its not noticeable :(



  • trishaeich
    trishaeich Posts: 40 Member
    A few years ago I lost 30 pounds. My coworkers had no idea and they saw me everyday. My boss was oblivious. Some people carry weight alot better than others and it's not easy to see when they lose. People started to notice when I went and bought clothes that fit me - maybe you are due for a shopping trip and a new hairdo. Chin up - be proud of your accomplishment!
  • tigerlily8045
    tigerlily8045 Posts: 415 Member
    I know with one of my coworkers, it was like a little sign came on or something. She wasn't big to start with but she had lost about 20lbs or something and it just clicked that her waist was tiny. But seeing her every day I hadn't noticed the slow changes. It may be that people don't exactly know what is different but they will. Keep at it my friend!
  • emmeylou
    emmeylou Posts: 175 Member
    I was the exact same way when I was at that point in my journey! It was so discouraging. For some reasons the numbers were going down and down, but nothing else!! I didn't even switch sizes, my clothes just fit a little bit better. My magic number was 60. When I lost 60 lbs all of the sudden it was like my body was racing to catch up and I ended up losing inches and a few sizes. After that point my weight loss "pattern" started to change... instead of losing consistently each week I would lose or a couple, and then "stall" for a month, but during that month my size would change.

    Keep your head up. Try to remember all of the non-visual reasons you are losing weight during this time (health, longer life span, more energy, etc)!!
  • JonClaw
    JonClaw Posts: 13 Member
    How quickly did you lose the weight? The body lags behind weight changes. I got down 20 lbs at one point and it took a month or two before I really noticed a change. The changes are very subtle at first. Don't let it discourage you.
  • BritneysStuntDouble
    Perhaps you should see a doctor, and get some blood work done.
  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 328 Member
    When i lost 40lbs I didn't notice a change either I even looked at pictures and there was no change, no one noticed a difference lol
  • pinky_pie
    I've only lost 10lbs, and naturally being still over 300lbs it's not noticeable at all. However, I've lost inches...and my stamina has increased so much. These are the things that I've measured in terms of achievement so far. Your body is thanking you right now for that 40lb weight loss even if you can't see it on the outside.

    BTW, congratulations!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    First, just keep it up.

    Second, buy new clothes. The last two days I wore clothes that used to be the clothes that made me look thin. I looked fine. I wore smaller sized clothes today (thank you Goodwill) and it looked like a dropped 20 pounds since yesterday.

    I couldn't believe the difference.

    Hang in there.
  • Yourkindagirl
    Yourkindagirl Posts: 100 Member
    Don't get discouraged. I am sure you are being hard on yourself. Unless you weighed 400 pounds to begin with, then you have lost more than 10% of your weight. That is awesome. I read your profile. You say you have been overweight all of your life. It took years to get where you are. It will take a few to get to your goal. Your goal to lose 150 pounds is great. You have almost lost a third of that. I'll say it again, don't get discouraged. You are doing great. I'll be if you took measurements, you have lost significant inches.

    You can do it. Be determined not to go back. We all have a fine girl inside of us begging to get out.

    Keep up the good work, and stop being so hard on yourself.
  • ndblades
    ndblades Posts: 233 Member
    In the past my experience has always been at around 50lbs people start asking me if I've done something different to my hair!

    I love this. Don't worry - if your pants are loosening up, your body is changing... it is frustrating, especially if you are tall or have a lot to loose.

    My coworker started on this journey at 5'3 with wanting to loose 35 or so pounds. I am 5;10" and want to loose 64.... we both have lost roughly the same amount, 20 pounds, and guess who gets the comments????? Not the tall girl! I haven't lost a size even (tight to loose though). I do feel better though, and no that I am in it for the health benefits, nothing else should get in the way!

    Keep going, they'll notice,and then you can say, yeah, I changed my hair!
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    I would bet money that it is noticable. The people around you see you daily, they may not notice and if they do, they may not want to say anything. Also, have you bought new clothes. If you are still wearing the clothes you wore 40lbs ago - no one will notice. Your eyes have not adjusted it sounds like - you may not see a change but 40lbs is considerable amount of weight and it sounds like you lost it in all the right places (from all over - not just one main body area).

    I highly highly suggest taking photos. You will hear over and over on this site (I've been one of them) that will say they don't see a difference until they see a before and current/after picture.

    DOn't get discouraged - you've done phenomenal work.... Keep it up!! *high five*
  • Oppy4722
    To date I've lost 119lbs, and at least one of my coworkers comments on it every day... now (which i actually find super embarrassing and awkward lol). But none of them "noticed" until I hit close to 80lbs and had almost completely replaced my wardrobe. At which point, all of their comments came with the sidebar "I thought you had lost weight, but I didn't want to say anything before now!"

    I don't think its that it isn't noticeable- more that they feel unsure about mentioning it. Since weight is a delicate topic to broach, people want to be 100% sure they aren't going to make a fool of themselves.

    Lets be serious though, we aren't losing weight for our coworkers (well- maybe that cute guy in the next office...), we're doing it for ourselves! 40pounds is a huge milestone! You should be super proud of yourself :)
  • IndigoFlowers
    IndigoFlowers Posts: 221 Member
    No one around me noticed until I had lost more than 50 pounds, all that matters is that you feel good about yourself. Be proud of what you have done. Keep on going!
    It took people awhile before they noticed or said anything about my weight loss too but when I started buying clothes that fit me better they really started commenting, don't worry it will come. You are doing awesome keep it up and believe me they will start commenting. Best wishes!
  • snykim2005
    snykim2005 Posts: 26 Member
    Maybe I should try getting a new outfit or something ! I have no idea what size I would buy now. Thank you all for your wonderful advice , I must be having an off day or something because reading all the great comments has me teary eyed . And to the people who I see have lost 100 lbs, that is just amazing to me and the biggest inspiration . I will not give up , I can't wait until I see a differance . Losing weight is hard work and we can't be so hard on ourselves . Thanks again !
  • PrivateVenue
    PrivateVenue Posts: 41 Member
    I had the same thing! I lost about 60 lbs before people really noticed. Just keep it up. You'll start getting comments sooner than you think!
  • fun_b
    fun_b Posts: 199 Member
    40 pounds is amazing. I have not lost as much as you but I feel the same sometimes. But now I start to see small differences where I am not expecting it eg wrists/knees etc. It always seems to be the places you don't need to lose weight lol.
  • derekj222
    derekj222 Posts: 370 Member
    I didn't notice my change at all until -41lbs and still feel huge at -53....but about a month and a half ago I saw a recent pic of myself that someone took and put it next to an old pic and thats when I noticed. People you see everyday will never notice. I have been at work for 8 months and lost about 30 lbs since being here, no one has said anything.
  • pawheeler1
    pawheeler1 Posts: 80 Member
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,853 Member
    Do you have photos? I never noticed my weightloss (and still have a hard time noticing) but a pic speaks 1000 words.

    ^^^YES, exactly this!!! 40lbs is alot and Im sure Photos will notice if you or anyone hasnt.