
So part of my problem is that I cook for a living.
I'm around breakfast and grill/fryer lunch foods all day.
I snack on bacon and bits of chicken strips all day. Not
lots but I know this adds up. This is where my weight gain comes
Any one have tricks to stop eating. I can't chew gum since it is food
service. Any ideas are welcome and appreciated.


  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    So part of my problem is that I cook for a living.
    I'm around breakfast and grill/fryer lunch foods all day.
    I snack on bacon and bits of chicken strips all day. Not
    lots but I know this adds up. This is where my weight gain comes
    Any one have tricks to stop eating. I can't chew gum since it is food
    service. Any ideas are welcome and appreciated.
    I was a kitchen manager, cook, waiter and bartender and chewed gum all the time. Who told you that you can't chew gum?
  • jenwillbthin
    My boss its a kitchen rule. I'm in the public eye so it doesn't "look right"
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Try rinsing your mouth with H2O2 - hydrogen peroxide. It tastes like crap, and makes everything in your mouth taste like crap for a while too. Not sure if it will work, but I know you'll lose interest in putting things in your mouth for a while.
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Just my opinion I think seeing a cook eat is much worse than seeing them chew gum. I've seen it too many times and have watched them go right back to cooking. They almost never wash their hands after putting their fingers so close or even in their mouth.

    Anyway - to your question. Take a day and write down every time you nibble and log it to see how many calories it is. Having the number will help you in the accountability for not eating all day long. If you only know "it adds up" then you don't really see how much it adds up and you can easily dismiss it.
  • jenwillbthin
    That's an idea. It just sounds gross too. Yuk! Worth trying.
  • wsucheergirl
    Can you have mints or hard candy?
  • erinlindsay
    eat ice cubes. (JLo does that lol)

    brush your teeth lots.

    drink lots of water to keep your stomach full.
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    Ask your boss to tell you it is not allowed.
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    I cook for a living too. I keep my liter jig of water around all the time. I put some lime wedges in it or one crystal light single for some flavor. I know all about the not chewing gum. Try keeping carrot sticks handy. That worked for me cuz I found myself picking at stuff even though I wasn't hungry. After keeping carrots and celery around, I forced myself to pick at those, I found after a week I just went to the veggies out of habit. Just re-training the brain really. (that and having to wash your hands after every carrot starts to get to you, then you'll just stop doing it til break time)
    Make sure you brush your teeth before work too. Right before you leave the door and use mouthwash. The fresher your mouth is, the less you'll want to ruin it. Plus... nothing tastes worse than toothpaste and bacon lol
  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    i would say mouthwash or listerine strips - nothing usually tastes good after those
  • lulu64uk
    lulu64uk Posts: 62
    I have Seen Paul McKenna do this on TV and it did work for me for some time.

    You put the food that you love in your mouth, chew but do not swallow and then for 2 minutes you close you eyes and think of the worst possible thing you could ever imagine eating - sub conciously you will then think of this when you next eat either the bacon or chicken.

    For example, I love peanuts so, I had a handful of these and whislt I was chewing, I imagined that I was actually chewing chicken grizzle, veins and the crunch was chicken bones (I know very yucky) that put me off peanuts for a good few months ?

    May be worth a go ?
  • craigeff
    craigeff Posts: 24
    i work in a large uk bakery and under no circ umstances can you chew gum or even eat for that matter lol
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    listerine strips or binaca spray.
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    Are you nibbling because you're hungry or because you are a nibbler? I tend to nibble whether I am hungry or not. If you are hungry then maybe you need to make sure you eat something healthy and filling before you start your shift. Another thing you could try is mouthwash. If you aren't really hungry, you could rinse you mouth out every so often. Nothing tastes good mixed with mouthwash. :o)
  • jenwillbthin
    thanks everyone what great ideas. I've heard about the tricking your mind thing before but had forgotten all it.
    I really should write down all that I nibble because I'm sure that's where my gain comes from.
    I will do most of the above and see if I can't just kick this nibbling thing to the curb.