I want abs! How long does that take?! :/



  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member

    In for 2.. AT THE SAME TIME!

  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Shipping is usually 3-5 business days unless you pay for overnight.

  • DCpaleochick
    DCpaleochick Posts: 211 Member

  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    depending on your BF% and routine, you could see results in a few weeks. I did the 30DS and saw my verticle definition form.. the 6 pack was still buried though under the remaining fat. I was doing the routine daily and putting in a lot of effort to really work myself. It all plays a role together. Your body will determine how long before you see results but if you are dedicated, you should see SOMETHING within a few weeks even if it is just the shape of your abdomen changing.
  • Wwonderful
    It only took me 6 weeks on the ABS diet.
  • paijing
    paijing Posts: 184 Member
    Three factors play into getting defined abs:

    1. Strength training
    2. Low body fat
    3. Good genetics

    First, build your muscles. Surprisingly, this doesn't mean do lots of crunches and situps and other ab exercises. By doing compound lifts, you'll work your abs. For examples of individuals with amazing abs who do no ab-specific work, check out leangains.com, weightz.tumblr.com, and powerrprincess.tumblr.com. It took weightz about 1.5yrs to get her amazing six-pack.

    Second, shed body fat. Having abs is all about having low body fat. When you see men and women with ripped abs, they usually look they're best around competition time, which means that they are tanned, dehydrated, and at a very low body fat. This makes their muscles pop.

    Third, have good genetics. Everyone carries their fat differently. If you're more of a pear, it'll be easier. If you're more of an apple, it'll be harder, or maybe close to impossible.

    Finally, don't worry too much about abs. They're not the end-all-be-all of fitness. Just keep working and they'll eventually come in, or they won't. But you'll notice some amazing changes along the way.
  • elprincipito
    elprincipito Posts: 1,200 Member
    it's all about eating right and also compound lifts help
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Took me 3 years to get decent abs.
  • shelbz09
    shelbz09 Posts: 115
    I appercaite everybody who took my question seriously
    I am new to the whole workout thing
    Sorry I didnt post more information about myself. i dont know how to figure all that stuff out.....
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    It is definitely diet-dependent and also somewhat dependent on where your body stores fat.

    Like 85% of my body fat is stored in my midsection, so even though I can caliper myself all day and come up with ~10% body fat, I need shadows and to be flexing my abs just to see the half decent four-pack I have, lol.

    With a completely strict diet and the right kind/amount of exercise.. it might take a few months. I haven't been all that strict on my diet, so my abs have been very slow to pop. I have had much more success when I've been laying into some weights, however.
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    Three factors play into getting defined abs:

    1. Strength training
    2. Low body fat
    3. Good genetics

    Finally, don't worry too much about abs. They're not the end-all-be-all of fitness. Just keep working and they'll eventually come in, or they won't. But you'll notice some amazing changes along the way.

    ^^ This
  • chinoplata
    chinoplata Posts: 12 Member
    Diet like crazy to lower bf%. But at the same time do lots of cardio and workout your abs HEAVY. Like a high schooler doing biceps your abs are a muscle lift heavy and lower the bf%.
  • FloyMcCaudie
    Abs are like 70% diet 30% gym and time it takes depends on you, quick tip for it- Start with obliques (side abs) Took me like one month:p
  • benjamin1226
    As long as you are in a 500 caloric defect, you will see abs in no time. I usually trim down to my abs with 12-16 weeks of dieting. You should be able to, too.