girl age 19 but 160 pounds D:



  • xxflorencexx
    xxflorencexx Posts: 31 Member
    This is the place to find support girl! I was at 165 when I first began. I am at 150.5 now after 30 days. Keep it going girl and feel free to request me for meal ideas.....

    Losing 15 pounds in 30 days is impressive.. how did you do that? :\
    I've added you :) Thank you so much! :)
  • xxflorencexx
    xxflorencexx Posts: 31 Member
    hi, im just a week old here on the site and have lost 4 pounds since..... iv had a weight problem all through my life, was born chubby and have been chubby ever since. .... im from india and would be more than happy if you guys would include me in your group.
    I have just added you :) lets work together!
  • xxflorencexx
    xxflorencexx Posts: 31 Member
    I'm 19 too, and in the last year and a half I have gained 55lbs. Definitely need some support as I'm getting married in March and would like to lose as many pounds as I can before then! :)
    I guess the rumour of first years either gain/lose 15+ is real D: my friend lost 20 pounds after the first month of school....
    Hope you can do it :) And congrats ! :)
  • Lucky her! I definitely went the other direction. Haha, thanks! You too :)
  • I'm totally in the same boat as you. I was totally on a roll with weight-loss..but then college and it's sketchy food rudely interrupted, and I've gained back a few pounds. :/ We can do it though!
  • richachaudhary
    richachaudhary Posts: 20 Member
    thankyou :)
  • im the same age to and i have been trying to lose weight except i weigh alot more D: for me tho i was 255 in high school and got down to 215 thin i stopped for a while and went up to 225 and now im trying to lose weight permanently and right now im at 216. feel free to add me for support :)
  • xxflorencexx
    xxflorencexx Posts: 31 Member
    Lucky her! I definitely went the other direction. Haha, thanks! You too :)
    Theres always people born lucky :p
    Good luck :D
  • xxflorencexx
    xxflorencexx Posts: 31 Member
    I'm totally in the same boat as you. I was totally on a roll with weight-loss..but then college and it's sketchy food rudely interrupted, and I've gained back a few pounds. :/ We can do it though!
    We can all lose it back :D
  • xxflorencexx
    xxflorencexx Posts: 31 Member
    im the same age to and i have been trying to lose weight except i weigh alot more D: for me tho i was 255 in high school and got down to 215 thin i stopped for a while and went up to 225 and now im trying to lose weight permanently and right now im at 216. feel free to add me for support :)
    Added :)
    Because we all know the joy of losing weight, we are now trying to enjoy it again :D
  • pinkgiraffes
    pinkgiraffes Posts: 3 Member
    I need friends too! I am 14 and weigh 150! i am in the same vote...its hard to keep it off :(
  • xxflorencexx
    xxflorencexx Posts: 31 Member
    I need friends too! I am 14 and weigh 150! i am in the same vote...its hard to keep it off :(
    Let's work together :p
    I have already added you!