Are there any other geeks out there?



  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    My workout reward is my nightly video game time. I decided that I had to make time to go to the gym, so I wake up at 4:45 to get a morning workout in so that when I get off work I have time for gaming. If I don't work out in the morning I have to use my game time to go to the gym. Has worked out so far.
  • geek here XD I love everything from video games, to role playing games, to star wars and lord of the rings XDDD But i dont use video games to work out, I just go to the gym lol
  • sixhours
    sixhours Posts: 1 Member
    I love XBL, however it's not the nicest on the waistline!
  • Masquerade78
    Masquerade78 Posts: 6 Member
    Video gamer, D&D player, board game enjoyer here.

    I used to write gaming reviews for my own blog and then for others, but getting fit took over and now I just game for relaxation. Plus my husband is a great co-op partner in Borderlands. :)
  • Here!
  • Yes, I am a lab rat that does immunoassays. And I like to crunch numbers.:drinker:
  • shade0343
    shade0343 Posts: 59 Member
    Confirmed geek here. Flavored green tea no sweetner has been my fix.

    Ask any questions you like.

    Good Luck!
  • marie_eve_78
    marie_eve_78 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi! Geek here too. Like board games, DnD, video games... and I mostly read these days. (Currently it's The lies of Locke Lamora)Why aren't there any geek activities involving other parts of the body than brains and fingers?! ;)

    You can add me if you want, I'm always happy to find new friends!

    Have a nice day!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    My work often requires me to sit at a computer monitor for hours. I will sometimes set a timer and take 10 minutes to move to music (dancing, jumping jacks, whatever I'm physically capable of). If I'm up for another 10 and have the time, I'll repeat the cycle once or twice.

    I try not to eat too much at the computer because the food gets into the keyboard. I once knocked over a cup of coffee and killed a netbook.
  • SloRunner25
    SloRunner25 Posts: 89 Member
    Yay GEEKS! I married a computer programmer who is an amazing support and who has unfortunately helped me pack on the pounds with marathon sessions of gaming and sci fi shows. I'm a Whovian (Doctor Who crazy fan) through and through for sure and enjoy everything geeky. I LOVED research and classes involving research in college and am thinking about going back to grad school eventually. Most of my Christmas wishlist is from :)

    I'm also looking for fellow geeks for motivation and I'm more than happy to motivate back! Add me any time (especially if you love Doctor Who as much as I do. Let's geek out!!)!
  • Engineer specialising in global navigation satellite systems, control and monitoring and time distribution, or as like like to describe it a "master of time and space".

    I'm a full time sci-fi/fantasy addict and gadget loving techno geek.

    On top of all that, I'm well on my way to losing the 45kg/~100lbs I was originally aiming for.

    Feel free to add me.