4'11 - 5'2 ladies?



  • Hi there! This is totally me. Every pound makes a difference when you're short. I started this in April not to count calories or diet ... Those just never work for me... But to practice mindful eating. I find that being really aware of and thinking about what I'm eating every day helps eat less crap. I don't not eat something if I want it though... For me, the key is sustainability for life so I don't restrict, just eat mindfully, and usually within 1200 cals except on weekends I might go over. Started this in April at 147, but an all Time high of 180 in early university. Age 28. Current weight is 131 and its the lowest in years. Feel free to add me! I love the support on here and would love to help others as well!!!
  • I'm 4'11" and at the beginnning of summer, I was at 176. By September, I was at around 157, but now I'm gaining weight again, due to the fact that I am a college student living in a dorm (when I went home for Thanksgiving, I was around 160...yikes!). In the past couple of weeks or so, I've picked up some jogging but I live in a rainy, crowded city and the gym is always full. I just joined this site yesterday to start trying to keep track of calories. Unfortunately, that's pretty difficult, as I have no clue what they put in our nasty food here on campus. Since I have no scale, I'll just have to double cross my fingers that something's actually working. Any thoughts/ideas as to what else I should be doing? I'm really excited to be a part of such a great community though and would love any support, and am willing to support others as well!
  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    I am 4'11.75:) My starting weight was 157 and I am down to 134. I want to get to 115. My current measurements are 37 30 38. I have large thighs and cant wait til they shrink a bit more:) I would love more short fiends so please add me;)
  • ejayres
    ejayres Posts: 3 Member
    It isn't going to be easy... but you can do it! I am 5'3 (5'4 on a good day ;-)

    I was 173 lbs when I started my journey with my husband last June. We decided that we were going to motivate each other... including calling each other out when we were being rotten or negative or making bad choices - that was a hard part because you never want to be mean to the person you love, but it helped a lot to have someone to encourage you, and someone you were doing it for. I am down to 140.6 lbs as of this morning... for the frist time since I was in high school, my BMI is "normal weight"

    I started using MyFitnessPal and we started going to the gym every other day - didn't try to over-do it, got on the elliptical starting on the "weight loss" setting and then built it up from there until I was running 3 1/4 - 3 3/4 miles over the course of 30 minutes + 5 minute cool down.

    I also have friends who use this program, and they ability to see my log-ins help keep me honest. Here are the things I have learned:
    1) Set realistic goals.... start with "I want to lose 10 lbs." If you start with too much, you might get frustrated.
    2) Let people help and encourage you... it is very hard to do these things alone.
    3) Don't let the dieting and excercise impede on your love of life. Do (and eat) the things that you love and make you happy... just in moderation. The "need" to be skinny should never trump the need to be happy.

    That's just my two cents... I wish you the best of luck. You can do it!
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
  • chelseaalicia
    chelseaalicia Posts: 164 Member
    Hi! I am 5'1- used to be 249 (size 22ish?) and am now down to 140 (size 4-6) . As you lose weight and change your body you will get a better idea of how your shape will change and what a realistic goal weight might be. I originally was shooting to weigh 120, but I have a lot of muscle and have reached the point that if I want to lose more weight (numbers on the scale) I will have to lose muscle mass but I don't want to- It was tough to build muscle and I want to keep it :) I'm enjoying being fit and challenging myself more- and if I can lose weight or body fat, great! If not, that's fine too :)

    Best of luck to you OP and to all of you on your journeys- feel free to add me :)
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Hello All Shorties,

    I'm 4'10.5" (used to be 4' 11"..yep I'm shrinking) 58. I started in January at 145.4 and am currently 112.2. My goal was 115.4 and now I'm working on my Holiday extra loss so everything will continue to fit throughout December. Many of you are pretty young and I'm glad to see you attacking the weight loss now as once you get to your 40's and beyond it's a whole lot harder to lose due to all the changes your body is going through.

    i just completed the 30 ds and it's amazing how great my arms look now...exercise is really important for us shorties too.

    Good luck to every one....DONT GIVE UP...IT CAN BE DONE:flowerforyou:
  • LuvToSkate
    LuvToSkate Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in. 5'1", currently 126 with a goal of 105. I have a small frame, and every extra pound shows up around the waist. :( My plan is to log every bite and get 10K steps per day in, no matter what. I have given myself 5 months to lose this weight!
  • sara6795
    sara6795 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 5'1" and currently 220lb. I started off at 230, which is horrible--I had avoided weighing myself for an entire year. I'm not sure of my measurements, but I wear a size 16 pant and bra size is 40G. I'm hoping my chest will shrink during the weight loss process; the smallest I have ever been is a DDD, which is much smaller than what they are now! I have always had "manly" muscles and weighed more than my pant size showed (I think this is due to abnormal hormones during puberty). I am currently doing Zumba every day for a hour, working with resistance bands every-other-day, and integrating a CrossFit program into the mix. I'm eating no more than 1200 calories/day. Technically I should weigh about 130lb, but I'm not sure if it is possible. I am aiming for 140lb right now, setting smaller goals for myself every 2 weeks.

    I continue to stay positive, and recently when I gained a pound, it motivated me to work extra hard (instead of deterring my progress). I am becoming more confident and I am pretty damn proud of myself. :happy: It is hard being so short and having a bigger bone structure and frame, but I know I can do this.
  • shorthand73
    shorthand73 Posts: 118 Member
    Hello! 5'2" here. 22 pounds down and 10 to go - I'm hoping to hit that goal by February which will be my one year MFP 'anniversary'! This has been an excruciatingly slow process!! I just got a BMF armband and have really enjoyed that so far! I'm not very competitive by nature, but I really like challenging myself to beat my steps or calories or deficit from the day before - it almost makes it fun! I love to see the progress and dedication of others on this site -- encourages me to keep trying every day!
  • SillySkittles
    SillySkittles Posts: 202 Member
    I'm 5'0" and also fall into that awful morbidly obese category. When I went to the gym and had to do a fitness assessment, I tossed out 130 as my goal weight as the consultant kept pestering me to have a goal weight. After I said 130, she pointed out to me that technically, that weight is still too high for my height. BAH!

    I ditched her and her efforts to try to make me feel bad enough that I'd sign up for her personal training sessions and since then (September 25th, 2012) I have lost 22 lbs. That was 2 months ago!

    I just had a follow up with her (she booked it because she thought I wouldn't be doing as well on my own and would want to talk about personal training, so my goal was to show her she was WRONG!) and these were some of the numbers I came away with (roughly as I don't have them in front of me):

    Starting weight: 202
    She taped my neck, chest, bust, waist, abdomen, hips, thigh, knee, calf and bicep and all those totaled together, I've lost 18.75 inches - I don't have the individual measurements right now though.

    During the first fit test at the gym I was asked to do a bunch of stuff and the one thing that really stood out for me was push-ups. I got a big total of ZERO. So leaving there, I made it my goal to be able to do push-ups. I'm currently up to 15 and though I'm not interested in getting BIG muscles, I'm really wanting to build some long, lean muscles as I've been hearing that it really helps the metabolism and fat burning. At the gym, I've been doing a kickboxing class once a week and then I also have Ultimate Frisbee on Sundays. On the days that I don't have either of those, I've been doing Insanity. About twice or three times a week (before, not lately for the last two weeks though) I also liked to get a 45 - 60 min swim...just casual as I can barely doggy paddle.

    I tossed out the weight of 130 when I was being pestered, but I think that may be the goal weight I'm working for. I've seen pictures of myself when I was younger at 118 and I thought I looked too thin and it didn't suit me and some other family members have agreed. I want to be thin, but overall, I'd much rather be STRONG and healthy which will hopefully bring a good amount of thin along :)

    Best of luck with your journey! Feel free to add me if you need some little shorties on the the sideline for cheerleading and encouragement :D
  • I am 5'0 and currently weigh in at 122 i am 11 weeks ost partum with my 3rd! Last weigh in of my pregnancy I was a giant 163lbs from a prepregnancy weight of 103lbs..60lbs in 8 months i know not so smart!! I so didnt behave food wise with this last pregnancy and I am now paying for it. I know a lot of people are probably thinking oh boohoo your 122 but for me its a significant amount of unwanted and unneeded weight as I am in stage 1 renal failurefrom a life long battle with kidney disease :-( . Any amount of extra weight causes my already weak kidneys to work that much more to remove and filter waste also last year i was hit head on at 75 mph head on. I shattered both knees and mangled my right leg dye to the engine block breaking through the fire wall and landing on my legs along with those injuries i also broke my pelvis in 8 place as well as my back along my L4-L6 and my left wrist was also shattered. Long story short i am riddled with rods, plates, and screws. I am unable to fully use my right hand i am unable to run and walking alone ist still excruciating at times so again the more weight the more pain. My fitness goal is to by some miracle return to my healthy 103lbs frame not for looks (lets face it after 3 babies your tummy becomes somewhat unrecognizable) but for the purpose of health and less stress to my bones and kidneys!
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    I'm 38 and 5'1" when I started here I was 190 LBS now I'm 165 LBS. The heaviest I ever was 202 LBS. I'm aiming for 105-115.
  • ebonie101
    ebonie101 Posts: 95 Member
    i love this thread!!! im 4'11 and my highest weight was 180. i am currently 149 and my first goal weight is 120 but im pretty sure i might need to go down to 115 at least but i have a large frame so who knows
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I'm 5'1", and I started at 276 pounds. I am now 171 pounds, and still considered obese for my height. UGH. I think I need to be something like 159/60 to even be in the overweight category. It feels so frustrating and insurmountable sometimes. I'm only going for a goal weight of 150 at this point, because as of right now I am the smallest I have ever been in my adult life, and I can't even imagine being any smaller, lol, so 150 feels comfortable for me right now, and if I get there, I'll adjust as necessary.
  • ropermom
    ropermom Posts: 52 Member
    Hello. I'm 4'11" and weigh 109ish. I'm 52 and going thru menopause so losing isn't easy for me. However, I am slowly making progress. Something that has been KEY for me has been realizing & accepting when I am actually hungry and when I just have an appetite.
    My diary is open to friends - feel free to add me.
    Good luck to you on your journey.

    I can't wait for this to be over. The weight-gain alone is enough to make me crazy. All of a sudden, I hit 40 and starting gaining pounds so fast I couldn't keep up with it. My entire metabolism changed. It's been 4 years of this now, and I'm really ready to be done, and very much hoping that once it's done my metabolism will get back on track.

    I hear ya, girls!
    I've been going thru menopause for three years. I am 52 and have a "sausage waist" (where did THAT come from???:noway:
    ANYWAY----Feel free to freind me, I am 5'1" and began 8 pounds ago. Would like to get down to 120 lbs. I wish you the best of luck on your weight loss. 208 lbs. is formidable, but as you can see from these posts it IS do-able!!
  • Littlemissjackie1
    Littlemissjackie1 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm 5"1 ish and I currently weigh 150lbs, size 12 in jeans. My goal is to be 125-115 and fit into my size 5 jeans again.
    I've been off and on MFP for about a year now, i'm more determined then ever to get back in shape but been half assing it in my eating habits :grumble: . I'd love some new motivational friends to keep me in check & vise versa. Feel free to add me!
  • 5 food 2 and 246 lbs. My goal is 130 for now but I wouldn't be surprised that I'll want to lose more once I'm at my goal. I know I don't want to go further than 120 if that's the case. Ladies please feel free to add me. I am always looking for friend for support..both ways.
  • AnnaVee84
    AnnaVee84 Posts: 345 Member
    Hi fellow shorties!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm 5'1 and my highest weight was around 140 these past years, size 8. But started really using MFP in May and am now at 129... Just started a weight lifting regimen too so here's to losing those last 10 pounds!!! :smile:

    Feel free to add me, love having friends w similar stats and goals!
  • shannonmci
    shannonmci Posts: 56 Member
    Good Morning all you fellow shorties! I am 4'11" and proud of it! What I'm not proud of is my weight. I started this journey at 221 2.5 years ago. I am now down to 171 (fluctuates some) and feel like I have been stalled FOREVER! Charts say I should weigh about 125, but I would be happy with 140! As long as I am healthy, it is really just a number. I dont know my measurements as I never take them. 30 lbs does not sound like a lot to lose, but I am really struggling lately.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend, I think we could all use as much support as we can get!!
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