Eggs/Egg whites: how to make them taste... less?

krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
I've looked around a bit and didn't really find much on this particular topic.

See, the taste of eggs generally makes me gag. I can't do omelettes, and it's all I can muster to cook ,em up with a little sal tand put them in a sandwich with mayo, bacon and eggs. I still get a bit of ugh through every bites, but I can finish my plate.

Alternatively, I find cooking them in maple syrup makes it all the more bearable. But that's a load of sugar and I'm trying to cut down as much as possible. I have a goal to reach for Christmas and eggs/egg whites are a cheap and versatile way to get more protein in. I just never cooked with them and need a way to integrate them without tasting them.

I used to dump some in shakes, but then I read somewhere that non-cooked eggs nutrients didn't absorb so well. If I remembered where I saw this I'd link it up. Bottom line is, if they,re cooked, then a shake is a no go.

I do have an egg+banana microwave protein cake recipe, which I can play around with, but that's only a single egg. And even if I can vary taste and stuff, it's still going to become a drag to eat consistently.

Does anyone have yummy, non-egg tasting egg recipes out here? :)


  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member

    ^^^ = Eggs + bananas + whatever else you like in pancakes

    Also, cook them up and put them in tuna/turkey/chicken salad. This way, you could even use a little less mayo.

    Other than that, I got nothing, as I like eggs and eat them as-is.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Whole eggs are better for you. The fat and nutrients in the yoke are good for you.
    Plus they taste better.
    The only time one should toss the yoke is in cooking if a recipe calls for whites only.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I don't toss out the yolk, I usually do whole eggs, but I'm trying to get more protein in so I'll toss a few more egg whites on top of real eggs. I'm not afraid of fats or anything, I just don't want to have to load up extra carbs on top to be able to stomach the mix haha.

    And the banana + egg thing I like, it just gets old quick :(
  • I throw a couple of egg whites/eggs in my morning oatmeal before I microwave it. Gives it a great custard like texture!
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Not to state the obvious but, if you hate eggs so much, why eat them? There are plenty of other easy things to cook that have protein. I know that eggs are a great source of nutrition, but I just don't see the point if you have to gag them down?

    You would do better with a turkey/avocado roll up, poached/grilled chicken, quinoa (much easier to cook than one would think), nut butter, protein shake, etc. etc. etc.

    Egg (especially egg whites) taste like what you cook them in. Is it the consistency that's bothering you? If you really feel you need to eat eggs, try frying them up lightly and finishing them off in tomato sauce. You can also chop up a fried egg into smaller pieces and toss it with sauteed rice and vegetables.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    Pico De Galo! or Just some kind of salsa. It zests them up. Otherwise, make an omelette.

    2 Egg Whites
    1 Whole Egg

  • skittles1928
    skittles1928 Posts: 57 Member
    Stop eating eggs if you hate them. Seriously. Don't force yourself. There are other ways to get nutrients that aren't from going "ugh" every bite of your sandwich. I'd suggest posting a topic about "a cheap, healthy alternative to eggs" or something.
  • musiclady420
    musiclady420 Posts: 6 Member
    My favorite is 1 egg & 1 egg white scrabled, with chili on top,in a totilla shell. If you are doing good with you caloric intake I also add sourcream.
    Another recipe to try is macaroons without added sugar. You then get the benefits of the coconut and the egg.

    A good recipe book i like is "Just 100 Calories." The book has a shiny blue cover. The IBSN:978-1-4054-8779-5 and UPC:9781405487795.

    I will share my 2 favorite recipes with you out of it which you can substitute eggs white for a whole egg.

    Smoked Salmon Scramble(92 calories)

    1 Tomato(About 4oz)
    2oz Smoked Salmon
    1 egg
    1 egg white
    1 tbsp water
    1 tbsp fresh chives(optional)
    1 tsp pepper or Mrs. Dash(optional)

    Preheat Broiler and line rack with foil.
    Cut top of tomato, scoop out flesh and seeds. Chop flesh and strain.
    Cut Salmon into small pieces.
    In a bowl, beat egg, egg whites, water, and pepper(optional for taste).
    Heat a non-stick pan and when hot, add the egg mixture. Cook for 1 minute.
    Then add in tomato flesh and salmon.
    Cook until eggs are at your personal preference.
    Meanwhile, place the gutted tomato in broiler for 2 minutes.
    When eggs and tomato are done fill in the tomato shell with the mixture and sprinkle chives on top.

    This next recipe gives you a lot of protein without eggs.

    Asparagus with Tomato & Bacon(74 calories)(Makes 4 servings)


    12oz/350g fresh asparagus spears
    4-4oz/115g lean Canadian bacon or 4 thin slices or prosciutto or 4 slices turkey bacon
    4 medium tomatoes

    Trim woody part of asparagus and discard. Peel any extra woody parts off.
    Bring a large skillet half-filled with water to a boil(or use a steamer). Add asparagus to the boiling water and cook for 5-6 minutes. Drain and keep warm.
    Meanwhile, pre-heat the boiler and line rack with foil.
    Put bacon slices on boiler rack.
    Cut tomatoes in half and place on broiler rack also.
    Broil 5-6 minutes or until bacon is crispy. Be sure turn bacon over half way through. If using prosciutto no need to cook.
    Divie bacon, tomato, and aparagus between four plates.

    I hope this was helpful to you. Just a side note that microwaves kill off a lot of nutrients so if you microwave a lot of food you might end up feeling hungry before lunch.

    Good Luck
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I'm a very picky eater. There is A LOT of stuff that I just hate eating (eggs being part of it, but I actually manage with maple syrup). Some of which I actually can't even stomach (tofu, avocado, not a big fan of anything that's got a seedy texture, beans I'll have in chili but that's it). So I figured I'd ask around if there was any other way to mask the taste.

    I'm getting quite bored of the protein powder shakes. And I need something to gnaw on; my brain doesn't register I've eaten until I chew some. (So I'm "starving" when I get to a shake follow-up meal.). Chewing gum is also out of the question. It gives me a head+jaw ache...

    I know how to find alternatives, I just want to see if there's another way to eat them I haven't heard of yet.

    Oatmeal is one I hadn't tried, so that's on my list now :)
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    When I get sick of eggs I mix in left over taco meat, more protein and more flavor.
  • I find that if the egg is not fresh enough, it tastes vile. I won't eat an egg that is older than 3 days old (unless it has been used in baking or something where the egg is indiscernible). I have been spoiled though because we have our own chickens and they free range quite extensively - so good flavour and always fresh.
  • Egg Drop Soup Maybe?


    Makes 4-6 servings

    6 cups low-sodium chicken (or vegetable) stock

    1/2 cup thinly sliced scallions

    1/4 cup fresh baby spinach or baby arugula

    4 ****ake mushrooms, stems removed, wiped clean, and thinly sliced

    1 tsp low-sodium soy sauce

    1/8 tsp finely ground white pepper

    2 large eggs, lightly beaten


    In a medium saucepan, bring the stock to a simmer. Add 6 tbsp of scallions, the spinach (or arugula), mushrooms, soy sauce and white pepper. Return to a low simmer and cook for 3 minutes.

    Stirring with a fork, gradually add the eggs in a slow steady stream. Cook until the eggs are set, stirring to create shreds or ribbons of the eggs, for 1 minute.

    Remove saucepan from the heat. Ladle soup into bowls, garnish with remaining scallions. Season with salt to taste and serve immediately.

    Nutrition Facts

    1 serving: 80 calories

    1g fat (15.7% calories from fat)

    14g protein

    3g carbohydrates

    58mg cholesterol

    575mg sodium
  • You can also make french toast either sweet or savory. or use it to make a sandwich:

    beat 1 or 2 eggs in a bowl, add salt & pepper to you're preference.

    heat medium non stick frying or sauce pan, spray with PAM or other cooking spray.

    Take Healthy life 35 Calorie Sandwich bread, dip in egg mixture turning it to soak up the eggs.

    Transfer to preheated pan and allow it to cook until it reaches the texture you desire (Longer each side = toasty)

    Once the toast is cooked you can use it to make a sandwich with anything you want. You can barely taste the eggs that way.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Sorry I missed the part in your OP that you had them in shakes.

    Edited: I found an article about it. 91% protein absorbed with cooked compared to 50% when raw.
  • emmuci
    emmuci Posts: 160 Member
    when doing an omlett try frying them more and putting in some other stuff as a bit of cheese, or bacon or vegetables...they usually cut out a bit of it's taste :smile:
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Put the eggs in your shake as usual, then fry the mixture in a pan. Protein pancakes are awesome.
  • I like making an omelet with peppers, a little bit of cheese and siracha. Eggs on their own aren't really my favorite but I enjoy eating them this way.
  • Kasya007
    Kasya007 Posts: 165 Member
    *kitten*! It's no wonder you don't like eggs, you're eating Naturegg Simply Egg Whites. That pasteurized product tastes terrible, I should know, I use a carton of it weekly, (being a fellow Canuck). Ha ha! :smile:

    The good news is that you don't have to have eggs for a budget-friendly protein source. Although, you can teach yourself to like them, so keep trying different ways of getting them down the hatch. Google will come in handy here, (but it's all trial & error), some experiments/recipes will work & others will fail miserably. However, I'm sure that you'll find something that works for you.

    I know that you mentioned being picky & not liking beans outside of chili, but have you ever thought about different ways to prepare lentils, beans & nuts? They are SO versatile and rich in protein. I'm thinking that a thick, blended soup or a dip would completely obliterate the seedy texture. Hummus anyone? Om nom nom. :laugh:

    Some ideas for recipes:

    Ps. Tinned tuna is a ridiculously high source of protein as well as being affordable. And OMG, you're from QC, go buy yourself some Liberté Greek Yogurt straight from the source. Mmm...Liberté Bio Organic Plain Greek Yogurt, my daily delight & 15-18g of protein per 175g serving. :tongue:
  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member
    I think boiled eggs are the least eggy.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    If someone said this already, sorry

    I LOVE eggs with salsa.

    You can just scramble them up and just before done throw a few teaspoons of you fav brand is salsa. I like some sharp cheddar on top and or sour scream. ( lol kept the typo cuz it's funny :laugh:)

    I love some of the suggestions. Never thought of egg drop soup!