Weight Loss and Dry Skin

Maybe it's just me, but my skin is super, super dry. I lost 19 pounds pretty quickly and my skin got wrinkly and dry quick. I have tried everything and very little has helped for long. Has anyone had this problem? What did you do to fix this issue.


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    quick weigh loss? i'm surprised you didnt experience hair loss as well..

    think of it this way. your body thinks it's starving, so why exactly would it want to waste calories trying to keep you LOOKING healthy (healthy skin and hair) if it isnt even getting enough calories to make sure your internal organs are getting enough to properly function?
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    Be sure you're getting enough fat in your diet. You need it for skin, hair, and elimination health. And be sure you are drinking enough water. Being hydrated is important, too.
  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    Just in my hands. I've been using hand cream. Are you drinking enough water? I found this article. Don't know if it will help you at all. http://www.livestrong.com/article/371555-weight-loss-dry-skin/
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    I have this problem during rapid weight loss because I am often under-hydrated. Drink more water. :)
  • NocturnalGirl
    A lack of nutrition in your diet can cause things like dry skin. Are you eating enough calories? Getting enough nutrients? I suggest taking multivitamins alongside your diet.
  • topshopperwantabe
    topshopperwantabe Posts: 112 Member
    i am drinking lots of water and my skin has never looked better. People said I glow.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    well, I've always had eczema, the first yr (last yr) when i started losing weight, the increase in water made my eczema symptoms non-existent. idk if water is your issue, but try that. citrus fruits can be a culprit as well. ketchup too, basically most sauces, lol
  • summerwytch57
    Mine does the same thing.
    I've lost over 60 lbs., and have noticed that the skin on the side of my legs looks like Elephant skin. Not sure what to do about it either.
    Maybe someone will have the answer.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Mine does the same thing.
    I've lost over 60 lbs., and have noticed that the skin on the side of my legs looks like Elephant skin. Not sure what to do about it either.
    Maybe someone will have the answer.

    i gave the answer in the first reply, but i guess people don;t like it since it's not a a pill or a lotion :laugh:

    stuff like skin and hair quality comes from the INSIDE not the outside. start eating enough calories to at least support your BMR. that will be a huge step. next step is making sure it's a balanced diet with protein essential fats and carbs
  • raven0314
    Just in my hands. I've been using hand cream. Are you drinking enough water? I found this article. Don't know if it will help you at all. http://www.livestrong.com/article/371555-weight-loss-dry-skin/

    I read the same article. I have been drinking water like a fish. I'll push more water. It's hard to get good fat around here. I'm stationed in Afghanistan, so I have to eat was it available. I'll try to order some olive oil or coconut oil and supplement that way. I also take daily doses of fish oil. I thought that would help.
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member

    i gave the answer in the first reply, but i guess people don;t like it since it's not a a pill or a lotion :laugh:

    stuff like skin and hair quality comes from the INSIDE not the outside. start eating enough calories to at least support your BMR. that will be a huge step. next step is making sure it's a balanced diet with protein essential fats and carbs

    But that's not a magic pill

  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    I'd vouch for fish oil .. It did wonders for my nails, skin, and hair, multivitamins always make me gag after never understood it maybe its to strong? Lol who knows.. Lube up on baby lotion.. I'm not kidding my boyfriend always asks me how my skin is so soft I always lube my body twice a day in Johnson's baby lotion ❤????
  • raven0314
    Mine does the same thing.
    I've lost over 60 lbs., and have noticed that the skin on the side of my legs looks like Elephant skin. Not sure what to do about it either.
    Maybe someone will have the answer.

    i gave the answer in the first reply, but i guess people don;t like it since it's not a a pill or a lotion :laugh:

    stuff like skin and hair quality comes from the INSIDE not the outside. start eating enough calories to at least support your BMR. that will be a huge step. next step is making sure it's a balanced diet with protein essential fats and carbs

    Really, there's no reason to be nasty to anyone on this link. We are here to help each other.
  • raven0314
    I'd vouch for fish oil .. It did wonders for my nails, skin, and hair, multivitamins always make me gag after never understood it maybe its to strong? Lol who knows.. Lube up on baby lotion.. I'm not kidding my boyfriend always asks me how my skin is so soft I always lube my body twice a day in Johnson's baby lotion ❤????

    I double tap on lotion and baby oil twice daily. However, will definately drink more water, and try to consume for fats.

    Thank you everyone for your positive comments. I appreciate it. I'll definately try them out.
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    Is the baby oil working? Or whatever oil? Lol oil usually makes my skin even more dry -_- . My mom uses curel lotion she swears by it! Good luck ❤
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    It's so dry in Afghanistan, I'm not surprised you're having trouble. It's a problem even if you aren't watching your weight. I was sending Eucerin to my friend when he was there to try to help him out with dry skin. Good luck to you!
  • raven0314
    Hi all,

    My skin is looking tons better. I'm at a plateau so my skin is adjusting to the drastic weight loss. Also I have increased my water a good deal. It's amazing how 8 glasses isn't enough. Last I am using different lotion. I still use baby oil first then put something else on top of that. It all seems to be helping alot.

    Thanks for the advice.
  • BarbaraC47
    BarbaraC47 Posts: 175 Member
    1st : Moisturise with a water based product - I love OPI juicies for the whole body as they're quick to absorb and smell divine

    2nd : Make sure you are drinking enough water - I keep a 2 litre bottle in the fridge and drink it all every day

    3rd : Increase your intake of oil - fish oils are excellent

    4th : NEVER EVER ignore your body, it will tell you what it needs, the trick is recognising it! :flowerforyou:
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    My skin whacked out for some odd reason( think really dry, cracking and breaking out everywhere) and what I found helped, is Origins Dr.Weil Mega Mushroom Line. Stuff is pricy but it works for dry, cracked and red skin.

    When I was losing weight though, I drank a lot of water and my skin was still dry.. It's just how my skin is.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Maybe it's just me, but my skin is super, super dry. I lost 19 pounds pretty quickly and my skin got wrinkly and dry quick. I have tried everything and very little has helped for long. Has anyone had this problem? What did you do to fix this issue.

    For some reason, when I'd started off on my weightloss journey, my finger tips got really dry and despite dry brushing every 2nd day (my normal routine) plus my intensive skin maintenance treatment and my propensity to drink loads of liquids, 2 fingers one on each hand, got really dry - just odd. What was strange is that the wrinkling you're describing, only happened on the side of my right calf within my 287 - 285 lb mark. All my weightloss thereafter - my skin has not coughed up any oddities - thank God. It's a big deal for me for I also go for my light therapy and RM treatments.

    What fixed the wrinkling on my calf, was the training - I started off with just an eating plan, introducing meat, which I thought could've possibly affected something and my body was possibly adjusting. I use a combination of Aquaphor Original Ointment and don't think this is weird - my leave-in hair conditioners. Strangely enough the leave-in hair conditioner worked more effectively than the Aquaphor. I was using the Aquaphor for 4 days with mild improvements. Then there was this one day, where I kind of had too much conditioner on my hand and after using it through my hair, I simply moisturised my hands with it - it wasn't until after my workout, when I'd noticed that it had fixed the issue - dry skin on one finger on each hand - and that was huge - for I expose my skin to fairly harsh early morning temperatures - And I'd refused to wear my running gloves. I enjoy having my skin breathe.

    Edit: Pleased to read your skin is normalising. * In place of fish oil I much prefer krill oil, which is still a fish oil, only better for me. Fish oil almost took me out and prevented me from my workout - It caused me severe pain, for one entire day. Once I'd flushed it out of my system - I was good.