle it, is just not to bring them home- don't buy them, and you won't eat them. Even if this works only 50% of the time, you will save that many calories toward empty foods. I used to love fried food too- and potatos- I love them- fried, baked, casseroles, mashed- love them. But they are a weight gain trigger food for me, and it came down to what I wanted more, temporary enjoyment of a food, or weight loss. I still have these, but they are an indulgence, not a part of my every day.

    Even if you limit your favorites to just weekends, but not every day, you will see small changes. Bottom line, you can't eat whatever you want and lose weight, you have to be open to changing your diet.
    Abs are made in the kitchen- not the gym :)
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    You don't have to give up fried foods or potatoes to lose weight. Perhaps eat more healthy foods and limit yourself to having your favorites only once/twice a week. That way you are getting the necessary nutrients (especially on that low of a calorie limit) without completely depriving yourself of the things you love. All things in moderation.

    I do think you should do some research and reconsider your calorie limit. Try http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/ or http://www.caloriesperhour.com/
  • ICarla
    ICarla Posts: 200 Member
    I don't see too many problems with your intake, it is obvious you are trying to do well and taking this seriously. The crab dip the other day is questionable.

    Before I joined I was in a year long rut of fast food 5 or more times per week.

    Things that helped:
    Pack your lunch. Or at a minimum bring snacks. Say you are going to subway or chick fil a. Much better to eat an apple first and then stick to only a sandwich from there and skip the chips, fries, etc.
    Prepare your dinner in a healthier way, for example bake or broil your meats, add in veggies or a salad. Watch your butters, spreads, etc. even if you have a baked potato you don't want to load it down with butter.
    Try tracking things like sodium and fiber.
    If you are breaking a fast food habit one of the easiest ways in my opinion is to see the mega ton of salt you are consuming with the choices you are making. If you make a conscious effort to stay under your sodium and fat goal and try to get your recommended fiber intake, you will force yourself to make healthier choices and exchanges.
    Best of luck to you! :):):)

    Thanks so much!!! That crab dip the other day was a definite binge. I couldn't help it. I debated for about 20 mins before I finally gave in to temptation.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You'll find out as most of us have when you go to your doctor, they do an EKG and there's an issue. Trust me....been there done that....NOT worth it. As Jack Lalane stated, "if it taste's good....spit it out". I'm not saying that you can't have a "Cheat Day". But all I call tell you is that what my doctor has told me, "You KNOW the deal, and the CONSEQUENCES.......it's YOUR choice".

    "If it tastes good, spit it out"?????? :noway:

    NO, NO, NO. Really bad advice. Bad, bad, stupid adivce.

    Eat foods you like. If you think all you like is processed fatty foods, get a cookbook or take a cooking class, You just don't know what really good food it. Freshly prepared, properly seasoned foods are DELICIOUS, Enjoy your meals.

    I've been thin and fit most of my life. The only time I eat foods I don't like is when I'm trying something new.