Nead Motivation

Hi guys

" I keep telling myself I need to lose weight and have good intentions, l start working out and logging my food, but about a week or two later I give up."

I need some friends who will cheer me up

Can any one help me with some daily routines(Exercises)?
Height : 5.8
weight : 190
Age : 23


  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Why are you giving up?
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    The thing is, no one can give you motivation. It's not going to stick until you want it enough for yourself. Motivation comes from inside you. I think you aren't there yet.
  • sara_235
    sara_235 Posts: 33 Member
    I am strict during week days and no control on weekends :(
  • sara_235
    sara_235 Posts: 33 Member
    Yes i agree with you
    i have some starting trouble ,when i started i will be on my way but when it can disturbed. it is difficult to start it again
  • Jnorwood3
    Jnorwood3 Posts: 4 Member
    I have had the same problem, I just signed up to MFP on Monday, so far so good!! I am trying to stay motivated by remembering how great I feel when I exercise regularly & of course the weight loss is great. I lost 75 lbs on WW about a year ago I lost track & have gained about 40 lbs back, yuk!!
    I exercise to a Leslie Sansone, Walk away the Pounds DVD!!
    Good Luck!!!
  • kaq3353
    kaq3353 Posts: 5 Member
    I have the same problem.. I am full speed ahead for the first week or 2 then I start to slip!!! I always feel hungry and when I don't see the numbers on the scale moving I tend to get discouraged and eat!!! Really wanting to see changes this time!!!
  • sara_235
    sara_235 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks a lot for the replies
    I really appreciate that.

    can anyone help with best daily exercises to start with?
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    If you're failing to retain control over the weekends, perhaps you're just compensating for too few calories during the week and your body is rebelling? Perhaps you are keeping unhealthy snack foods in the house even though you don't want them anymore?

    Good exercise at the outset is just getting outside and walking. If you're interested in running, check out Couch to 5k. If you want to do aerobic bodyweight stuff in your house, look up Fitness Blender.

    Motivation, though, has to come from within. I don't know that anyone else can give that to you.
  • kaq3353
    kaq3353 Posts: 5 Member
    Just checked out the Walk Away the Pounds dvd set and it got great reviews and seems fairly simple!!! Was on Amazon!!
  • It's hard. but keep logging on here and set a small time frame aside each day for yourself! you are worth it!!
  • The thing is, no one can give you motivation. It's not going to stick until you want it enough for yourself. Motivation comes from inside you. I think you aren't there yet.

    perfectly put!! :smile:
  • Jnorwood3
    Jnorwood3 Posts: 4 Member
    Walk Away the Pounds is a simple way to get going & very motivating!! I have had some rough days at work the past few weeks & it is refreshing to hear positive & encouraging words while doing something great for yourself
  • Hi Sara;
    I did the same thing for year. I finally stumbled across this app two months ago, try to use the scanner on your phone. It amazing. I have lost 20 pounds in two months. this really works and i can eat anything i want as long as i keep it at 1200 calories. Welcome aboard
  • alexandrajane84
    alexandrajane84 Posts: 34 Member
    I am strict during week days and no control on weekends :(

    This is me to a tee....
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    Don't think of it as a daily battle. Think of it in terms of a week. Get your daily allowance, and multiply it by 7. If you are within that amount at the end of the week, overall, you are winning. You won't feel as though you lost control.
  • shirleyash
    shirleyash Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Sara,
    I started the end of July and have lost 35 lbs. I too have had motivation issues in the past - but the best motivation is fitting into the smaller clothes you have that you haven't worn in a while, or looking in the mirror and seeing less butt looking back at you.....!!! I'm on 1200 calories a day as well, and at first it's really hard finding enough foods that you like that will fill you up.... and will keep you out of "food" trouble. I stayed very true to my 1200 calories and saw really great result - and really fast!
    Last week I started splurging some and went over my calories and now I'm having a tough time getting back to being on track. I was even eating late at night when I was out of calories, and logged them on the next days log. Well that didn't work very well because I started my "new" day with less calories than the day before!! No more of that!!
    So - commit to yourself that this time- with the help of this great site and the many of us out here that are doing the same thing - you will get the extra weight off once and for all, and learn a new way of eating that will keep you thin the rest of your life!!! This really is a new way of eating - the calories don't go up much once you reach goal. Make it a game with yourself to find new foods, and try new recipes that will make it easier for you!!
    Good luck - and reach out whenever you need group advice!!