Hello, I'm new here.

colfax Posts: 3 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
i am a over 40 women on the Belly Fat Cure. I live in London, Ontario. So far I have lost 7 pounds and I have about 15 more pounds to go.


  • Good for you! I love MFP because it really helps me stay accountable for everything I eat. Keep up the good work! Welcome!
  • belzs
    belzs Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone. I want to lose a few pounds after having my 4th baby.
  • my wedding dress arrives in 4 weeks! 10kg to lose befor the wedding in 8 months.
    This is my second day, and im finding it really useful and motivating!
    Who knew there were so many calories in the biscuit tin!!
  • sahras81
    sahras81 Posts: 4
    Im really happy with the work I've done so far. Lost 8 lbs but still have about 10-15 more to go! Love that I try and stay accountable, and that I can see other people are going thru what I am :ohwell: . It gets hard sometimes, especially when im having a hard time. I'll just try to keep pluggin along, that all i can do
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Hello everyone, new to the sight, my cousin told me about it yesterday, and I told her to send it to me immediately....I love that it finds the calroies for you and input them. I love it....I love food, so I am trying to keep better track of what I eat. I also work out 5-6 times a day, but just maintain, because of how much I love food, so hopefully by keeping track of everything I eat, will better help me loose the weight more effectively.....Good luck to everyone....Good luck to the young lady, who is getting married....Got married 7 years ago, and went on a major diet, so has not to look fat on my wedding day....looked great, but gained it all back, because didnt diet the right way....now trying to make it a whole lifestyle change....
  • Tamie_Girl
    Tamie_Girl Posts: 218 Member
    Welcome to MFP.

    What has really helped me is getting some friends on here -- they really offer encouragement and motivation.

    If you want to friend me that's fine too.

    Unsure how one could do this alone online -- I LOVE THE SUPPORT.

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