6' and over, whats your goal weight



  • FreeToGoodHome
    235 now and trying to get to 199 just to at least be under 200 for the first time in forever it seems like. I'll play it by ear after that.

  • j_a_witz
  • ReNewYou
    6' 4" i want to get to 220lbs. I started at 320lbs. This is a little higher then my BMI says i should be. But my wife said she doesn't want me to look like a stick. She likes a guy who has some meat.
  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    6'3" - 192 pds - my goal weight I set one year ago - 50 pds lost in 350 days.

    Time to maintain - a lifetime . . .
  • JFenlon
    JFenlon Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 6'2" and currently aiming to get down to 195 lbs.

    I've got a large frame though, if I got anywhere near 140 lbs I'd probably look like I was at deaths door.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    My bf is 6' and if he is under 180lbs - I make him eat he looks sickly! LOL

    From a womans perspective, 140lbs is WAY TOO THIN!

    If you have a small frame, don't go under 165lbs and that is ripped as hell with very little body fat.
  • Terree83
    Just over 6' here.. currently at 186 and trying to get down to 165. I agree with a lot of people on here.. 140 is awfully low for someone over 6', unless you're trying to get to supermodel weight! ;)

    It does depend on how your built, but I got down to 135 once and everyone told me I looked sick!
  • rjrobert
    rjrobert Posts: 45 Member
    I guess I take award for tallest to post so far. I'm 6'7" My goal weight is 225. The little calculators so I should be about 200 but I can't imagine being that thin. Want some muscle on the frame. Currently about 290. Once I get to 250 going to start lifting. Focused on running right now.
  • playitagainsam
    playitagainsam Posts: 84 Member
    I'm 32-years-old and 6'1". Right now I'm at 204 lbs (lost 117 lbs since March 30, 2012) and my goal weight is 189 (only 15 more lbs to go!). People tell me that I look too thin now, but I don't care what they think...it's more about what I want and where I want to be that makes me the most comfortable. Once I reach 189, then I want to work on gaining more muscle, so not sure what weight I will get to at that point.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    6' 1"
    current wt.: 192 lbs.

    I'm happy with my weight. I would like to change my body composition - reduce my BF and add some muscle. Going up to 200 lbs. would be OK if the additional weight was lean mass. Putting on muscle will be more difficult and take much longer than losing the weight. It's a challenge.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    6'3 large frame. I am currently 305 and shooting for 200-220 range.
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    6'3", currently hovering between 340 and 350 (wanna see the scale jump 5 lbs in a day? watch me eat on a protein day).

    My goal is not a weight, but rather a bodyfat % - I want to see 15%. Right now, that's about 20-30 lbs away, so I'm shooting for 320, then remeasuring bodyfat.
  • Hitem20
    Hitem20 Posts: 121
    6'6" Large Frame - Shooting for 230-240 but my guess is I will be around 250 at this time next year.
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    6'1" Female, looking to get under 200lbs first off, then evaluate but probably no lower than 180 ('healthy' BMI <189)
  • Strong_as_Oak
    Strong_as_Oak Posts: 584 Member
    I'm 6ft 6ins tall, currently at 264lbs (120kg) plan to drop down to 220lbs (100kg) there or there abouts.
  • thesatch88
    thesatch88 Posts: 27 Member
    6'6", currently 260, aiming for 285 for now.

    What is with all these tall guys wanting to be 200, 210? You guys are going to be tiny, do you want to be small or fit?
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    I'm 6' with an extra 1/2" for those that notice :-) last summer was 297 lbs but when I played rugby at Uni I was 217lbs so I guess my target is to get back to my fit days. Started this on 15th October at 292lbs and today at 268lbs. It depends on your build I guess but I can't imagine ever getting under 200lbs I'd look like a skeleton.

    You might be surprised. I'm 6'-2" and I started out at 289 lbs and I'm now at 218 lbs and I still have a gut. I thought the same thing as you when I started. I thought I would be way too thin if I got under about 220 or 225 but now that I'm here I know I still have work to do.
  • ctbloom
    I'm 6'1 and 205. I'm aiming for about 230 in the next year or so. I'm not sure what my over all goal is but I wanna be large and lean.
  • Hitem20
    Hitem20 Posts: 121
    I'm 6' with an extra 1/2" for those that notice :-) last summer was 297 lbs but when I played rugby at Uni I was 217lbs so I guess my target is to get back to my fit days. Started this on 15th October at 292lbs and today at 268lbs. It depends on your build I guess but I can't imagine ever getting under 200lbs I'd look like a skeleton.

    You might be surprised. I'm 6'-2" and I started out at 289 lbs and I'm now at 218 lbs and I still have a gut. I thought the same thing as you when I started. I thought I would be way too thin if I got under about 220 or 225 but now that I'm here I know I still have work to do.

    This is bad news and something I did not want to hear.
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    I'm 6' with an extra 1/2" for those that notice :-) last summer was 297 lbs but when I played rugby at Uni I was 217lbs so I guess my target is to get back to my fit days. Started this on 15th October at 292lbs and today at 268lbs. It depends on your build I guess but I can't imagine ever getting under 200lbs I'd look like a skeleton.

    You might be surprised. I'm 6'-2" and I started out at 289 lbs and I'm now at 218 lbs and I still have a gut. I thought the same thing as you when I started. I thought I would be way too thin if I got under about 220 or 225 but now that I'm here I know I still have work to do.

    This is bad news and something I did not want to hear.

    Don't get me wrong... When I started out I was in a size 42 jeans. I just bought a pair of 36 waist last night and they're a little bit big. Could have probably gone 34 but didn't want them too tight.
    I'm very happy with my progress and I look 100% better in my opinion.